I found this while browsing Twitter dot com

It would be fun to see a new Chen skin. I could see some creative things being done with that.

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Yeah he’s pretty hot and all…

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Gotta remember that little rag was also the first new skin that they did a new model. The other skins they just update the clothes of the character but they use the same model (at least they did when little rag was added). It makes sense that the skin cost is 1200 and the colors are the same.

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no it makes 0 sense as it counts as a “new skin” and new skins aren’t supposed to have the same tint as the regular. but sure believe what you want

Oh yeah, forgot that this was in the blizzard rules. How could the devs break this rule.

Wait, what? Most of Alarak’s skins have a red tint, but I would certainly call his Dark Nexus skin “new”.


so? all of them are red? no.

actumally its pink because he is best waifu.

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Ragnaros has only fire-themed colour tints probably due to them being careful so when they release something that’s another kind of Elemental (like Neptulon, Alakir) the fact that all of these Heroes can have skins won’t get too confusing.
Plus since altering his ability animations is one of the major reasons he has no skins, non fire looking tints would look weird with other colour tints.

We already have complains with ability colour not matching skins, and as you like to bring it up, Lil’ Rag is a legendary skin so ppl would just complain about why a legendary green skin has orange lava and fire…


so what i get from this actually just repeats the same thing i said before. it’s laziness not that it’s hard to do~ they don’t want to spend time on making such a skin that so many people asked for because that means they’ll have to work on things precisely and the abilities too of the hero to fit the color of the skin.

Is a new skin for Kel’thuzad.

  1. Lazyness is not doing something because you want to rest/do nothing.
    What the actual situation is, that this requires more work than what it’s actual worth. Priorities =/= Lazyness.
  2. Lil’Rag is already a completely new model to a Hero with altered voice, so worth 1.2k doritos (the price of the cheaper legendaries) and it means the devs worked already quite the amount of time on Rag and his skin before their release.
  3. You claiming they should just add more/different colourtints but when ppl reminds you that the community already complains when a tint doesn’t match the ability theme is a fallacy.
    Lil’Rag and Rag should always have the exact same colourtints, that’s the point.
  4. Heroes often work with somewhat fixed colour-themes, so when they get new skins, they look similar. So it’s not a “Rag-only” thing.

All of his abilities are red, regardless of the color of the rest of the skin. This demonstrates the complexity of changing a skin and all associated particle effects. Given the extreme amount of effort it would take to create a complete “new” skin, I would much rather have new heroes, myself. I suppose one could call it lazy, but I see it as priorities.


Yeah, lazy = not wanting to work on a new skin for a year, making the game have no new skins at all for a year :roll_eyes:

It was made with rag. Its his base kit. He had normal rag,master rag and lil rag.Those 3. He was released with those 3. Rag had ZERO skins from release.

From what i heard his model is a cluster hell to change. Its hard to even change colors for some reason. I think its shaders or something else. It takes a LOT of work. Also he has 2 models due to Molten core. So 2x to nasty model to change.

He will prb never get a skin. He was prb a nightmare to make as well.

edit: think about it. If you change just his hammer it needs to be changed for base and molten core, then flame effect for Q in both forms, then all those position that he uses in both forms to cast Smash ulti. He has a insane amount of animations that are also non stop moving due to those flames around him.He is a jumble of effects that are going non stop around him.You need to change ALL of that. Even just for a color change.

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Ragnaros is probably 5% material, 5% skeletal mesh and 90% particles.


Kinda sad tho. I RLY want his skins. His model is made for skins.Just frost rag with snow avalanche sounds so nice.And he as a snowman.

I think Ragnaros would require a whole new model which is easily edittable before they can go crazy with new skins.

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Snowbius (portrait) one was really cute. Can be a great Epic skin.


Ghostbius is also a thing.