Hybrid Hero Concept


Interesting concept though his talents are from very weak to absurd. “Consume Everything”… you hit 20, have the CDR talent from 1, GG at 20(though not all that many games last to 20, but still, that is absurd).

Consume Everything

Consume DNA steals 5% of the current Health of Heroes hit and grants the same amount to Castanar as bonus Health.

Also you got 2 healing talents for basic attacks, one is of the damage dealt, the other of enemy max hp, haven’t seen that on a hero, seems odd.

Why is that GG tho?

Is that wrong or what?

On 2 talents healing based on AA, i think it might be too strong.

Consume Everything lvl 20 talent combined with Purity of Form(It would reduce the coldown from 15 sec to 7.5). Diablo has Lord of Terror at 20

  • Cooldown: 60 seconds
  • Active: Activate to steal 10% of the maximum Health of nearby enemy Heroes and gain 5 Souls per Hero hit.

This combo on this Hybrid hero would be half of that steal every 7.5 seconds + the ability’s damage, bonus until death hp and heal (0.5% max of every hero as both bonus and heal so 1% per hero). Which would result into every 7.5 seconds in big 0 skill to hit AOE, 5% steal(decent damage, HUGE heal) + the rest of the ability would end up making the hero near impossible to kill, while he kept getting harder and harder to kill. IDK man but it seems too strong.