I would’ve liked it better if it was more faithful to the original Roadhog, and didn’t have a a hole in the belly. Although I realize, that his ult would’ve taken some creative liberties to be animated. Also the 3-rd arm is unnecessary (one could argue that the hero’s silhouette will change, but just compare the Dreadlord J.na to the original one. Furthermore, he will still be quite recognizable) . And I wish he would’ve gotten a complete voice over, with different lines.
Butcher would’ve been a much better pick for a Roadhog skin. I mean, Roadhog got a Butcher skin so why not the other way around right?
Guess Butcher has Hook?
No reason to do that. They needed to give him visual changes. But right now it’s a Rare skin that costs like legendary.
Stitches has a very similar skillset to Roadhog. The reason they went with The Butcher in Overwatch is twofold.
- It’s based on Diablo III, not Heroes of the Storm. His boss fight actually does pull you in with a hook. They removed that from HotS to differentiate him from Stitches.
- The Butcher is way more iconic than Stitches. It’s the same reason we got Reinhardt instead of Brigitte for Johanna.
With this logic, they shouldn’t have given a voice over to Johanna’s Orc skin, to Gazlowe’s Goblin skin, to J.na’s Dreadlord skin and so on… of course there is a reason to do it.
Does Roadhog say “Stitches wants to play!” in Overwatch?
Um, actually, yes, there is no reason, because they can’t even make monetization, so there is literally no reason to work that hard on skins like that.
Why should he? He has The Butcher skin with “Fresh Meat” quote.
If you remove both the 3rd arm and the belly mouth. It would not look like stitches at all. It wouldn’t be a Stitches skin, it would be a Roadhog model.
The reason is “for authenticity”. Even if they don’t make much money out of it, they should at least try to make it good.
And that’s exactly what I want such skins to be
No. There is literally no point of doing such stuff if it brings them no money.
So they should drop the game development altogether?
No, they should stop wasting time on creating skins and finally start to work on the game’s monetization and other problems.
Did she learn spelling from D.Va?
I would’ve liked improved voice lines for all the cosplay skins too. I overall like the Hog skin though. It takes a little to get used to but it’s not bad in my eyes. I just wish the Stitches rework had been good. Instead we have a cool new skin and no reason to play a worse version of Stitches.
Do you realize, that the modeling and animation team has nothing to do with the game’s marketing?
I think they don’t even have these, because else these skins weren’t that bad.
My information is old, and idk if things are still this way, but basically there are several teams, including: Modeling and Animation, SFX, Coders, Engine technicians and perhaps sound editors. To my knowledge, the marketing is handled on a higher level in the company
yeah, i kinda figured a roadhog skin would come along for stitches at some point
( a big dude with a hook, seemed pretty fitting!)
but i was really hoping that they’d atleast make an animation for his gorge,
a simple bagging then running with the bag on his shoulder!
but alas, blizz are lazy.
The Roadhog skin is a cosplay of the overwatch character Roadhog. It is not Roadhog himself. The ‘story’ behind this whole event is other Blizzard characters donning some sort of costumes that resembles Overwatch characters which is why it perfectly make sense that Stitches’ version of Roadhog still has his abomination deformities.
I do, however, think that a visual change would be nice, especially when this skin is so called a legendary skin