I love DOTA reporting system but blizzard

in dota u have lifetime points that u can have maximum 10000, that means u are very good guy and u can see did some one report u for some thing or not
in DOTA u CAN NOT report some one for all of the available options in report section
u have limited reports to expend
u lose point each time u get report if u fall to less that 3000 point u automatically get muted and if u fall to 2000 point u get single draft
some thing like leaver state but much much much worse
u have to win an aram when the map is a normal map (random heroes in normal map)

i just wanna say
whaaaat the F… is this reporting system that u have
should i get banned for saying F word ?
any report wont work but abuse chat reporting which ends up to account closing .
when some one play noob every one just report him for all of options in report section and u get banned for only abuse chat
which these day we usually have a silenced guy in team
and the end of every game blizzard says
what do u think about reporting system
this what i think
what the f… is this
what the f… is wrong with u
is it abuse chat ???
should i get bann for it


It’s not going to change and they wont spend any developer resources on fixing it, since the game is now a Classic with minimal budget.

You will always be able to spam every report category on every player you meet in HotS with no repercussions.

Is it a good system? Not really, but it’s the one we’re stuck with.
I would advocate 3 daily reports for each player maximum, and punishments for those who do constantly false reports.


and that’s why we usually have a muted guy in team

u just get an abuse chat for every thing u do
play noob u get abuse chat report
blizzard should tell us what abuse chat is
for example is calling some one noob abuse chat ??
i have seen a lot of players call others noob but not any more because many people are muted now !

i was in a team with a 4 guy party we lost after playing 2 game later i was in the same team with that 4 man party
guess what next game i become muted !

That would work I think. Then only devs would only have to deal with valid reports and not a giant pile of false reports. And false reporters would finnaly get banned.


It’s really bad when a 4 man team gets in games with a solo player and they all report the solo because they lost the game, blame the solo always.
Just happened to me. 4 man, they didn’t do a single camp, were all over the place never grouped… then end of match I get “Trash” obviously directed to me because I was the solo. I really don’t get why people even support this game anymore. Blizzard doesn’t.

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in DOTA u can get like 5 report per week
they respect the players
they know some people may get abuse chat report for saying
what the f… is this reporting system
and they tell u
that u have how many report for abuse chat
how many for afk
etc and how many point u lose for them
if u get vote in last of the game u get points
its not like blizzard
dota wont decide who be in the score screen
game says who is mvp but stll every one are in the score screen
u can vote players for any reason
most of the time we dont see our key player in score screen and we cant vote for him

Most 4 mans are jsut 4 friends trolling whoever gets matched with them. I had the pleasure of that myself last year. Got called out with all kind of racist/toxic words by a D.Va and her 3 fangirls. ( I call them that casue you know the DVa is a woman/girl when she calls you ‘‘honey’’ in chat.

And 4 mans teams who has a healer that never heals you but only his/her friends.
And ofc its you who gets punished while troll premade team can continue what they do cause it takes 1000 reports to ban them.

thaat was a great point
love the point that u said blizzard doesn’t supp the game any more
because it is true i have heard it before
blizzard dosnt supp the game any more and there is no one to check false reports
some people say community checks but fact is there is no support

by the way about 4 man parties
if u dont want to be 1 man and a 4 man party team or play vs players in a party u can just check the option in settings
well Of course in dota not blizzard :rofl: :joy:
u actually can do that
no more noobs party

You have told that yourself the past 2 hours now in all your topics. So why you need that to get comfermed by others. Which part of ‘‘game is in maintenance mode’’ do you not understand.

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Yeah, the reporting system is bad but Blizzard doesn’t care. Maybe a dev does…but good luck convincing management to allocate resources to fix the issue at this point.

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with changes to the report system probably not gonna happen i think it would be better just to remove it all together, why have a broken system if it wont ever get fixed and it is not crucial to the game functioning regularly

That sounds perfectly fair. I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but it is very rare that over about 5 matches I’d have a need to report someone more than once. As you pointed out though, they either don’t want to, or don’t have the resources to improve the system.

As most of us are aware how the system basically functions, with this in mind it’s probably best to just try and work within it as it seems the multiple complainants and suggestions many of us have made on the forums haven’t swayed those in change to make any improvements.

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That text made my eyes bleed.

Either way, everyone knows Blizz report system is a joke. No one is going to do anything about it. Either swallow it or leave.

