Made the same post on another acc and it got taken down because of necessary ranting. But yeah as an Illidan main seeing how his MU’s got buffed while he gets nothing is cringe. Examples like zagara without creep has artillary range for some reason and 10% more ms on creep. Artanis has unstoppable after hitting swap for no reason but the other buffs are alright imo. dehaka got a good buff as well to his early i mean these characters are solid yet they are getting buffed? Then buff Illidan
heres my way of modernizing his talents and baseline stats while keeping him the same
If you want Illidan to get buffed the devs need to rework Aba first since he is the nr 1 reason why aa heroes cant get buffed too much or just any hero who benefit from him.
They would have to remove 25% attack speed from him and rework him into something that does not make a niche hero godlike.
Right but according to your logic, valla should have not gotten a buff (AKA rework) then, because she is a AA character no different from Illidan. And tracer’s talents literally proves someone on the balance team is a level 500 tracer. Those characters benefit from aba’s AA speed just as much as Illi and they are stronger characters. Yet they buffed (Reworked) them. But i also agree with removing his AA speed talent as it is annoying to play against enabled characters that highly benifit from it. He has that q damage and range bonus on 4 thats collecting dust because Aba’s hat targets are going to be AA based chars or tanks. Also nothing about aba needs a rework because he is currently in a good spot. All characters should be strong on there own and that should include Illi.
Not unless something is done with Aba hat. Illidan is so very strong with an Aba hat, that any buff that he gets is significantly magnified when paired with Abathur.
I recently won 1,5 [with hat] vs 3 as AA Lunara. They just can’t get me.
Aba has lovely kit, but he’s actually very difficult to balance. Back in the days of Specialists, everybody just wanted him to push, push, push… And to be honest, I’d like those days to return. That’s where he belongs.
Just c’mon, the hat build is the most brainless thing in the world. It’s even funnier considering the fact, that Aba actually didn’t change much. Now he has healing on shield baseline, but majority of talents remain pretty much the same.
It’s designation changed. Guides on sites like IcyVeins changed… And mentallity changed. Every brainless Aba in QM goes blindly for Adrenal, hatting one hero for entire match.
I say remove Adrenal, buff Carebathur and Siegebathur talents and let Illidan become real hero instead of mobile minion with lifesteal.
A simple thing, but also final way to say goodbye to other toxic combs like Aba + Valeera, Aba + Tracer, tryhard Twin Blades Varians + Aba etc.
Mb on that part then but already solid character without buffs
And that should be normal. If you hit a swap combo you will be focused and thats how it should be. He has talents that can help him survive from hitting the swap like 30 armor for 5 seconds or 4 second blind ult. Very effective to help him survive. If Artanis gets this baby spoon fed buff then every dive hero should get unstoppable on there dive ability baseline. His buff is unfair to dive heroes and mostly unnecessary. I dont mind it if they moved it into his talents rather than make is free.
Correct but lets also not forget that Illidan has to deal damage in melee for his passive to have value. That means you have to be smart on when is the best moment to dive while Valla can deal her damage at a safe distance you only need to position well with your team. Both can be taken into overdrive despite few key differences. Also Illidan isnt the only char taken into overdrive. Valeera and zera with hat means they one shot your backline and have the tools to escape. With tracer its cancer i dont even need to explain. But one unique thing hat Illidan is capable of is backdooring keeps but there is counter play to that as well.
Yeah but so what? You know as well as I do that there are heroes in this game that can cripple if not outright kill most of the enemy team very quickly – without Aba’s help. So what if Illidan can reach those levels with a hat?
Yea true. Honestly the exp globes has just made him more inactive then ever. His trait is trash and now when body soaking does not exist anymore Abas can freely hide in base or in spawn and still get huge value cause his hat does everything for him.
And becasue so many base Abas exists now you rarely see them place mines on the map anymore so stealthers can freely roam around and most of them just sleep in one place whole game and hat the same hero whole game.
How boring most a hero be lol. But I get why Aba is so popular. Cause he got a inactive kit that attracts the bad players.
The most skilled Abas are the one who jumps around the map and place mines and can both soak and help his team when needed. You rarely see those Abas anymore lol. The skilled Abas are also the one who are not affraid to soak lanes on enemy side of the map and not just hiding behind his keep whole game casue chicken.
Before exp globes Abas whould be harrashing your lanes all day
After exp globes. Hide in base/spawn.
This Reddit post tells all what is needed to know how dumb Aba is these days.
Not even kidding. I want him back to were he was before exp globes came out. A hero that actually took skill to play and had high rewards for doing so.
People who play Medivh dont even Aba hunt anymore in my games cause they know its worthless to try fiding him cause you already know where he hides 80% of the time. In either in his base or in spawn. Redering it useless to kill him.
Artanis was not a great hero. And he wasn’t played much. The game shouldn’t punish a character for doing what he’s expceted to be doing. If you get stunned or rooted in front of 4 enemies, armor usually won’t save you.
But he’s supposed to be Tanky, and Illidan is good at taking on squishy targets. So he shouldn’t be able to easily kill Artanis either way. I think that’s fine.
Except Illidan gets crazy life gain plus a shield. So he can easily 1 vs 2 and hold his own, especially after he’s got spell armor. Attack speed buffs grant him more damage, more life and further damage by reducing his cool downs like crazy. Then he gets a shield on top of the double life gain. Aba doesn’t have that effect on any other hero.
He gets more value from the AA speed Aba gives him, because he can always stick to his targets.
