I am stopping playing this game, but here is my feedback why:

This is why I am going to not play hots anymore (or as much).

  1. Too many instaban tier overpowered heroes right now.
  2. Resurrect is extremely not fun to play vs and i’ve waited too long now for real nerfs to it.
  3. Every game ends with 1 team at a substantial level disadvantage (Usually a 3 level difference).
  4. Early / Mid game feeling like it has little impact to the outcome of the match.
  5. Crappy objectives that become super overpowered late game, but are useless beforehand such as punisher and protector.
  6. Deathwing is still AIDS to play vs. Even as a % hp damage dealer.
  7. Quickmatch is cancer to play. There is nearly always a stealth hero (CANCER) on both teams, and or a Butcher on 1 side too. Most games have no healer (Jee I wonder why, with Butcher and Stealth EVERY TIME).
  8. Ranked does not feel competitive at all. It feels like a total coinflip if you will win or lose. Most games are lost in draft.
  9. I want old brawls back. Aram has become very stale and uninteresting to play. Even with the weekly free box.
  10. Braxis Holdout, Hanamura Temple, Warhead Junction, and Blackhearts Bay are CANCER. All 4 of these maps have BAD objectives.
    1. Why is Hanamura Siege camp better than the actual objective?
    1. Why does Nuke on WHJ only do like 10% of a fort hp? What happened to center dmg?
    1. Why did you revert the changes to beacon contesting on braxis? They were GOOD.

That’s my list of complaints. I’m not enforcing any of these as fact. This is my opinion and criticism of HOTS currently.

The game has became progressively more unfun for me since Qhira was added and I no longer want to play now. Only my favourite characters tempt me to come back, but I leave unsatisfied each time.


:arrow_up: this :arrow_up: contradicts with :arrow_down: this :arrow_down:

You do not exactly get ahead by 3 levels in late game.

Wait, I thought you hated the idea of one team getting 3 levels ahead. If first objective did just that, then it would make things worse.

Can agree to this.

Yeah, it seems broken by design to enforce % dmg to do anything to him. They should change the armor/hp values to make normal damage more effective to him. 40% armor on a tank’s healthbar is too much. It is broken that Tychus can delete his healthbar in few seconds while some other heroes take a good 30 seconds to kill him. Even tanks you can at least CC and lock down. DW hard counters any CC.

After melee build nerfs everyone just goes Q build and do 30% of your hp even if you barely get touched by the flame and run out immediately.

Can you name them?

They are not actually stealthed, just “unclickable” ever since stealth nerfs long ago. Most of them are fairly balanced.

Yeah, that is an issue in QM.


K bye.


Things that someone don’t understand and/or can’t deal with = CANCER or AIDS.


Rez was considered one of the worst ults.
At dec.16, it got buffed at jan.22, it got nerfed. It’s barely february, so… I don’t think the “waited too long” holds any ground yet.

There were many changes made by Blizz to babysit the players so this won’t happen as often, but it’ll always be the case because the source of the problem is that most ppl can only play from ahead.

Earlygame objectives still bring enough value and you already have problem with lvl leads. Usually one team gets the objective if they killed the enemy, so got a lead. Then they push with an objective and get more. If the first obj would be stronger that’d be the decider factor…

And the lategame… everything becomes really strong so the match won’t last for eternity.

Hard to believe that some ppl still don’t know how to play against him.
You don’t need %-based dmg to deal with him. You never did, and he got two waves of nerfs.

I’m sorry, but stealth is only a problem against low skilled players.

Anduin and Tyrande are great Healers against Butch.

Also… don’t play QM?..

Draft decides the matches only at the highest ranks where you can no longer beat math itself.
So in your case draft means nothing, or only placebo/moral question at best.

(Sidenote: could you be a bit more empathical and not use a deadly illness to describe your babyrage? Thx.)


This is a garbage f!cking game. A garbage f!cking game. No amount of changes will ever fix it. It is permanently destroyed by audaciously terrible design decisions of the devs.

