Illidan Talent Rework @Blizzard

Illidan is weak in the meta right now and his talents are power creeped. If Tracer and Valla can get away with unnecessary buffs (AKA rework) then these are my suggestions on his “Rework” and I will be fair of course

Q- grants 10% MS baseline for 3 seconds (cuz valla can have baseline MS so should Illi)
W- change bonus basic attack damage from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
E- no change

Illidan does not root him self when he Qs a dead target and dashes to it like friend or foe (this change is a must because iv had so many moments where Illidan roots himself then dies when he should just dash q dash regardless)

Immolation- Apply a 4 second Dot that burns enemies hit by sweeping strike. Enemy heroes are revealed over the duration. (to make this talent feel like its worth picking and not to op this is my idea to make it apealing)

Battered Assault- (since baseline Illidan’s sweeping strike bonus is 4 seconds remove the duration increase. the rest stays as is)

Unending Hatred- no change

Level 4 no changes

Level 7
Rapid Chase- no change

F or F- no change

Unbound-no change (I thought about baseline going through walls and terrain but that would be cancer to deal with on dragonshire)

The Hunt-No change

Metamorphasis- (it additionally slows enemies on impact. I say 30% decaying over 4 seconds.)

Level 13
Nimble defender- (talent is replaced by different effect. Increase the effectiveness of Illidan’s self healing by 15%. doubled vs enemy heroes. so heres the math. illidan auto at level 20 with nexus blades and battered assault crit deal 419. So healing is 210 with Thirsting Blade. plus 30% of 210 is 273 per auto for 419 damage vs heroes. I think this is fair cuz 25 armor for 2 seconds is trash. My version of sixth sense is a better version of Nimble Defender.

Elusive Strike- no change

Sixth Sense- (Instead of 2 spell charges that dot damage can shred through we have a full on spell shield that lasts as long as evade. Spell shield can range from 25-50%. like illidan needs a full on spell shield vs the current meta, his 2 spell shield charges get eaten alive in team fights and get little to no value. so this basically acts like an on demand Nimble Defender in a way.

Level 16 no changes

Level 20
Demonic Form- No change

Nowhere to hide- (Additional effect- basic attacks against the hunted enemy hero reduce cooldowns by 1.5 instead of 1 for 5 seconds, basic attacks refresh duration. This will make the talent feel competitive with nexus blades when u pick hunt as your ult)

Nexus Blades-no change (literally a perfect talent for Illi)

Bolt of the Storm- (Replaced by new talent. Illidan benefits from all of his level 4 talents. I think this is a fair defensive 20.Simple and strait to the point while retaining his vulnerability to getting blown up. He doesnt need bolt if you have an ult that can function the same way at level 10)

Also get rid of Abathur’s level 4 attack speed talent if its holding back Illidan from getting these changes. Like Illidan shouldnt be dependent on aba to be a character

Let me know your thoughts and opinions as long as its constructive

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