I found this while browsing Twitter dot com

You guys thinking about 1 year ago.

Seriously why, think more years.

Let’s make it 2.5, which heroes in the last 2.5 years has never gotten an actual cool skin excluding generic tints and obviously horse beaten answers (TLV, Rag)?


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Indeed the effects that accompany Ragnaros are the biggest issue, devs told us.
Since so many elements are connected to the skin colour; particles emitted from the body and abilities, lava mound at his ‘feet’, Trait ability, etc. etc.

They would need to adjust all that with more than just a colour adjustment, to make it actually work.

In essence they must recreate all of ragnaros for a new skin, since it consists of so many elements and particles.

(something along those lines)

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Probius latest skin (recolour) actually included recoloured pylons as well, which is cool and much appreciated!
But he needs bedsheet skin for halloween, that’s all I ask for.

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Pylon recolor has been requested for years but still falls under tints at best.

I’m speaking about unqiue skins that changes the hero look a lot.

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yeah i wouldn’t count a new tint as a new skin. that’s ridiculous

No of course, but at least that they did the effort to at least include recoloured pylons is already something unexpected for our babe probius.

Does zeratul have any skins at all? iirc he had some recolors, the samurai one and that skull on his face.

As much as a like zeratul he has loads of skins already , hope someone else gets something.




As you can see, Rag is a complicated guy.


i don’t see an answer to this. this is his “other skin” they made it but didn’t bother with new tints since they already made it why not new tints with it while you thought of making it?

It was supposed to be an answer to why it is hard to make new skins/tints for Rag =p

no that was answer on why it is hard to make new skins for him but wasn’t answer on why they made new skin for him which is lil ragnaros but didn’t make new tints with it

Manduin, Imp, Fenix, KT, Turtle, Raven, Probe, TLV are the most lacking in skins (excluding Rag and DW for obvious reasons).

Anduin, Imperius and Malganis looks too “recent” addition to me to justify the “long time no skin” part and the TLV is played barely by anyone and requires 3 skins for 1. And Fenix got a (literally and figuratively) cool new colour tint, so I’d “disqualify” him as well.
So imo:

  • Kelthuzad
  • Medivh
  • Probius

Are the real candidates.
My vote is on KT because: popularity.

They probably just didn’t feel like doing new tints for lil Rag.

or just lazy? i don’t see why “they wouldn’t feel like it” so saying it’s “hard” doesn’t explain why they made 1 and didn’t care about coloring it that’s just laziness not “hard” you can’t use “hard” as an excuse of you not caring about the character or who ask for him to get new TINTS people even said they would like a different color rather than a new skin but hey i guess “hard” is now the excuse of being lazy

They didn’t make new tints with lil ragnaros, because all the FX and particles are yellow/orange and remaking all those would’ve been a lot of work they didn;'t want to do back then as well.

I wouldn’t say lazy. The purpose of the lil Rag was to make a lil Rag. It was not really to add new tints.

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you can’t make new skin for a hero and give him the exact same colors of his regular skin. that’s just stupid ok? same effects too like comon dude you had the man power for it and you didn’t and now you don’t have the man power and you say it’s hard it’s just excuse as i said

Is it though? The skin was a little Ragnaros, so it is smart to go with the same colors. If they made a new tint for little Rag, they would need to do one for the normal Rag.


not really. they wouldn’t need to do the same for his regular skin this one looks different as the voice is like a baby and doesn’t look like his regular skin either plus it costs 1200 shards if it was meant to be the same thing it shouldn’t cost that much for it as it’s the same skin~ other heroes that get Legendary skins those also cost 1200 shards just like his which is a Legendary his regular skins cost 100 shards btw cause they know nothing special about them so they’re extremely cheap but Lil Ragnaros is different