Illidan needs more then a pathetic health buff

The last buff to Illidan was pathetic. Do these brain dead developers think this is what he needed? OK, I did say they were brain dead so I should be that surprised. Jesus mother of god a band of zoo monkeys could do better. Do the developers even play this game!?!? Tell ya what blizz hire me and fire the rest of what you haven’t so far and I will make you a team that will bring this game back into the E-sport light it deserves. MAGA.

Being an Illidan main, I miss double sweep greatly. The quest has been very difficult to master but i’ve come to master the double sweep quest.

It was in his base kit and should return to his base kit.

With that being said Illidan is fine, it is the players that are bad. I won 4 ranked games in a row just now with Illidan, my first ranked games in a couple of years since i stopped playing ranked.

They aren’t going to listen to someone who is talking smack by the way. If you want any real change you need to be reasonable, less rude, and constructive.

lvl 107 Illidan

Illidan has always been very hard to play. Requires many games to master

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i think illidan needs a larger health pool and a better coping mechanism for being stunned.

Just seeing if you can respond or if the forums are completely dead.

Illidan players need to develop one of their own because he’s not getting buffs unless Aba gets a rework :sunglasses:

Pretty much this. Abas kit and talents drags everyone down who needs to get buffed.

up ! we need a rework !

No, but based on the fact that you think Illidan is bad, neither do you.

Illidan can be very good and can also be easily countered.

Personally I think it’s good that majority of heroes arnt good picks 100 percent of the time.

The main problem with illidan imo is the stigma that he’s a troll hero and just picking him tilts some players, which is ridiculous.

Illidan can build differently depending on the situation e.g. Auto Attacks if they don’t have many blinds/ auto slows. Spell damage on q if you don’t think you can sustain autos and he can solo camps easily.

So if you think he sucks because you dive into team fights all game try play the macro game and go in when the fight advantage is yours.

Warning big post alert

Just to revisit this post I played Illidan in a game last night.

I’m gold on eu and silver in US (eu is allegedly harder and I have less games on us and ping maybe why, no idea) so disclaimer I’m far from the best player and can’t give perspective from higher leagues but I can give a perspective non the less.

I picked Donger on tomb of the spider queen, I’ve slept since and I’m out of the house atm so I can’t remember the exact comp but they had a Jo as main tank and a pretty standard comp, not super anti illidan but Jo can have double blind so not super illidan friendly either.

I picked Illi because I wanted to be able to clear the bruiser camp early, have ok wave clear, contribute to team fights and I wanted to try Illidan after this post.

Because of the blinds I went immo level 1, Move speed and cd reduction on Q, extra healing from abilities, spell damage on Q and I went metamorph mainly as an escape from ganks at camps, in lane, dicing too deep + it’s a small level.

Iirc I ended up dieing a couple of times from diving too deep and becoming isolated from my own team/no minionsbehind me to q to. However overall performed absolutely fine with illidan not a carry by any means but was in top half of hero damage, soaked the most could get camps on cd, got a few kills died in total around 4 times couple were my mistake like I said. Had a great time destroying structures and core in pushes cos of q talent.

I remember a game a couple weeks ago where I went illidan abathur into a comp that had no answer to illidan and it was an absolute stomp.

A couple of games after the Tomb game I ended playing against an Illidan that was from a smurf I played on the same team in game before (could tell he was smurf from winrates and low number of games) where he was tilted vs me in our game because I pre picked zul Jin (he had picked artanis) on dragonshire and no one had a tank picked but I was seeing if the other player who also had a bruiser pre picked would swap.

I ended up picking zul jin and we didn’t have a tank because of his attitude and we ended up winning without a tank because silver I guess dragon shire.

So anyway he was vs me and you could call it a grudge match, he last picked donger and I had already picked Diablo. We didn’t have any classic illidan counters on my team.

It was warhead junction and the illidan pretty much died on sight vs me and another dog. I’d wait till he popped evasion the e and q him into a wall = dead or q into a wall stun and then e when evasion was active and because he couldn’t auto he was dead, everytime.

The point is I feel Illidan can be a good pick, not every game but in a lot of games he can contribute a lot but if you think you can live in their team forever and roll them over without picking your engagements or waiting for people to use their cds that would punish you before hard engaging with no escape.