If you lost a 3 vs 2 fight , it is your fault

Honestly, I’m not really sure what he’s complaining about there.

He did mention something like that in game… he showed up late to the second obj, got hooked by KTZ and blown up, along with our Nova. It was one of the few 5v5’s we had that game, though.

Upon another viewing of the replay, the best I can surmise is that he is talking about - without realizing it - getting rotated upon. He tended to play WAY far out in the lane, and the other team responded pretty hard. I guess he’s complaining that we didn’t capitalize on that to get a kill?

I’m trying to be charitable here.


me playing vikings successfully laning against 3 different enemy heroes at once

my team: can’t win a 4v2


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Is the Uther “responding” alone? If that’s because Hammer keeps dying, I can see that as a temporary stop gap, but if they’re taking on this role full time, that’s just as stupid.

The Uther will never be able to reliably fend off a good rotation against better heroes that are optimized for it, and indeed will look like they’re ineffectual because they are. Fights will also inevitably breakout that lead to deaths without a healer.

Also, that match shouldn’t even have happened from QM rules. If there’s a support, on one side, both sides should have it.

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Like I said, the OP’s description isn’t what actually happened. However, for the sake of the civility, I’m trying to give the most charitable interpretation that I can for what the OP is complaining about.

In reality, the Uther wasn’t rotating alone; between objectives, we were all shifting between the lanes (except for our Hammer). He just happened to be in a different lane when the enemy rotated on our Hammer, who got caught because they were pushed up way into the lane.

It happened, and it was QM.


Yeah, I was skeptical from the start, since this is the person that has to qualify when it’s “okay” to afk lane. I imagine it’s just another mindless split pusher that gets angry when they inevitably get rotated on by better players. Hammer also makes a pretty terrible solo laner because of her lack of sustain.

Comps like that do rarely happen, but usually means something is really wrong with the pool of players. I would have liked to play in that team, because you don’t get those kind of mismatches. Would have been really hard regardless even if the Hammer was a little more careful unless you guys played a little unconventionally. If the ranged players just keep hiding behind the Uther thinking he can take all the damage, would have had little chance.

We had that issue. We just didn’t have any kind of way to push in, and both Hammer and Uther were getting hit hard by the TK/Chains + Butcher combo.

Ooo yeAH BABY! Spill that tea for mama! Just take the whole pot and dump it on the floor!
This don’t happen a lot at all, for someone to come on the forms and talk garbage about their rando teammates because the team couldn’t carry their heavy posterior thinking no one is going call them out because they are only giving half the story to then have one of the rando teammates fine the post on these forums tell it like it is!?
When it happens it’s like “yesssssss” tiramisu for my soul.


While the irony isn’t lost on me, I don’t want everyone to jump on the OP.

Constructive feedback is one, thing, but beyond that… I mean, they’re probably just some random kid. And what are the forums, if not a place to vent?

Well it’s nice of you not to put him on full blast. Honestly I don’t care if a person is bad at the game but it irks me when they are bad at the game and want to throw stones in the glass house and talk like they know something. If they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, good! Put them on blast no mercy at this point.

The Op’s op just oozes this smugness, bad faith, lack of game knowledge and a overall crap attitude that I have no patience for. Venting is fine but op’s post is written as PSA for us to learn something from, get out of here with that

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This. The gall of it all. If they’re really a decent split pusher they should know better than to ignore the mini map. Thats something all split pushers have to know; how not to be ganked. Sometimes a game just doesnt allow you to split push in the first place. Its OP’s fault really for being so rigid in their playstyle

If both teams have a healer then that rule does not apply anymore. Then Aba gets the flex role. Same goes for the other sup heroes. If there are no healer on both teams then both teams will get a support hero.

Same rules apply to bruisers. If both team have no tanks then both teams get a bruiser. If both teams got a tank then the bruiser role ends up being flex role.

Also heroes like Thrall/Rag/Xul/Matlheal can act as melee heroes so they get matched up againts melee heroes. There is nothing wrong with that game is linket. Its just people who dont understand how roles work in QM.

Was the game fair ? Properly not. But that also depends on how skilled the other team is. They can be beaten but req OP’s team to work hard for it and play diffently. They got the lockdown and two heroes with cleanse so if they actually got snowballed againts that team then they played poorly.


