Thanks for a GG - Deposit your joy here!

Thanks to the randoms I played SL with who were totally chill when my internet freaked out, causing me to disconnect every fight and lag horribly anytime I was near other heroes


Did a couple of ARAMs with a friend tonight, and in the first one, everyone insta-locked assassins, leaving me to choose whether they would have a tank and no heals, or a healer and no tank. And of course, the assassins were Greymane, Kael’thas, Raynor, and Murky, so it wasn’t like there was an obvious choice. However, RNG smiled on me and gave me the healer that is the most obnoxious in ARAM.

Stukov, ftw.


I returned to ranked during the preseason after a break. I wasn’t sure what to expect in SL, because I mainly did solo queue before that in HL. I played with some cool people in HL, but friending them was kinda pointless unless you wanted to convert to team league.

Anyway, I was with all solo queue in SL, and they were chill and even tried to joke a little bit in draft. I go Kharazim, which was kinda gutsy on my part as I didn’t have him in my collection last time I played ranked, but have practiced him quite a bit.

Game goes really well, and team keeps up their positivity in chat whole game. We win and I mention that I’m glad I got to play with a chill and good team. And then…4 friend requests! My first 5 stack team. :slightly_smiling_face:


I want to thank Diablo and Malf from my ranked match yesterday. Both of them really good players and made reasonable shot calls.
Icing on the cake though was one asset almost unseen: Good danger pings. When they pinged danger, I damn sure retreated immediately and without asking.

Great game and a well earned win.


I don’t use this forum much at all this is the first time i have seen someone post a link to a post of mine :slightly_smiling_face:

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I enjoyed reading your post, especially:

The game has the potential to be fun, but really it’s the people you play with and meet that helps to realize that potential. At least for me. :slight_smile:


had a game last night where i got matched with the enemy ETC from the previous game, and the first thing he said in draft was “hey, that was some good lunara play last game” <3

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Thanks to all of my cool rando teammates in ARAM who started off the match with friendly banter and who were accommodating to what the team needed, giving me a juicy 6-7 win streak

And double thanks to the teammates who were 300 IQ enough to run triple Kael’thas
We didn’t win with it, but it was a wonderful sight to behold

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Ok i had this match as BW 3 years ago. we keept losing teamfights and it was equal lvls lvl 20-20 both teams. Enemy team went for our boss on Cursed Hollow and our Nova had caught them doing it from a safe position. She waited for them to get it down before she then casted a decoy on the cap spot and i fast as the emerald wind could take me i jumped to that decoy and pushed them all away and ninja capped the boss and won the game.

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I was playing Sonya with Medivh, Zarya, Abathur and Auriel.
Berzerk unkillable Sonya frontlining and tpk the ennemy team.

That power trip was intoxicating…

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I was playing with an incredible Rehgar last night. He kept making these incredibly gutsy plays to finish off people even while he was at low health vs a team that had the butcher and nova. I can’t remember his name without checking the replay but he was an incredible leader. Incredible map awareness and seemed to know exactly when he could get a kill. Shotcalled like an absolute boss. We won because of him. If you see this know that you were awesome


Team Starcraft, featuring the best protoss!


Is it Zeratul? :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, he did steal my MVP, so…

But he wasn’t the one who won the fierce 2v3 (me and Stukov vs. Imperius, Malfurion, and Junkrat) over the bottom camp!


Imagine risk your life and the life of your team for a camp.
Also, Hoku right after she notice I got the MVP:


We were fine. Shield Surge and a Stukov behind me meant I wasn’t even worried. Go clip the replay, I was never below 15% health! :stuck_out_tongue:


we are the 1%
That is what I labelled the replay
For you see, we fended off a push that (I exagerate 0%) had our core at 1%
Well in this time we even have the Graymane try to backdoor a few seconds later (long enough for the armour to form) he was so close to winning too, I think he was one hit away but thankfully my butch stun was perfect and we murdered him.

We proceeded to win that game

Never surrender kids. if you think you are going to lose you make sure you go out like the Chasseurs Ardennais


Thank you Zagara from yesterday. Match went soso, until she landed in 2 back-to-back teamfights one maw each that allowed us to absolutely delete the enemy team (Orphea, Butcher, Alarak on our team).
Good job, mama.


Thanks to my Diablo who was a perfect peeling and combo machine with my Stukov. You protected me when I got a bit out of position and set up some nice lurking arm/root combos.

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I saw Hammer die and I never was this happy in my life.