We literally stole victory from the jaws of defeat like the Polish stole Victory from the Ottomans at VIenna
I know, I was just being silly.
It seems every time I am in a group with room, you are either already in a group, or already in a match. It was just dumb luck we happened to get some games in that night!
And Melke, I play fairly regularly with a number of forumers, including Ocek and Tazrizen. We just happened to hook up with Xiv for a few ARAMs and QMs.
I play with some of the displaced EUers, like Karabars and hellobg, but that tends to be during our morning, their evening.
I kind of want to play with you guys too
I’ve played some games with Lena, and actualy I met Xlviyas (I’m sorry dude I’m not even gonna try to get that right) In storm League,
Wev’e met twice in storm league actually we’re 1-1 right now, first time he learned just how evasive I can be with my Qhira, second time, not so much
Xiv has my btag if you want to grab it from him. I play with FrozenFruit every now and then as well, so he has me added, too.
These references lmao
Sometimes I am playing with my wife and my brother so our party size is already pretty big and you’re in a party with a few so someone would have to be left out. I don’t like kicking people out like that. Other times I don’t have a lot of time to play and I see you’re in a match as well, so I just start one.
I’ll try to barge in on you and your party more often
I feel like its because the second time you were Jaina and not Qhira. Those matches are always fun.
Don’t worry. Its not the first time people have misspelled it. I’m fine if you call me Xiv, Xivi, X or whatever. No need to spell the whole thing out.
Coming from the guy who struggled to play with prerework Tassadar and said he sucked, I’m guessing you’re not exactly hot stuff either.
So Just a heads up guy’s the OP Kethcup has confirmed to me he’s started owrking on it
Though he seems to have gotten a siilence for eeasons I’m not certain o, so it’ll be out in a week or so
So yeah thankfully turnips didn’t dissuade him
Yeah, still hope he takes the challenge and posts hits after 90 days to see if it was really worth it, to see who was “right”.
Why bother asking for advice when you only want positive vibes blown up your btt. op shouldnt ask will anyone read it and then get hurt when ppl argue no one will.
THis is the statement that got you issue my friend
Since you obviously don’t speak for others and everyone else in this thread will be reading it, and proved they’d read it when they also read my Qhira guide
You weren’t just a jerk, you were a wrong jerk.
I probably wouldn’t read but I don’t think that should stop you from sharing your opinion. It is a forum after all.
Anyone can make a guide, even if they are at Bronze 5 with 0,6% win ratio. Then people can respond to that guide and suggest amendments or improvements. Without insulting the guide maker or lowering the topic to personal slurs.
Isn’t that the point of a discussion forum? Civil discussion?
You don’t have to like every topic that is posted, but it’s common decency to respect each thread (that was made with good intentions, not those troll topics). If the guide has lots of errors, people can point them out, then the guide maker can edit the post.
Yall make it so damn complex, just make the guide lol.
I know, it is kind of sad this discussion has to exist in the first place. If people don’t like the guide or think it’s invalid, they can just not post or comment on it. You do you, OP.
Hi all, just wanted to give an update–I decided to write the guide in Heroesfire due to a lot of the systems working well for the style of guide I’m writing and the fact that I’m not TL3.
So far, I’m breaking down each individual talent, giving a few pieces of tech (such as maximizing healing, mine placement, body placement, etc), as well a tier list of sorts as to how to pick who to clone, who benefits the most from adrenal overload, and other things like that.
It will be a guide to QM Abathur. My (quite frankly miserable) experience with ranked was me playing Tanks in solo league about ~11 seasons ago and I haven’t felt like dabbling in it since, so I don’t claim to have good knowledge about playing my mains (Abathur and Murky) in ranked. I do occasionally play Unranked, but I’m mostly a QP player.
I’m working hard on the guide though! I have about 2.5k words already, and many more on the way. I also have to figure out HTML so I can link images in the guide lol so that’s cool. Have fun all, you guys are a great community (and I hope to learn from you all as well as I hope that you learn a little from me <3)
Looking forward to it, been forever since someone wrote a coherent guide on any hero.