K bye.


A “strong” well put argument, you lost me right there. I take seriously farewell posts for feedback, not this one. Enjoy LOL or DOTA.

One more beer sailor, thank you and goodbye.

If you stopped playing the game, you dont need to send any feedback.


This is pure irony.

If every game for you has your team underleveled, I would recommend learning how to best soak. Also learn how to macro-play around being a talent behind. You don’t always need to fight or contest objective - it does need to be a team communicated thing though.

From your complaints, I’m not sure you were properly taught how to play the game effectively.


The problem isn’t the mode, the problem is your approach to it.

You are playing QM as if it’s going to assure you that it’s going to give you a well-built team that also had the opportunity to ban particular problem characters for that team… Like you would in a drafting mode. However, the only thing you do for QM is pick your own character and let the dice fall where they may. You are expecting a mode without any form of drafting whatsoever to give you all the benefits of drafting.

If there are characters that you automatically lose to, the problem is not the characters. Also, if Stealth is an issue, this further illustrates the problem is not the mechanics or characters, but actually a player problem.

Overall, the issues cited are more of a Learn-to-Play category than anything else.


Butcher and stealths have nothing to do with lack of healers.
Healers are not as popular for a role as assassins. In fact its by far the most ungrateful role to play in general.
Way too many people leave their healers behind , dont protect them of just flat out 1v5 , dies then blames them.

After a while being burned like that healer mains " just go @$!# it ! Im going assassins so i font have to rely on competent alies !"

It has very little to do with blizzard match making and WAY more to do on how the player base treats each other.

Show caring for your healers and tank , because when you do , they will do anything to keep you alive for as long as they can.


There are some things you say that don’t make sense at all but I do agree with you that it takes them too long to fix anything in the game and they always come with the excuse that they don’t have enough data.

Blizzard usually waits until people are so exasperated and angry to fix any broken heroes or mechanics. At this point, I believe they will never fix MM or QM comps, which is the most played mode by players. That’s because they either don’t care, don’t have the resources or are plainly dumb and out of touch with their player base.

You can pick the OP as much as you wish. But in the end its another frustrated player leaving the game. That should not be a game’s objective but for some reason the players whom come here cheer for it when it happens. Face it, Blizzard is not performing on this game.

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Any game lately. There was a time when I would tell everyone that Blizzard is the best game company I know.

Lately a lot has changed. Gaming industry as a whole seems to be in a bad shape nowdays.

Most of the times I am not even interested in new games and play my old favorites instead.

I think a lot has to do with politics getting involved into games.

Characters in new games are not cool. They do not think about design. They only care about diversity/feminism/gender/race/LGBTQAP…

You cannot compare the cool and unique character design of Team Fortress 2 to that of Apex Legends…

P.s. World of Warcraft still has the best support I know of, at least from my experiece. They talk to you in live chat like a human being, not with premade copy-paste answers.

Dead game cause activision wants to kill blzzard and so far they doing a pretty good job of it.

I do agree the samurai camp is ridiculous on Hanamura, left unchecked even for a while it’s more devastating than the cannon objective itself. It’s about as good as a boss (or better, since it slices an entire minion wave in 1 swing) with half the cooldown.


We definitely can’t expect anything from a main Tychus baby : v

On the surface, you’ve got some truth. This is a player that’s leaving, but the fact is more that when you examine the reasons for leaving, they are base mechanics of the game that are going to be a problem for new/low-ranking players…

It’s one thing when you’re getting frustrated just learning the mechanics for a single-player game that you play by yourself… It’s a whole other one when it’s a complex multi-player game that requires some practice, some learning, and some growth to really hold your own. This guy is pulling out all the rookie complaints (stealth, long list of ‘OP’ characters, etc.) that he’s going to have problems with those other games too if he brings the same attitude.

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It is because of [perhaps merely incremental] advantages gained early to mid that the level gap widens.