I was wrongly given "Leaver" status. Would like to appeal

I was in the middle of a storm league draft when I was given the “leaver” status. Except I did not leave.
It was the end of the draft, me & one other person on my team needed to pick. I selected Johanna, however I did not lock her in, since it always does it automatically.
However, the other person (with 2 seconds left), took Johanna and locked her in. With no time to react, the game then kicked me out and gave me leaver status.

I tried to find a place to submit a ticket, but it is literally nowhere to be found. So this is what I have to resort to.

Im not playing a couple games of quick play or ARAM just because someone decided to be a jerk. If thats the case, ill go play something else.

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Sorry to hear but is there something anyone can do about it? These things happen.

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That’s not a bug. That’s just a teammate acting like a jerk. Your hero selection wasn’t valid and it’s always a risk to run down the timer like that with random people.

Lock in a hero and this will never happen.