I was befriended by someone i had just beaten in storm league

At first i was like maybe it would not be a good idea to accept the friend request right away - i have friend only messaging for a reason - but I accepted it. Turns out the guy was really friendly and we have helped each other out and played many games together since. In truth a stranger is a friend you have yet to meet right? I love making friends in team based games it makes the gameplay experience more enjoyable.


Had something similar, except in QM. Me and a few friends doing a… uh, slightly trolly-strategy, to be kind to our team.

Whispered them after because they played well/the game was epic (iirc it was like 30 minutes).

Except then both our parties entered queue again and got matched against each other hahaha! :smiley:

Good to hear you had a positive experience. I would be hesitant to accept unless I was super high GM (where everyone knows everyone) because the implication from a friend request originating on the other team is IMO negative.

Just goes to show exceptions can exist.

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Honnestly i would lovw after a game i could say GG and " you played really well , thank you !:smiley:" to an opponent … But saddly i can see how some people would drop the bucket of salt after a lost becauss no one are better than them !

However that got me the funniest friend request ive had XD

after the game
" @!$# you ! I @$!#ng hate medivhs!!"
" lol ? "
" you played good ! , GG ! "
" thanks man ! You were pretty good too , gave me a hard time too lol "
friend request received and accepted
The guy had a fantastic illidan ! :+1:


I’ve made good friends too along the way, the most memorable ones being two Swiss brothers that seemed to love complimenting my healing to the point it was quite a bit unconfortable (but still more than welcome!). Both were competent tank and DPS players and we were really happy playing competitive modes together because we made a really good team. I must admit though, they could become pretty toxic to anyone that wasn’t me (I was always forgiven somehow…) and didn’t meet their expectations, sometimes pretty comically. I’ve left HotS behind quite a bit but we’re still in touch and occasionally exchanging news about how everything’s going for us IRL, and when I play, it’s usually with them. :slight_smile:

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