I don't want to be a master

Its rank decay, red hourglass means your time is up and you need to play or suffer 200 points

Anyways, I did 2 rank yesterday, think I need to make the decision of trowing or smurfing also at one point. im really close but no motivation because I cant play with my friends anymore : /

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Through rank decay? It logs how many points you lost?


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So smurfing or trowing.
I want to keep my cosmetics and all of my heroes. But there is no freaking point of playing in masters. But if I trow I would be stuck in leaver stats a lot and my rank decay is 25 days
(Ranked is my favorit gamemode)

I dont feel good about smurfing either
(Im glad I reached it but now what :sweat_smile:)

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Compared to diamond, Master matches are ultra-high quality (obviously they’re still not great, but the difference is still huge).
What to do when you reach master? Enjoy. You finally get consistent decent(ish) games.
That is only made possible by the very same limitation of master-matchmaking.

P.S. The smurfs are finally reaching diamond. Just recently had a game vs opponent “diamond” trio with 38-2, 56-7 and something similar this season’s SL results. Would have been a fun match (finally a decent challenge), if my true-diamond teammates actually understood we’re playing against good players and tried harder instead of starting to look for who to blame for game being hard (yes, they just gave up)… I really don’t mind playing these games, but if you want fewer 1-sided matches - just get to master and stay there ;).


Go for GM.
Show those plebians that you can do it.

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I want to be your friend.
but alas I am a lowly silverton.