If I wrote an Advanced Abathur Guide, would people be interested in that?
My sluggy boi is by far the character I have the most expertise with. I’m interested in sharing my knowledge (and some of that is controversial)
If I wrote an Advanced Abathur Guide, would people be interested in that?
My sluggy boi is by far the character I have the most expertise with. I’m interested in sharing my knowledge (and some of that is controversial)
I wouldn’t do it if I were you.
Go ahead if you’d enjoy it, but having a guide from an Abathur lvl 15-25 and almost never played in SL would lead people into wrong direction.
You can just have a normal discussion about some of your methods so it would lead you to have better strategies and understanding of the hero if Abathur mains in high elo would give you advice.
On my part, I’d lead you to either TigerJK from NA or TLHasuObs from EU. I don’t think they have a guide, but their vocal about their decision making when they’re playing him.
A. I’ve only recently picked this game back up, hence the lack of ranked.
B. This isn’t actually my main account despite it being the oldest. But cool
Id Say go for it. Just bc you’re qm doesn’t mean that you know less than ranked players. I Might be in plat but i know very little about abathur. Just be honest about your success with him in storm league and don’t be too defensive against higher ranked aba players Because a diamond aba main likely understands his role in a ranked game better.
I’m kind of divided on this, I really think to make a guide on something competitive, you need to have credentials. For example a Silver 5 who won 41% with Valla (not thread starter) can’t really write a guide on how to play Valla.
Sorry but that’s just how it is, nobody will take that guide seriously and it’s going to be full of factual errors.
I saw plenty of guides written by “level 126 main Sylvanas” and such, and they were awful & you could tell the person mostly played AI mode and Quick Match from the multitude of bad advice in their text.
Of course, I have no idea how good OP is, if he is a good player (at least top 10-20% by rank, and has +55% on that hero vs humans) absolutely go for it.
Take the case of dr logan and sami a few years ago. They were each offering guides about heroes and a few “gm players” shut them down bc sami was qm and logan hadn’t been in masters yet. Suddenly they’re both masters (sami after 2 seasons in ranked seriously screw that ) and alot of their advice hasn’t changed.
In any case all im saying is that op deserves to be heard out. If their advice is awful then our master abathur players will correct it. Id be interested in their aba guide and in the worst case would be intrigued by arguments made against their guide.
A lot can happen in a few years, a gold player could genuinely become master in that time (and some do). All I’m saying is people will get upset if the player states things like “never pick % damage on Sylv, this is a trap talent” when it is clearly wrong and higher ranked players pick it frequently.
I played Zeratul to lv 62 and I’d never write a guide on him because I’m an average 51% player with him who plays in Platinum 3 or 4. I just don’t think I’m a person to make a definitive guide on how to play a hero I really don’t win that much as.
None of this is directed at OP by the way, hope he does not get the wrong message. I am all for reading more guides. And in the end even a Bronze 5 can write guides, there is no law against it.
Go for it. Just say it’s a “QM players guide to Abathur” if people are getting so caught up in it not being for ranked. If you feel like you want to write it, go ahead.
Probably not considering the lovely gems you’ve managed to share with the community. Things like you don’t start out at a depressed win rate or that a Deathwing 70% win rate loses immediately.
i wrote a while ago a guide on how to ragnaros. as long as you have things to share, do it. some people might have different perspectives and experiences with the hero but its all just mutual growth to share it all.
it does not take that much besides time, and it might just inspire someone to pick up that hero :D.
Don’t let the previous posters discourage you. If you have success with abathur no matter the rank the advice you give about that success is valuable.
People forget that what works in masters may not work in the lower elo and vice versa.
make the guide!!! you know most of the player’s are QM only player’s so i’m sure it’ll be helpful for them.
Ahhhhh the I’m really a grandmaster Abathur on my “other account”.
Give it a shot all opinions are welcome. I would brake the guide up into topical areas because nobody likes a wall of text on a forum.
With rank vs experience there is always a age old argument
Lets say who do you want in your team more
A lvl 6 Sonya who is diamond 3 or a lvl 100 sonya who is in silver
I would say the diamond 3 sonya just because the diamond player has more gamesense, he might not know the hero better but its better then facing the artanis and ended up stacking him 200 before lvl 10
Or the always fighting instead of doing macro
But anyways do your guide ! ^^
Yea, making a guide for Silver Abathurs to reach 53%% wr (nothing referred or based on the @Op themselves, just random values) is still useful for Silvers and below who has less than 53% wr.
Everything has some valuable, just not for everyone and context is important.
Well he had a team comp formed around him that really helps he is very talented but to have a tank main and whatever drlogan is really helps too
He didnt got boosted but hadnt had to suffer the aba main healer because “trust me” pain some of us do
@topic just do your thread. Elo might be diffirent but you might teach us a thing or 2
If kid is really silver then dont bother.
Who want advice from someone the same league or worse? Kid may be right but no one going to trust him anyways cause he’s silver af.
What are you if I may ask?
He was an old man abusing Ruby