I want to get your opinion on my opinions

Here are a few opinions and suggestions of mine that I feel are valid:

  • Free-to-play hero rotation should NOT be available in Ranked

I hate having to pick and ban heroes according to which heroes are currently free to play

Only heroes that a player permanently owns should be available in Ranked

This would pave the way to solving the problem of people simply “trying out” heroes they do not know how to play well in Ranked

  • Raynor’s Melee Basic Attack is bad and his Basic Attack should be changed to Ranged only

His Melee Basic Attack is a useless addition with the intention of adding immersion when he got his big rework quite a while ago

People who play him will know he stabs people with his gun at Melee Range which I first assumed was only a cosmetic change but it is not

The problem I have with this is that I often notice Raynor attempting to Melee an enemy and misses that certain attack if the enemy is no longer within Melee Range

An attack he would NOT HAVE MISSED if he was ONLY capable of Ranged Attacks

I want him to go back to having a completely Ranged Attack so that he does not needlessly miss attacks

  • Abathur’s Symbiote ability should not force a camera lock

It feels disruptive and restrictive

Give us the ability to choose whether or not we want our camera’s locked to our Symbiote targets when we play Abathur just like you give us the option to have the camera follow Cho when playing as Gall

So these are my opinions

Do you feel they are reasonable?

I would like to read everyone’s thoughts and opinions


Pretty much agree on all 3, also Raynor doesn’t really need the bayonet attack as a ranged assassin.
It’s not like Valla stabs people with the pointy end of her crossbow when they get close.

People playing a free rotation hero they’ve never played in their lives in Ranked is also bit of a bummer. I hope they at least reinstate the lv5 requirement.

The Abathur one almost feels like a bug, camera lock should never be forced, even if you’re symbioting a high speed target like Tracer, it still should be the players choice whether they want to manually pan the camera or have it locked on Tracer.



He is a RANGED Assassin and not some Melee/Ranged Hybrid Assassin


Were it up to me I would restrict Ranked play to those who have fulfilled the following conditions:

  1. Have at least SIXTEEN HEROES you permanently own at level fifteen
  2. Have a player level of at least three hundred

I guarantee the smurfing problem will be reduced by a huge margin

Along with discouraging people from using Ranked just to level up heroes and do daily quests

Exactly, they already give us this option for Gall so why restrict it for Abathur?

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That’s a bit extreme considering even the current ridiculously low requirements lead to unplayable queue times outside peak hours (such as 30+ minutes).

But I would support 16 fully owned heroes at lv5-10 and a player level of 100 to play Storm League. Yes, that would also increase que times but not as much.

Note that those requirements you suggested would be perfectly normal if this game had a big player base, as SL should be a mode for people who really want to give their best.

The current, and only, requirement of account level 50 is not only a very low barrier but also very clearly encourages smurfs.

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If they remove Unranked Draft(A mode that I personally feel is unnecessary) it would encourage people to play Ranked more as Drafting would be exclusive to Ranked mode only

It also encourages easily doable grinding

Player level three hundred on the other hand shows commitment

If you guys kills smurfs, will be the nail on coffin of hots.

  1. What if I just buy a Hero? That would mean I can now play it but I can still be completely new at it.
    What if I don’t own the Hero but I can play them?
    Conclusion: Hero level is a way better indication (that also helps against smurfs, but keep this restriction SL-only).
  2. I need to test Raynor. His melee attack should be just cosmetic. If it’s not, that’s a bug.
    What I get from your post that if you start a melee attack but your enemy gets out of range during the animation the AA is canceled and you basically skip an AA to switch back to range. This doesn’t sound intentional.
    Pretty sure it’s fixable. I wouldn’t want to lose that cool “easteregg”.
  3. Sure, why not.

I think I agree with you more

Player level rises when you level your heroes so it should not be relevant, so restricting Storm League players to playing owned heroes they have levelled up to fifteen and not being restricted by player level seems like the way to go

Free-to-play rotation should still be unavailable in Storm League

This way only those who are committed would be allowed in Ranked modes

You understood me perfectly

Or it would actually encourage people to come try out a fair and balanced Ranked matchmaking

These suggestions would not affect Quick Match(The mode that as far as I know most people still play)

If we improved the situation in Ranked maybe more players would come join us

Queue times have been pretty fast for me in Ranked(Much more than Quick Match ironically)

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This would kill influx of “new players” to HoTS so it’s never gonna happen. And no, the level 3 Valla who walks to allied level 3 Chromies time trap to avoid enemy pyro is not actually new player if you thought to be the case. Seriously go make a new account and see what the new player que is like. Half the players there are obvious smurfs albeit of varying ranks. Then you got 3-4 level 100+ accounts who got some basics down. Lastly you got 1-2 players who are clearly actual new players that are getting curb stomped.

You do realize that new accounts cannot play Ranked right?

What is stopping those real new players from playing Quick Match?

The whole point is to reduce the rate of experienced players from stomping all over inexperienced players so that matches are more fair and balanced

Because there comes ap oint where even inexperienced players should be allowed to play ranked, let’s be hoenst if you have decent mechanical skills even if you don’t know the facets of the game there’s like half the roster you can pick up and competantly play mongst bronze players regardless of playing em before

And getting 14 heroes purchased especiallif you only want Epic and elgnedary heroes as yoru favourites it’ll take a lot of time, like 150 to 200 minimum.

well it happens on many other heroes, it happens on kerrigan, i noticed it after using Q she moves her wing but the attack never hits, its like a fake attack.

The difference between Raynor and Kerrigan is that Raynor is a RANGED Assassin while Kerrigan is Melee

Another difference is Raynor being male while Kerrigan is female but that’s irrelevant

No they should not

I am hoping you will give good reasons as to why they should be

Because unrakned is barren and they should be able to eventually be able to learn the draft as that’s a very big portion of the game if they want to.

All the more reasons for it’s removal

I never liked that mode

  • Quick Match
  • Bolt League
  • Storm League
  • All-Random-All-Mid
  • Heroes Brawl(the unique maps with loot chest or gold reward like in the good days)

All we need

My point still stands
Where should new players get to learn draft and play the game as it was meant to be played if not in Storm League?

Play Unranked.

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That place would be Bolt League

Along with the ridiculous amounts of experience they would have from playing the other modes

Unranked needs to die harder and should not be played at all

It was a bad addition to begin with

But what the hell is bolt league and why would it be more newbie friendly then storm league?

And none of the other modes have a draft system in place, period full stop do not pass go

I am glad you asked

It would be the return of Hero League

Solo Ranked with level five hero restrictions with free-to-play rotation enabled

Absolutely no partying allowed

They can get plenty of Draft experience in preparation for Storm League there

Bolt League needs to replace Unranked Draft

You are forgetting Unranked Draft

I may hate it but it definitely exists