Imagine if Aba gave Tracer more blinks, more recalls and more W’s. That’s what he does to Illidan
Valla does not benefit from spike burst, poke, or shield nearly as much as a melee assassin. This is because Valla is not designed to jump into the middle of the enemy team.
This is the same as of Zul’jin, Lunara, and Fenix who are all popular hat targets that should not be chosen (because they do not effectively use his abilities.)
Compare this to heroes like Genji, Murky, Kerrigan and Chen who are effective hat targets but do not utilize the + attack speed effectively.
The attack speed pretty much benefits a select few heroes (Tracer, Illidan, Varian, Greymane.)
Then maybe he shouldn’t hit a swap in the first place and wait for a good opportunity to swap. Like any other dive hero looking for a opportunity at a good dive. “If you get stunned or rooted in front of 4 enemies, armor usually won’t save you”. Right so any hero that dives into the enemy team should get unstoppable baseline then? Thats no excuse for him getting unstoppable baseline even if it does not effect Illidan matchup.
What even is this response my guy. “Except Illidan gets crazy life gain plus a shield. So he can easily 1 vs 2 and hold his own, especially after he’s got spell armor. Attack speed buffs grant him more damage, more life and further damage by reducing his cool downs like crazy”. Gaining life from autos is part of his kit so extra attack speed only boosts that relationship no matter what your opinion. “plus a shield”. Zera and valeera can one shot your team with hat “plus a shield”. “So He can easily 1 vs 2 and hold his own, especially after hes got spell armor”. He can 1v2 without hat as well if he has battered crits and fighting immobile squishies. Not really considered 1v2 with hat btw and spell armor is 2 charges that can easily disappear in teamfights without getting value. Even in a 1v1 when you you fight vs spells that do ticking damage. “Attack speed buffs grant him more damage, more life and further damage by reducing his cool downs like crazy”. Attack speed can also grant other characters more damage and possibly more life if they have lifesteal baseline or talent selection. And certain heroes have cdr per auto like zera and tracer because those characters have modernized talents unlike Illidan. Illidan isnt an S tier character with aba my guy look at other heroes than just Illidan and i dont know where you got 2x life gain from. “He gets more value from the AA speed Aba gives him, because he can always stick to his targets”. Almost like how zera and tracer can do the exact same thing but the difference is one can only be mobile offensively.
Then Illidan would be top tier if he can take back a dumb mistake he made or get out of any situation without having to target enemy. 2 very different heroes with different capabilities. Cute little response tho.
No, every hero that’s expected to aggressively dive gets something to mitigate that. Usually in the form of mobility, but Artanis doesn’t have that.
This is not unstoppable on demand though, he only gets it if he swaps with a target. I mean, Leoric and Hogger have it on demand. Neither of them are problematic. Hell, you barely ever see Leoric.
No idea what you mean here. You don’t seem to be disagreeing with me.
No they can’t. But neither can illidan. If they jump in the middle of a team, they get CC’ed and die. Aba or not.
[quote=“IAmBetter-21329, post:15, topic:53231”]
Attack speed can also grant other characters more damage [/quote]
You don’t get it. Every time Illidan auto attacks, his abilities refresh. Which means he deals more ability damage when he has a hat, not just more AA damage. No one else can get that.
No one has life steal baseline except Illidan and Tracer. So when you say “other heroes” it only includes Tracer.
No, only Illidan does.
That is absolutely false. Tracer can’t do what Zera does. Which one are you saying only has mobility defensively?
I don’t even know what you mean by that. But I don’t respond well to condescending remakrs so, you can discuss with someone else.
It was in response to “Illidan gets crazy life gain”. I mean yeah more attack speed boosts his life gain
They can one shot squishies on your team but not non squishies and if they get cc’d and die then they have poor mechanics or they didnt wait for a good opportunity to jump in which would be after a fight initiates. The squishies have little to no counterplay on there own. They usually die in a 2-3 second time frame because they deal burst unlike Illidan
Right no one else has baseline AA CDR however Illidan’s main source of damage is not ability damage. Those are his mobility tools and having e up more often is natural with more attack speed. This Does not make him any more broken than other hat enabled characters.
Malganis has baseline lifesteal but you took my quote out of context. Characters that have lifesteal whether it be from talent selection or baseline will benifit from hat just as much as Illidan. Except Illidan has AA cdr and they dont right? Baseline AA cdr is how he functions as a character
Zera lvl 1 blink talent. Tracer 13 for her recall, kerigan 7 alarak 16. AA cdr from talent selection not just baseline
Zera and tracer have mobility tools that can be used to escape and engage on demand. They are definitely capable of sticking onto there target. Illidan has mobility when hes being offensive, his only baseline escape on demand being w which is not a very good escape tool when it covers little range. This is what i mean when i said they can do the exact same thing as Illidan (when it comes to sticking to targets) but have better agency.
What you said can be condescending as well. You said “Imagine if Aba gave tracer more blinks, more recalls (which he does with tracer 13 and aba attack speed combo) and more W’s. That’s what he does to Illidan”. This is absolutely incorrect unless you mean that Illidan’s damage and survivability is higher than thats just natural with hat. Tracer with hat has less counter play than Illidan with hat because of her overloaded kit forgiving mistakes and her overall busted talent design.
Zagaras buffs made Illidan quite more relevent in the current meta, as an counter pick, then beffore. Illidan is on of Zagaras hardest lane counters, so her buffs will propalbly even increas his win rate