Whoops, you’re right about the comp rules. Was pretty sure that it was allowed, since I play healers a lot, but when I looked it up, I skimmed the rules too fast and missed the healer conditional.


for some reason i cannot post links but i have the screenshots . after the second mecha , the match was already lost , no point in keep telling me that it was my fault at that part .

dude your friend uther sucked it is on the replay and you are just lying saying good things about him at this point , i literally had at the beginning of the match 4 enemy heroes on me and what were you doing? why don’t you tell them that? . don’t lie to people and don’t twist my words come on you can do better than this bro . uther didn’t do anything at the beginning and at a certain level , watch the replay again . you had the opportunity to kill one enemy hero as 3 , and you didn’t do it . don’t be such a liar . and you were not down a level at the beginning that was in the late game , i was talking about the beginning of the match not the late game awhich of course was a disaster . so please learn how to play the game . you lost literally at the beginning of the match against a keltuzad who has no mobility and even if you were only one level down , killing him as three people wouldn’t be a problem ,it is easy kill for three people at the same level specially with uther who has stun .

i don’t care about the late game , but the early game was all that mattered .

first Nova didn’t slow KTZ and uther didn’t try to stun him, you were at the same level .

uther had many opportunities to kill ktz and he didn’t care . don’t get me started with the first obj . he was always behind me at full health and mana and as far as i know uther has to be in the frontline to stun the enemy , i didn’t know he was a range support. he could have easily stun alarak or any other hero at low health .

i know zarya has shields but then why didn’t you do anything to her? after the first object your ultimates were ready . were you saving them for the next match?

4 enemy heroes went after me so many times , sometimes 3 . and what were you doing? you are lucky i can’t post links .

did i forget to mention that uther also saved his ultimate for the next match many times? and how about kaeltas who went pyroblast against a healer who has an ulti which provides shields?

and you didn’t help the team , you stayed top soaking , splitpushing all alone many times just like me which was fine but since everybody here thinks it is useless well unfortunately for them you are proving them wrong .
after the first obj ,you and nova together did nothing to zarya
and you were always at the same level , it was not a huge disadvantage except for the very late game .

what a surprise, according to the replay you were also soaking / split pushing so you are proving me right , splitpushing can work . don’t try to defend yourself and blame others for your own failures . you even tried to blame on chat for not helping like typing hammer hammer? hammer what bro? . How hypocritical of you to say that when you were doing the same . and yes i might be bad at the game but i just cannot believe how come 3 heroes couldn’t do anything to 1 hero with 0 mobility .

If you loose a 3v2 , its a skill issue
They can win if your 4 levels behind, so you been outskilled on multiple levels

Use this symbol: `
one as the first and one as the last letter of your link. So between two of those.

Let’s try this:

Post the replay.

Post it in it’s entirety.

Then we can see my terrible Mephisto, our absentee Uther, and you can finally have the last word on this whole thing. I mean, that’s why you made your original post, right?

Here, Sami created a guide: [Guide] Creating Your Own Highlights from Replays You could also post to a file sharing site, and just post the link in preformatted text.

I’m serious, too. I could definitely stand to get better at that character, and we can both enjoy the feedback. Who knows, maybe I was split pushing too much, right?

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dude just stop , you are talking about a match that was already lost with the second protector . there was nothing anyone could have done to win the match at that point However the early game is what brought us to that point .

I watched the replay million of times . Uther was bad and stayed always behind me and the rest of the team like a range support , you stayed at the top lane farming with mephisto just like me and you didn’t even take a tower which i did . you failed to kill one hero while being 3 vs 1 and 2 vs 1 while having your level 10 talents ready. no matter what you say you didn’t do anything against 1 hero and that’s the entire point of split pushing . if you can’t do anything against one hero while being 2 or three , you need to learn how to play better then . having 3 ,4 enemies on me is a huge advantage for you to do something which i expected , unfortunately ,nothing happened .

Everything you’re saying is hearsay. Post the replay and we’ll find out what really happened. If you’re not willing to… I wonder why not…

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I second the replay upload. We, forum-ers, can decide!

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Not gonna lie, that’s a lot of times.

You okay, homie? Everything alright at home?