Is the reporting system bad though?
In all fairness, it sounds like you are reporting people for “Playing poorly”.
or as you so eloquently put it “One play noob”.

If you abuse someone “verbally” then ofc you should get banned, i would assume that if you just click report without having to harass the other player you wouldn’t get banned yourself.

Reporting someone for playing poorly isn’t a valid report for a good reason, unless they are throwing intentionally, but at lower ranks people are bad, which is litteraly why they are at the lower ranks.
If your sitting at a low rank and reporting everyone constantly then no wonder your annoyed, your not taking the time to selfimprove as you would then have the impression that THEY are the reason you are not ranking up, which is absolutly not true.

I mean i would agree the report system isn’t flawless, but it is doing it’s job where the job needs to be done.
If someone is toxic constantly, then the ban hammer hits them rightfully.
If someone plays poorly constantly, then their loss is their rank not their account.


If the said word is only swearing, no.
If the said word is used against other players, this is an insult and deserves punishment. It is as simple as that.
Basic civility and respect is never difficult nor out of the human brain’s reach.
Speaking of brain’s reach, yours is cleverly selective here: you conveniently forgot to mention that this sort of talking does not get you immediately banned, report stacks leading you through silencing at first. Therefore you get a warning about your conduct – which is a violation of the code of conduct. It is not like bannishment falls out of the blue. If you know what you’re bringing to yourself, it means you chose it.

You can report someone for deliberately playing bad (trolling, throwing) but you clearly can’t report a player just for not being good. We all were beginners at some point.

But for this to work you also need more clear rules, when reports are valid or not. I mean the report reason “dying on purpose” it’s highly subjective. While I would say it’s only counts for the guy, who runs in towers, because he don’t like his team for whatever reason. Others would say it’s also the guy, who just died 10+ death…

And that’s one example that is problematic. I don’t want to talk about our most flawed report reason “abusive chat”.

That’s true, but you don’t have to forget that this also is a competitive game, which creates a lot of stressful environment due to bad angermanagement or other social problems. That means you have to consider the case, when is someone really harmful or just tilted. The second might sound toxic, but actually isn’t. That’s why places like Salt Mines exists.


I like that actually. Dota’s reporting system sounds good. Imagine being a loyal customer and a fan of Blizzard and their games, and you get rightfully upset because trolls ruin your match and you get framed. Imagine the trolls that you got angry with get an email from Blizzard saying “Hi! Thank you for your report. The person you reported has been silenced”, thanking them for pushing loyal fans out of the game. The troll would then feel good not because he helped the community, but because he won.

That reporting system should be well implemented, or similar at least. A credibility system. Perhaps if you go weeks without reports it will add points to your credibility, or the x amount of games you played between this and the recent report. For example, playing 20 games and you only get reported for 3 out of 20 is a huge scale compared to someone who is actually toxic in almost every game, or 10 out of 20. In HOTS case at the moment, you could get silenced within 3-5 games despite playing a lot. Another idea to add credibility is If you buy products, games or even Boost days from Blizzard, that should add credibility points to an extent . It almost sounds like a pay 2 win thing, but it isn’t if it only maxes at 10 credibility points towards your total amount of credible points for example. We all know that trolls and toxic players don’t buy boost days or support Blizzard.

With a good credibility, it’s harder to get silenced or banned because of well, your credibility. It shows you’re a good gamer and get upset like a normal human-being once in a while. You see?

While I understand your position, and condone the existence of a place like the salt mines thread to blow off some steam, I remain very critic regarding the in-game reactions of toxic players, even when only tilted. We must not forget about the virtuality of video games, which is a psychological trap leading us to believe there are no people behind our screens. Players are real. A video game is IRL, at least partly. And like any real-life situation it has a share of stress one must know how to deal with, while remaining civilized. I am quite sure the most toxic players in this game would not say even 10% of the trash-talk they speak if they physically stood in the presence of the players they fight with and against.

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You might be right about this, but that irl has other fundamental problems compared to virtual reality. I mean almost all of us should have faced toxicity from school, especially sportsevents. That’s what come close to virtual reality’s toxicity.

Literally none want the weakling on his team, who also gets the mobbing from others. And ironically this problems never stopped being existed, even though people were present physically.

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Toxity always exists in school no matter what. Some kids even gets bullied everyday cause they are diffrent. But then you also have a teacher you can tell about it too or your parents that might take it even further to the school principal if it gets out of hand.