I am glad I am not the person responsible for MM algorithm

Because if I was, I’m not sure I could live with myself for being such an abject failure.

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Play ranked. Solve all your problems.

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These threads are like jokes. Bad ones, but jokes. I’m glad I’m not the person who made such a bad joke unintentionally. It would be hard to live my life then.


well, your sense of observation is lacking, you seem impervious to wanting to improve, and you go out of your way to complain and assume ‘the worst’ about things; that generally indicates life for you kinda sucks, being your own issue on a lot of things, so yea, you’d probably have a hard time ‘living with yourself’ by virtue of the complications you’re making for yourself.

Same issues are going to persist wherever you go, so of course you have to loop bad assumptions and keep complaining about the same stuff over and over again. Pretty sure you have a hard time ‘living with yourself’ by virtue of a lack of social interaction, getting satisfaction from producing something, and having a healthier outlook on what other people actually accomplish. That’s stuff that’s going to make you miserable regardless of what you do

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try playing lol, it has improved a lot, and today it is more balanced than hots

Can you point out what improved, or that’s an “observation” (feel, bias)?
From what I know, the system is relatively the same in both games, but LoL has a lot of players, that is required for a functioning MM, while HotS does not, which is the major reason its MM “fails”.

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Sounds like someone got beaten handily in a match and needs something abstract to blame.

Nobody is responsible for it. That’s why it doesn’t work.

Your frivolous assertions to one side, those people who had a hand in developing the MM probably take comfort in the millions of dollars (I hope) they made and their potential to make more big bucks in the future.

I mean, nobody and I mean NOBODY thinks the MM is by any means perfect, but if you want to give a critique add something! Some detail some nuance or argument if you want to stimulate any sort of discussion on the matter.

They would probs just say “Forced 50% wr is real! I’mmaaa stuck in Bronze 5!”


Literally one joke.

Its the best you will ever get in any game in competitive gaming if, as a player, you insist on being rated as an individual playing a team game with a solo queue.

The method used for match making, by it’s very nature, is a poor choice for rating/ranking individuals in team games BUT there is no other method in existence that can come as close as it does at making somewhat fair matches.

If you want a better competitive experience overall, find a group of players that you can get along with, form a team of 5-10 players, and join one of the tournament leagues.

That didn’t manage to elicit even one laugh.