I love DOTA reporting system but blizzard

100s? You sure? You have a reference on how many reports and timeframe over which it has to happen? Or just pulling out of ur … imagination?

Maybe 100, maybe more or less, but at least you need more than a handful sample size of reports to get punished and not just 4 man, who abused the system in a single game.

This is such a silly response. If you’re polite and you play well in your rank, few people are going to avoid you.

And the players that overuse the avoid system are only going to push their own queue times up.

give me your account username and password and let me have 10 games
i will get u a mute if u want , u can have 90 game more to play while u are muted

100s is exaggeration, but it’s still dozens, by most tests done by streamers at least 20+. And from separate players, not from a single player or premade.

No need to even play a single game. Write really inflammatory stuff in General Chat which is seen by 180 people at once. You can gather 20 abusive chat reports really fast. Maybe in less than 10 minutes.

I still don’t understand people who spam racist and Trump stuff in General. They’re practically begging for a silence.

i have seen a lvl 28 muted smurf in team
how many game needed too get 28 lvl
its like 14 win
u can make a lvl 1 hero lvl 3 with a win
u usually have boost when u create an account
if u play in a party u can get it it easy in aram !

There could even be a level 0 who is muted, if they’ve been toxic enough in Gen chat.

I wonder who is the lowest level ever to be muted.

Blizzard has said this. Its 100’s of posts over multiple games. Its not just a counter and when you hit the magic number bingo…

So no I didn’t pull this out of thin air. I know it because blizzard has said so.

It’s not a silly response, it’s a proven one. They already tried this out in Overwatch years ago when it had far more people playing it than HOTS does now. Not only did it lead to higher queues, but the biggest problem of all was people deliberately avoiding the most skilled players so they didn’t have to face them. This led to to many of the most highly skilled players not being able to find a game at all, so the removed the avoid system.

The system worked absolutely fine in overwatch. The only time players ever complained about queue times in overwatch was when they introduced role selection.

If you can provide a single example of a top player ever complaining about long queue times before the role selection, I’d love to see it. I’m not interested in that bogus article posted by blizzard either. I mean a complaint about queue times from a top player directly from twitch, Twitter, YouTube, or some other well known platform.

Apparently not, just a simple google search will disprove that. I also will not find anecdotal evidence from a single user to prove your baseless claims, simply because you unreasonably demand it. One individual claim proves exactly nothing.

Again I’ll remind you these problems happened when Overwatch was at near peak in popularity, a daily active player base HOTS can only dream of. OW is also not in maintenance mode. If you think they will give a game like HOTS an avoid player function when there are difficulties forming matches at non peak hours and the game is already in maintenance mode, what can I tell you, dream on.