I'm literally in fear of posting anymore criticism

No other way seems to be working. I’m not saying this way is good, but when many of us provide constructive criticism and feedback, we get ignored anyway. It shouldn’t be hard to see that this environment on the forums is one the devs have fostered through their negligence, silence, and apparent incompetence.


FTFY. This has been the case with Blizzard games for years now.

You have head case devs who have their head too far up their own ego to realize that 90% of the community is frustrated/angry/leaving and nothing gets done for years until the game is run into the ground (SC2, WoW). It’s society in general, too. You can’t say anything to anyone anymore because they fly off the handle and say you “hurt their feelings” and they refuse to consider for 1 second that “hey, maybe I am the problem”.

Yesterday, I called out our Malfurion for inting. He admitted he screwed up and it was fine. However, because I said “Mal”, our Mal Ganis thought I was talking about him (when he didn’t even die), got his feelings hurt and decided to feed under towers. It took 3 of us explaining that he wasn’t the problem for him to stop, but the damage was already done.

It’s sickening.

WRT HotS, the game is going downhill. The matchmaker is terrible, every hero release is absurdly broken and OP, toxicity is at an all-time high. It’s just bad.


I have to call BS on this. Have you seen the first 25 items on the front page of this forum. At least 50% of them are complaining about something.

Now if you have some “BABY RAGE---- BLAZZZARDD fix UR FREAKING MATCHMAKING LOOSERS” post then yeah you’re probably getting that deleted because its generally not helpful.

This crap about the strangle hold they have on reddit is crap too. There isn’t nearly the carping and moaning as on this forum but its still there.

Tone is always a driving force.


We can at least try. That’s the best we can do.

I suspect the case of the moderators may be more to do with the rule about discussion of disciplinary action, but that could always be used as an excuse. On the other hand, they may be trying to clear up threads they feel are irrelevant to gameplay.

I don’t know if we can blame the devs for the actions of the moderators. They most likely have a different team working on the forums. I don’t think the gameplay devs can be blamed for anything that happens to the forums.

You can blame the gameplay devs for imbalance, and for the state of the matchmaker. But I don’t know if it’s fair to accuse them of what happens on the forums, which they probably don’t have much involvement with.

Unless, of course, you are talking about their not reading the forums, or ignoring community suggestions. But of course, we don’t really know if they are ignoring those suggestions, or if it’s just taking them a long time to fix stuff. Raynor’s rework was a long time in development, and for most of that time people acted as if they were doing nothing.

The devs may well be hard at work on the matchmaker issues as we write. After all, they have to get paid for something.

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No, they do not. Just because people lie and misrepresent what happens does not mean they are not violating the Code of Conduct. Reasonable criticism is allowed. If you have constructive suggestions, they want to hear it. If all you are doing is ranting and complaining, that is not constructive criticism, and it’s highly likely you’re breaking the CoC.

Just because you have an axe to grind with Blizzard (or any company) and want to claim that they are “abusing” or “mistreating” people, does not mean that is, in fact, the case. And someone who knows you’re full of it would be stupid to agree with you just because you’re “a customer.”

Standing up for the truth isn’t an “apologist” for anything. Do you have any actual facts, or just things you made up, sprinkled with baseless insults?

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This is what I was talking about.

We’re seeing people banned or suspended for no apparent reason. When asked for evidence the game mods (not just the forum mods) will consistently brush you off with a non-answer and close your case.

Before Raynor’s rework, we heard more than 2 months before his rework that the devs were looking at Raynor. We have heard nothing about the matchmaker, or Illidan, or Chen, or Tassadar, or the report system, etc.

Many widely requested features are being ignored. Custom key-bindings and controls, a permanent ARAM mode, clans/guilds/factions, etc.

Almost all the major balance changes they’ve made recently have acted like metaphorical steroids for the toxicity we’ve been seeing. OP hero releases, botched and messy reworks, a godawful rework for GoT, Sylvanas’ interaction with Hanamura’s sentinels, etc.

The devs don’t have to be perfect, but when they’re doing this bad a job at managing their own game, a lot more people are going to go to the forums to complain.

Seeing as you clearly more interested in grandstanding, pandering to Blizzard, acting like a blithering hypocrite, and denying the existence of the blatantly obvious issues at hand than you are with discussing the causes of and potential solutions to said problems, I will take the advice I gave to others in another thread: “Do not feed the troll.”

Have a nice day.

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Ha, so I argued against the lies you are spewing in a way that you couldn’t come up with a manufactured argument against, and your solution is “CALL HIM NAMES QUICK!”. That’s called you admitting you are wrong, I believe.

See, when you make something up (I.e., Blizzard deletes and suspends critical comments!) that doesn’t mean it’s actually an “obvious issue.” We don’t have to pander to you when you’re lying through your teeth in such, dare I say it, a blatantly obvious way.

