Big LOL.
When did this come out?
Big LOL.
When did this come out?
If only he could see the real rank of players and sort them in there
Maybe wood league will be a thing soon lol. Wood 5. The league were trolls, feeders, and afk players can have fun with eachother.
Yeah, I noticed that a few days ago when comparing some stats. I wondered whether to make a topic about it (or even if I missed a sudden stealth change to SL itself).
That said, I do think people who have fallen deeply under B5 0 points (and gain like 4 points per win and loss) would feel more progression if there was another league under it, like they added Iron to LoL.
This does push the problem down the road to Iron 5, Wood 5 or whatever it would be called, but more people get a sense of progression through the ranks at the normal 200 per win/loss speed.
Like in silver, gold or all the other ranked leagues. In every league you have trolls or bad players based to the forum.
This discussion isn’t new, but what about the other players who will fall beyond the new wood league 5?
As I said, this does push the current problem down to Wood/Iron 5, 0 points.
There aren’t easy solutions to that, at least any that I could think of. Just as there is always a top 0,1% of players, there is a bottom 0,1% and they have to be placed somewhere.
They could hard cap Wood/Iron/new lowest league point gain to 200 per win and loss, but then you’d have people’s MMR separating from their rank again (people who keep losing at Wood 5 0 points for weeks, would be matched with people who only recently dropped there, creating bad match quality).
I’m not smart enough to think of how to fix the point gain problem at the lowest league’s lowest point.
Currently, some of those people are quitting the game because they can’t tolerate grinding 4 points per win. I understand their point of view too. It’s unrewarding.
I know one solution, but it’s weird that my idea gets dismssed. I made thread long ago that I want a matchmaking system like in Hearthstone, but this idea was disliked, even though it would solve the problem with higher ranks gets infested by bad players. So in the end I don’t have a solution either and we will stuck with what we have.
Sorry, but this is clearly bs, because I was in B5 two times and I climbed out of it and if someone fell into the deep hole of B5, he clearly belongs in there. Sounds cruel? But it’s true.
Many people probably do belong there, but I understand their frustration at the length of the grind. While you had mental fortitude to get out of it, the average casual player will probably see it as a daunting task to grind hundreds of games to get to Bronze 4.
But I have to admit, there’s no easy to way to fix it. Even if there is Wood 5, now the same people face the same problem at Wood 5, 0 points. If you make yet another league under that, people in that league at 0 points will face a huge grind too, etc.
Maybe giving people a big streak bonus if they manage to win 5+ in a row? As in Hearthstone when people win several games in a row, they get skipped forward a few stars. (Though they have 10 divisions in each league now)
In the end you describe the same issue I have with silver or gold. This matches in this league are dull and boring to me, because I have always to carry my team and I will carry them, if they listen and don’t feed, but it’s a long tortured way to go out. And no this matches aren’t challenging at all.
Most of my (95%) games are stomps from the enemy or my team, it just depends who has more feeders/afks in his team.
My real life friends been at 0 to 50 points Bronze 5 for like a year now but he deserves it tbh. I tried to que with him after leveling up a new account and it’s hopeless since he wont even learn to stutter step no matter how many times I showed him he shouldn’t stand still when he attacks.
Doesn’t ever go to tribute or obj when the timer is up. Uses dives to engage a fight and has no escape. Generally has 10 deaths a match or more.
Best thing to do is let these players figure out the game themselves. Giving them more points is hopeless.
Exactly my thoughts. And it’s rather sad, but all you describe is common on my rank. People comes late to obj, people don’t know when to retreat fights or do camps, when they shouldn’t do it like during obj… I see this in silver and gold, even when I am the lowest player, when I play with my friends…
Yea, this almost enraged me when trying to help bronze 5 rank up.
A teamfight is going on at objective, do they come to help? Heck no, they go to take our siege giant camp and the rest of the team dies. And that camp accomplishes nothing since enemy kills it in 5 seconds.
It’s like their brain is defective and can’t think logically, but I don’t want to get silenced so I just have to deal with it and say nothing.
If they would at least do a camp during the timer before the obj starts, but no, it’s like most people ignore the timer and start doing camps, when the obj is already there… 30 seconds are clearly enough time to do the bruiser camp together and rush to the objective… but not in silver.
People do that even in platinum and it leads to lost games. They have been taught the meme of doing spear camp on BoE before immortals spawn. But they don’t go there when the objective timer starts ticking. They start doing the camp when there are 2 seconds left on the timer.
By the time they finish the camp, the enemy has killed half the immortal which is going to march on our core and kill it.
I don’t think this nonsense stops entirely until you get to really high ranks like master.
Will it happen at Bronze 5 almost every game? Probably, there is nothing you can do to avoid it.
And that’s why grinding in silver, gold, platinum feels like grinding B5 and I feel bored from most of my games. As healer I am a healbot, as tank I am a sandbag and the only stats matter is hero damage, if that is low, you’re bad.
No point healing in bronze, I say that as a former wood leaguer. You gotta play a hero who can do camps, lane, kill and objective all by himself. Though Rehgar could do this.
I eventually got out of bronze hell pits. A very long grind I may add. But I didn’t want pity points, it just required getting better at the game.
Giving wood players more points only pushes those players to normal games again. Which makes even more people upset.
I got 26 points for each win. It was truly hell. But I managed.
As someone, who played myself out of bronze and managed to go back to gold solo, I can tell you the games in those leagues aren’t really more enjoyable than bronze, the players in this leagues are surely better a bit, but not by far… games are still painful. And there are bronze players that are better than some silver or gold players. In the end it’s just a grind.
You should not expect B5 players to do know anything basis about this game other then brawling mid lane whole game.
They play other modes until level 50… you have to expect more than brawl, because it is enough time to at least know the basics, but I know it’s an utopia.