Humorous report system

Can you help Xeny understand that? This other guy tried simping for her, but it seems you sorta understand the idea.

I think he’s more than capable of understanding, considering he wrote this.


it’s not ‘triggering’. The capacity for me to poke fun that you’re effectually limiting yourself to a self-defined one-note that your bear as a name is either very telling (intentional) or ironic, and sad, that you don’t rise about it in favor of being more than a ‘character’ with a script.

Like, you read a post where I said I’m not a series of female characters, and now you chalk that up to people having to ‘simp’ for something you could have understood in the first place. Thanks for the misogyny?


It’s emotional/triggering for ya otherwise you wouldn’t need to make a big deal out of it. It’s just a name you’ve never clarified the origin or purpose of. Also, simping isn’t misogyny, but you do you lol. Anyway we’ll talk again.

That’s silly. I quietly enjoy making big deals out of practically anything. Has nothing to do with whether it’s triggered a reaction.

Yes that’s just common female behavior, you’re not saying much.

The assumption something is a ‘big deal’ to you is a poorly thought out one. Then again, that was in a post that ended up being longer than 2 sentences, so it would be a ‘big deal’ for you to read through it.

Honestly though, you’d do yourself a big favor if you stopped lying to yourself in forcing things into two bad extremes and thinking one has to be the case. Then again, you seem to busy patting people on that back for posting demonstrably false things, and claiming otherwise, to be little else more than trolling.

It’s not the ‘simping’ but the assumptions that you’re putting forth, and deriding, that are demonstrably misogynistic. That’s part of why you’re deflecting the target of my concern to fault something else instead of deny the actual posted claim.

Reading would be your friend if you’d actually do it :rainbow:


You tried saying something here but it doesn’t work. Rest of the post can’t be good. Back to what this originated from–I did rank up with Gaz. Just accept it and move on.

Simply because posters are calling you out for your blatant misogyny, doesn’t mean there is any “emotional” reason for doing so. Dismissing any narrative or argument that challenges your often reductive statements as “emotional” is your go-to route to deflect and to avoid defending your statements and positions.

I’ve been on these forums forever and as far as I know Xenterex has never revealed their gender, so I’m not sure why you’re assuming they are a woman.

As for you only being able to climb on Gazlowe. As Volun noted:

I suspect you climbed on Gazlowe’s pre bruiser rework kit (you stated as much). Many players were easily able to climb to Platinum using the specialist class, as prior to the rework of that class, low skill play such as split pushing with Syl’s trait, or Gaz’s Robo Goblin, was rewarded as these heroes had far too much of their power budget consolidated in PVE.

One of the forum regulars climbed solo in SL from Silver to Master, mostly playing Lucio. They showed their progress in shared replays etc., so there is no doubt if you possess the required skill, you will climb.

With only a very short stint in Diamond, I’ve never been able to climb higher than Platinum. Is it a bit frustrating, yes, do I think an algorithm or other “bad” players are keeping me “stuck” in that rank? Nope.

It wasn’t easy to admit that fact to myself, it’s called acceptance, I believe. Admitting we have reached our skill level is often difficult, as most humans have a natural drive to improve, but sometimes we have to accept our own limitations and stop trying to find outside factors to blame for our lack of personal development.

You know, accept the facts instead of blaming things on an anecdotal and emotional “feeling”, you know, the factual rational philosophy that you so often claim you adhere to.


Considering that I have boy parts, I’m saying a great deal.

Looking at Pure’s interactions with others on these forums, I get the impression they assume gender based on whatever avatar you happen to be sporting.

So the good news is you’re now a woman. In more good news, you’re now also an angel. Grats.


Hi Minky, you did a Xeny post. But if you admitted I ranked up with Gaz somewhere in there then I’m good with it, can you tell Xeny I didn’t make it up?

Come now, who can really tell what’s under there?

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I wrote something. This is a written medium that is matched with an effort in reading. What I wrote works just fine. What you rejected, substituted with something else, and then tried to fault with anyone else seems to be the bit that isn’t 'working

le gasp, is that your double-standards showing!? This is an all-ages forum, hide that before children see that indecency :open_mouth:

well, Lilith seems to have figured out how to check under the hood and make something new from it. Yay daiblo lore \0/.

I other news, Tyrande is the avatar for a goddess that mooned goats and made centaurs from it; there’s similar case examples in starcraft, so really the ‘craft’ part of blizzard games seem to play mix-and-match with parts, people, and procreation :+1:

Oh OK, I agree it works then if you’re sure. But why do you feel your assumption is poorly thought out?

That’s obvious. I’m not going to switch to a 10-hero account…

In main i have ALL hero! All hero is gold and many mounts,skins etc…
I play from Beta - The first years of playing I concentrated on collecting and levelling. Not for MMR and matchmaking…
Then when I started playing ranked my hidden MMR was pathetic because the game used MMR for ranked from QM while on alt account i start gain MMR only in ranked. If there was an MMR reset button I would have pressed it immediately on main account…
But unfortunately there’s no :tired_face:

banning a player who is better than me is probably a very bad idea… isn’t it better to have him in your team?
And LOL For SURE a player reported by me is still available for enemy team? :wink: (so reporting better players is a very bad idea)

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you | yo͞o, yə |
pronoun [second person singular or plural]
1 used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing: are you listening?
emphasized text

The use of pronouns often involves anaphora, where the meaning of the pronoun is dependent on an antecedent.

an antecedent is an expression (word, phrase, clause, sentence, etc.) that gives its meaning to a proform (pronoun, pro-verb, pro-adverb, etc.).

A pro-form is a type of function word or expression that stands in for (expresses the same content as) another word, phrase, clause or sentence where the meaning is recoverable from the context.

context refers to those objects or entities which surround a focal event , in these disciplines typically a communicative event, of some kind. Context is “a frame that surrounds the event and provides resources for its appropriate interpretation”.[1]: 2–3 It is thus a relative concept, only definable with respect to some focal event within a frame, not independently of that frame.

The antecedent for the context I’m addressing as a pronoun of “you” is used in a ‘speaker addressing audience’ that is not reflexive or self-referential. You made a poorly thought out assumption, and are instead faulting others for it.

You either have pervasive reading difficulties that are self-inflicted (don’t want to) or are self-deceptive (lying to yourself about them) or are another consideration, but that’s already 3 things, and you seem to only consistently consider two.

Since you seem to consistently display poor reading symptoms, I, ironically, try to suggest – to you – that putting more effort into trying to read. ‘Reading’ is a skill that people can improve upon much the same as they could with physical activities or pattern recognition used for progressing in games, even in a digital medium.

Unfortunately, since this is a written medium, if you aren’t reading something, then only thing I can really do about it is write more stuff that you aren’t reading.

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Ahhh, so you either played rank and got seeded during a time to exploit ranking and haven’t played any meaningful amount of games to justify if you actually belong there (because you still only have 10 heroes). Or you only played when free rotation heroes were allowed in rank to get past the 14 hero requirement.

So, sure…, you’re “diamond”, :wink:

I don’t know how anyone who has even just a basic rudimentary understanding of the game could possibly get stuck in bronze if they actually tried.


new accounts cannot go beyond silver.
ranks in this game mean nothing.
matchmaking treats each account differently.
I myself have trampled on more than one GM (who did not deserve his rank) in qm.