Your post here is exactly why you don’t get it. You have yet to display a reasonable ability to put together a constructively critical post. You just throw in as much insult and slander as possible. If you think that you aren’t going to get your posts deleted when you do that in the long run, you are mistaken. There’s nothing constructive about that.

You clearly have no idea how things work.

Firstly, just because you don’t like something, doesn’t mean there is an actual issue that needs fixing. Not implementing whatever you suggest is not ignoring feedback. It can simply be deciding that is not something that is needed. You (and the forums in general) are not more knowledgable than the actual designers, despite what you might think. Feedback is valuable, but it’s not a blueprint.

Similarly, them not adding a feature you want, doesn’t mean they are ignoring it. That’s quite a list of things you said are being ignored there, but time is limited. Some of those are large undertakings, and would compete for that time with higher priority items (things that have also been requested). The lack of clans, for example, is not them ignoring that desire. They have heard that desire, and they share it. That doesn’t mean they can just jam it into the game.

Finally, they aren’t going to keep us constantly up-to-date on what they are working on. They don’t need to. You may think that they have to, but that thought would be wrong. There are many things they’ve released that we did not hear one word about before they happened. A lack of information does not mean they aren’t doing anything. The Tyrande rework, for example, was largely out of nowhere. This also happens to be the time of year they are going to be more tight-lipped. Any upcoming reworks at this point are going to be a part of their Blizzcon presentation in some form.

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i would like to say that it’s unlikely you’re posts weren= actually censored and you were saying things that would require an actual ban, but after this event Where did the thread about forum moderators crossing the line go? - #13 by Roflknife-2617
i’m just not sure any longer, the policies from the previous forum is definitely different, if you could post or say specifically what it was that you said that lead to the ban maybe we could see if what was a just ban or actual censorship like my thread (and the one before it)


Lets be honest… you were toxic. Its pretty hard to get banned by blizz. If you were banned, you were being an ___. fill in the blank how you like :stuck_out_tongue:

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The same happened to me, what I did was to defend the rights of people to express respectful criticism. I used no vulgar or off color language of any kind and I personally made no criticism of the game or admin. I only defended the rights of others to do so in a respectful manner, because these posters were being bullied by another forum poster and being told they were only to say positive things.

Feel free to look at my post history you can decide for yourself if I’m one of those toxic people who deserve this treatment.


wasn’t always like that! I played WoW for almost 8 years and I found blizzard to have great customer support. That for sure has GONE away. I have no idea who these moderators are, but they have egos like they split the atom or cured cancer. I want the OLD blizzard back.


But we aren’t the customers, the shareholders are the customers.

A thread talking about moderation is highly likely to get deleted, and always has been.

It is no different.

The fact is that your posts were moderated. They don’t do that without reason, despite what some would have you believe. They don’t just moderate due to constructive criticism. Whatever your other posting history is… well, it’s entirely irrelevant. You made some posts that broke the CoC. Doesn’t matter what the subject was, just that within you broke the CoC.

You weren’t censored. You weren’t singled out because you were talking about criticizing them. You broke the rules. The fact that you’re still here means it was (so far) an isolated incident, so that’s good.

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I was NOT talking about criticizing them. I did not say any word of criticism. I simply stood up for others who were being bullied, and said they should be allowed to be critical if they followed the rules in a respectful manner.

Also it wasn’t posts, it was a single post.


is it possible that a moderator or his/her ban is wrong? or that a rule or how a rule is used is bad? moderators aren’t perfect beings and the CoC rules aren’t some absolute unfillable law which is absolutely perfect and everyone has to follow, my thread and minky’s post where both silenced when all we were essentially doing was pointing out and seeking to address a possible case of unjust censorship on the forums, if that somehow goes against the CoC then maybe there’s something wrong with the CoC, not the post


Blizzard is quickly taking down any negative posts about the game and are on damage control…i myself have been banned from posting any links or images due to me making topics showing how broken there match making was…


When a group is losing control of their own narrative, they censor, then punish any dissension. You’re seeing the video game equivalent of U.S.S.R. etc…


except, ya know, the amount that still floats around in the open. Similarly, some of the more outspoken “victims” were chronic complainers on the previous board that have shown some of the issues they deride are more particular to their perspective.

Its also kinda silly how keen you on are these ‘narrarive’ control posts when you certainly have a narrative you want to project, but well, arent so keen on the details when… say, someone calls you out on the details

Paragraph 1 real world example: Twitter censors and so does Youtube and Google and Fakebook. But since I found 10 sites that don’t, there’s nothing to see here, man!

Paragraph 2: Derision of messenger of inconvenient reality with no support.

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have you tried not being rude?

cause when people complain about being silence or whatnot its usually because they were insulting rather than criticizing

theres a different between criticism and berating