Ideas for Costume Events

I’ve done threads like this before, but this is just more like a condensed version and for everyone to share. I may mention ones I’ve said before, but I’d like to hear your ideas too.

1: Fire Festival (Summer event). This is based on the Fire Festival in WOW, which is loosely based on Summer Soltise. The characters could be themed around fire and dancing and such, with costumes themed around that. We could have a dancing girl Valeera, Fire Trick Artist Blaze, and in an ironic sense, Ahune Ragnaros (The two are similar in build and it can easily translate fire to ice).

2: The Summer of Love. We haven’t had a musical themed event, and I thought this would be a goood summer event. It’d be based on the 60’s summer concert, with characters dressed as singers, bands, and hippies. Ideas could include characters parodying the Beatles, and Hippie Malfurion and Tyrande.

3: Disco Dance-off. This was another event I thought of before, where it’d be a disco-themed Karazhan depicting Malfunkion Swingrage vs his brother, Illidance Swingrage. (This can work for a “choose your side” mission and themed prizes)

4: Gangsters Event Part 2: Noir. This idea was a sequel idea I had to the Gangsters event, where Raynor is imagined as a Sam Spade-equse detective, going after the gang from the first expansion, while also dealing Al Kha-Pone (Kharazim as a brass-knuckled gangster).

5: Brewfest. Come on, like anyone wouldn’t think this wouldn’t be amusing? Chen in liederhosen! Beer maid Johanna! Wolptinger Murky!

6: Cartoon. This was one of my favorite ideas, where we’d have the costumes themed around old Tom and Jerry-styled cartoons with squash and stretch. My thought was “Murkie and Butchie” where a hungry Butchie tries to turn Murkie into his fish dinner.

I’d say 1) Possibly Sc-based one on Amon’s end of the Cycle or the Brood War 2) Argus-based Event where it’s Legion vs Army of the Light 3) Triune vs Inarius’ Church 4) Trolls vs Elves 5) Argent Crusade vs Scourge 6) W3-based on on Third War, etc.