I have played SL on 2 different accounts and... uhhh

Congratulations, you’ve hit Platinum, the rank easy for higher skilled smurfs to climb to, and a rank that has no Rank decay, so you can have returning players who haven’t played for months or years and are clueless. It’s also an easy rank for people to get boosted to.

As you aren’t playing solo and you’re already a proven Master player, you have a higher chance of influencing your matches than I do as a Plat solo player. All that strange behaviour you described in your post I encounter all the time in Plat. It is also the rank where you can have a Platinum player team up with Silvers.

As the system allows for 2 rank spreads, you get these games where people clearly play below the expected skill level of their rank. They could have been carried by friends. You might have a silver in an otherwise Platinum match. This is just how the ranked system works now.


I don’t.

For that matter I sent you an invite last week, but you didn’t accept it.

If you’re plat 1 for example, and stopped playing for 3 years, It makes no sense for you to jump back in ranked in Plat 1 when you start playing again and drag your team down. I doubt your team mates would find that fun. One player, causing losses for four others in several games is worse than a player winning because he’s actually good enough after years of decay. (Which itself is unlikely)

Pretending that someone is still at the same level after years of not touching the game makes no sense.

What? what do you mean?

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There are players who have thousands of games in SL and old HL and are lifetime Bronze/Silvers/Gold/Platinum. What is “newbie” to one person, isn’t to another. I often briefly get into Diamond, but I think I have hit my skill level in Plat.

I’m not going to beat myself up about it or be ashamed about it. Not everyone can be Diamond 1, Master/GM. You need to remember too what Ana told Dr. Logan:

I see games like this all the time. A Diamond grouped with a Gold who is obviously not a Master/Diamond smurf, but actually probably a boosted silver. As SL allows for such a wide gap in ranks you will get games where it seems your team can’t coordinate and do simple things like soak, basic rotations, etc…

It’s what I’ve been trying to tell you in your “bronze reset” thread. SL has other issues, that a reset won’t cure. It’s also okay to go between Silver and Gold as you say you are. If you play solo like I do, it makes it harder to rank up. It’s probably best for you to find a buddy to team up with. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m gulity of not following this advice, but it’s probably best not to take the bait and ask for clarification.

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When I played SL (HL at the time) and ended up in Platinum for a few seasons I saw the following.

  • Poor draft choices, including selecting heroes that are hard countered by already drafted enemy heroes. I once did this by mistake (again my PvP experience was limited) and ironically I did not even end up with most deaths and it happened so frequently people did not even really mind.
  • Over extending without a secure exit plan. Most deaths were caused by this. If you are a hyper mobile hero that always gets out alive then sure, but if you are someone like Artanis this is just not going to end well.
  • Huddling together. Most team wipes were caused by this. Glass cannon right next to the tank when going through a bush against an enemy Jaina and Kael, instant team wipe.
  • No understanding of macro, often trying to team fight at a level and talent advantage instead of launching a recovery. By 5 minutes the lower level team would usually go on to lose, especially if the difference reached 2 or above levels.
  • Most losses were the result of partial team wipes and then suiciding one-by-one during offset revive timers. Once saw this happen so bad that my team managed to recover from 2 to 30 core health in Towers of Doom (in enemy favour, any objective or boss and they would instant win) even though they never lost a full 5v5 team fight the entire game. They just kept coming one-by-one to die and then be stuck with post level 20 revive timers.
  • Face tanking damage that could easily be avoided. This includes not using stutter step to deal auto attack damage and walking into AoE hazard markers that are easily avoided.

When I was eventually put down to Gold (despite >50% win rate, just due to silly placement logic) I stopped playing HL due to how poor players were. I literally managed to poke Blaze, one of the toughest heroes, to death with Zagara during early laneing stage. This is something that was not even possible against Elite AI at the time (now they play badly…) as Blaze would always be able to exit. I also encountered a suicidal Muradin who kept trying to 1v5 a team that hard counters tanks while at a 4 level disadvantage. Being Lucio I tried to save him every time, and every time he never bothered to run away until he was literally as good as dead and every time I made it out alive again to end the game with 0 deaths.


If you and sadius and shadowmere couldn’t win when the elo was plat then that goes to show some plats are way too good for their rank but are stuck in plat. And then you’ll also see some plats that are so horrendous you couldn’t carry your plat randos

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#1 I watched only 3 min. Your Sylvanas pissed me off. good call on the camp.
You might want to try W lvl 1, it’s great now. Stun whenever you can, be a tad more aggro.

#4 You could micro Erik way more, your APM should be the most demanding on him to cut D.Va’s rotation and get free damage.
1, 1, micro for 4 sec
2, 2, micro for 4 sec
3, 3, micro for 4 to 10 sec.

#6 Do you have Healing Potion on quickcast? The micro seconds can help. It’s easier to spam it. Also, weave more AA. It adds up in the end. Emerald and Ancient Blessings are the carry potential.

#8 Since you were the solo laner and only Jaina had waveclear in the 4 man, it would have been wise to pick E build Rag, especially vs their backline and on this map where you constantly shove lanes.

#12 Actually good job on Muradin. Great build, too.

Why? Was she toxic or something?


No. Idk how quickcasts work outside of skillshots.

I don’t take Emerald because Gold/Plat level. I take CDR/E build to spam more Es. And it helps me.
AB - my teammates don’t AA enough. But they get a lot of damage, so Big Potions help me to keep them full HP.

We had Mei/Anubarak and one of them could solo lane. My team needed damage so I went W build. And you saw I was killing a lot.


Will you watch rest of games? And what is your opinion about me losing a lot?

They work like anything else.

Except double casts like Hanzo’s arrow or Ragnaros’s Meteor Ball.

Sylvanas, you pinged her, typed to her and she didn’t went for the camp. I’ve also stopped because I’ve already seen an Uther game.

There are some case where you put potions way back to make them bigger, but direct potions would have saved some. As for quickcast, I have few exceptions. Tracer’s Blink, Li-Ming’s Teleport, Deckard’s healing potion, D.Va’s Dash and concussive pulse, etc. Every 2.75 sec, you should spam Q.

Catherina and MadKiller could write about how much Rag E build does so much damage vs lots of backline. Blistering Attacks is by far his best talent and E helps proccing it, slows the enemy for 3.5 sec and gives you a good shield. It’s not just for waveclear.

I’ve watched enough, I think, one for each hero. I don’t really focus on others. And, I’m not getting paid lol.

In summary, be more agressive, do more AAs, push your micro to the max.


That argument is not very good, even Fan loses a match here and there in plat or gold and the guy has multiple accounts at the top of the GM leaderboard for heavens sake. Though he basically never loses in bronze or silver in his challenges.

In HotS around 70% in solo is considered a “perfect” win ratio, you can’t go much past that without a premade. And that 70% will be achieved by the very best GM’s. Most players will not break 60% in solo.

Meaning they’ll still lose 30-40% of the time which adds up to thousands on a long time account.

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10 loose max…

Darn Lucifer, I always read you and very often agree with your posts. But here, I can’t mate. This is not about a behavior of any player, this is is about twisted wrong ranks, and twisted wrong matches. Ranks are FAKE. Stop defending it’s fair. This is ridiculous. We ALL know groups VS solos and PL just broke the fairness EVERYWHERE.

I’m not a dev and I don’t have the power to change bad matchmakings. The best focus to have is about our own actions, not about something we can’t control. I didn’t became a master player out of luck.


With four randoms PL. Yeah.