today i was splitpushing as hammer and lost but it is interesting to note how bad my team mates were after watching the replay , the replay shows that first i had 4 enemies going after me at the bot lane and while that was happening , our support uther was just chilling doing nothing near our towers in the middle lane leaving the enemy kel’thuzad free to soak and farm , he didn’t even push a lane . not to mention that the other two allies didn’t attack him either ,they didn’t even push the top lane or something and also again our uther was always behind doing nothing when he is supposed to be a meele support hero and stun the enemy . i don’t even want to continue mentioning the fact that every time they were in a 3 vs 2 fight or even a 3 vs 1 fight they never did anything to attack the enemy or even push . so again these type of players should stop blaming the splitpushers for their lack of skill , it is just embarrassing .
But you did pick hammer - a character that most people don’t understand and how to play with it, subconsciously lowering morale of your troops in the draft. In your defense, if you playing hammer your healer pretty much should baby seat you, but then again, people don’t understand it’s a teamwork character.
Splitpushing as a tactic has been out of the meta and the game for 5+ years, what exactly is your point?
There’s also a lot of vagueness in this and missing context, which map? Who did you face? It seems very lacking.
Need replay.
Like if your team loses a 3v2 because the enemy is overleveled after a 4v5, it’s on you.
If on even lvl, it’s on the allies losing with bigger numbers.
But this is also comp dependent.
I also have the attitude to take responsibility instead of dishing it on the ppl I consider myself better than.
For example I consider splitpushing the “chill” activity, skillwise it’s such a low demand “tactic”.
So complaining about others’ skills while doing the least, gives the impression when a child wonders why a trip couldn’t be made when they did their part, they were “good” to deserve it.
Like you could do something more useful and less ally-dependant
Split pushing has its purposes at times. It helps draw enemies away from an objective, camp, boss or team fight so they can come and challenge you and help your team have the upper hand… if they don’t… they’ll lose a fort/keep.
But if you’re team is dying, or you’re not getting value from the split push, stop doing it and change it up. Chances are the enemy team caught on and they’ll outplay you. In your case, your team did nothing during those fights. Idk why, but maybe they couldn’t for some reason. What you should have done is fight as a group, gotten kills, then pushed together since you’re more protected and the enemy team will have to fight through your team to try to get to you, while getting bombarded by your AA’s. Also, you have 50 armor and an Uther, dive isn’t an issue.
The Hammer players I find annoying are ones that stay grouped because its hard to engage on a team with a hammer that’s properly protected.
If you are afk pushing a lane whole game and you lose the game then blame is on you for nothing helping your team.
The blame is partially on you. It is your responsibility to always look at the mini map. This is a holy gospel for any split pushing heroes like Azmo, Naz, and Zag. Sgt. Hammer as a split pusher is a little strange since she often becomes vulnerable whenever she sieges up but you do you I guess. Is your team at fault for not adapting to a hammer comp? Yes. If all of you communicated properly you might be able to ask for an objective stall or a baby sit comp.
On top of that like others have pointed out, there is a lot of missing context in this. You’ll need to post a replay.
5 years?!? They nerded azmodan like 6 months ago
All splitpusher tactics are offlaning, they don’t exist.
it still works , if you suck at the game , not my problem . If you stay at the mid lane doing nothing , you deserve to lose .
I like split pushing tactics more so in ranked then in QM because you have a chance to draft around it. But I normally don’t like randos doing the pushing cause they always go too far with it. “Dude it’s past 20 and the enemy lanes are pushed out you don’t need to be in Tim-Buck-Two getting xp”
In QM I 100% hate the split pusher, not only does the split pusher ends up doing w/e all game but our 4 man comp 9 times out of 10 isn’t strong enough to stall or win a 4 v 4 at level! Forget about it if we ever get behind in levels.
There are ways to fix and combat this problem but if you are with a bunch of randos each person has their own ideal of how to win the match so you know, “Sa la vie”.
Quick to judge their skill lvl but I must ask… what was your highest rank? His was Master. Maybe it’s not about them being bad, but splitpushing is truly nerfed a lot over the years (intentionally) and it no longer works properly against ppl who can play
The fact that hammer can occasionally split push a little doesn’t mean you should be forcing it. And no, hammer is definitely NOT a “split-pusher”. That’s like calling imperius or greymane a “double-soaker” (yes they can do it, but not well).
Hammer’s main purpose is to sit behind your 2 tanks (typical “hammer comp”) and dish out damage constantly - to heroes, to buildings, anything that is reachable. Hammer does not like to be solo, because she’s easily gankable (and no, don’t look at competitive split-pushing hammer games; they can only do it because the other 4 on the team control the enemy the entire time and make sure hammer cannot be ganked; if you can’t trust 100% your team to do it for you (and also to actually not die while being 4x5) - you cannot be alone as hammer).
If you’re constantly “split-pushing” as hammer and you lose - that’s 1000% on you.
Split-pushing is a micro-tactic to gain small advantages here and there; it’s almost never a win condition.
Again, split pushing doesn’t exist, all those who used to splitpush are offlaner category designed to double soak through rotating lane to lane, with a lot of strats to deny soaking.
If anything split pushing works at the bottom of the ranks where people cannot do those basic concepts, if anything it speaks a lot about you than anyone else.
Again if you cannot kill a hero while being in a 2 vs 1 fight , you don’t deserve to win . you are really bad . like the uther who never moved .
At the same lvl? Yes.
At lvl disadvantage? Nope.
But there are Heroes who are really good at surviving while killing, and Heroes who aren’t the best at killing or surviving.
There are also early and lategame Heroes.
So even at the same lvl there are cases when it’s not a “you bad” case for not winning a 2v1.
More context is needed.
But @Op just wants yay-sayers. Just be vague and keep blaming others!
Buddy I just 2 v 4 yesterday, maybe you should raise what were you facing instead of saying this on a loop.
it was at the same level , and they had exp advantage . not my problem .
Guys, I was on BenBaxter’s team during the match. As some of you have guessed, the game didn’t go down exactly as the OP says it did, so let me clear up a few things:
- This was not ranked or draft, but QM on Volskaya.
- The Uther wasn’t “chilling”; he was trying to respond to the enemy’s heavy lane rotation, which they were doing in order to feed their Butcher.
- We were down at least a level for the last 10 minutes of the game, as we couldn’t win a single objective (I’ll let the OP explain why).
- Uther was also the only melee on our team, which isn’t the most fun thing in the world when you’re down levels and 4v5.
Mephisto (me)
Hammer (OP)
Who fought the 3v2? Like a stacked Butch should be able to for example.