You report AFK which ruins the game experience. And matchmaking NEXT game, pairing you with him!
THX for lost 2 game in row BLI ARD
You report AFK which ruins the game experience. And matchmaking NEXT game, pairing you with him!
THX for lost 2 game in row BLI ARD
Hate to break it to you champ but this game is in maintenance mode…and trust me, you do NOT want Blizzard stepping up moderation. They are notorious for being obtuse, heavy handed and act on SJW principals. Active moderation for them means pushing social agendas.
The report system and matchmaking aren’t linked.
There’s a very good reason why you can’t guarantee not to meet a player by banning them.
i think a lack a critical thinking is ruining more things for you than automated reporting systems would.
While some of these things has had consequences make headlines (for game news) that doesn’t mean people would know of those; however, life is built on this magic system of observation, expectation, preperation that used to result in stuff dying — if not entirely going extint — for lacking elements in that regard.
So, count the lucky stara you can exist in a biome were complaining gets the illusion of traction such that people forgo other reactions that don’t instantly gratify impulse demands
Jesus Christ. Loosen the tin foil hat, chill out, and stop treating people so badly.
Except it’s true. Go stan for a real cause.
They are notorious for that. In much the same way, space lasers are notorious for starting forest fires.
well it depends which type of space laser you use
is it set to stun or kill?
from a hand gun or a space ship?
is it the death lazor?
in all seriousnessessssss Blizzard can be a bit extreme, maybe not in this case, but there have been instances in the past where they have done some… odd things
so you can explain the paranoia
This kind of ignorance is immense cringe at this point…
Lmao I’m still seeing people who are defending this report system I see !
Time passes , nothing changes
Why would people defend it at this point now tho ? People with a brain already know its flawed but some people keep crying they are getting banned when its his own fault.
That is why some people got 10 smurf accounts cause they dont care. So yea nothing changes. Banned players will keep crying and make new accounts and do it all over again and then cry on forum.
the system is obviously flawed because players literally get banned for using chat , but not for inting
But no , there are still people who defend it they feel safe cause they don’t type in chat and just watch other people get banned (by wink wink reporting them wink wink) and get triggered for it
And to the people who get triggered by the report system cause they got muted/banned , just do everyone a favor and mute the chat in this game , nothing useful or helpful comes out of it neither from teammates to you (that would get them banned) nor from you to your teammates (that would get you banned)
Activision side does it. In MW2 the “profanity filter” is set to on and the option to turn it off is locked, yet in the campaign, or even in multiplayer you still hear cussing from the operators/characters… its like “only we can cuss, but you can’t”. So Roze can say “friendly fire a-hole” but I can’t? Seems fair lol.
And actually the amount of times text chat is useful is low. I mainly see it as a medium for trash talking, bickering, and the normal “gg” at the end of the game. I’m fine with all of that because I personally don’t mind video game banter, but I do draw the line at extreme insults like anything referring to racism and things like that. There are some, however, who can’t even handle silly video game trash talk, get triggered by it, and the abuse the report system.
Honestly, it should probably just be removed because communication can be done with pings, and there are quite a few people on here who can attest to that. There’s also been an increase of players who claim they have it off anyway, so what’s the point? 2 things would happen. 1) players wouldn’t be exposed to “toxicity” anymore. 2) No one would get banned for abusive chat. Its a win win.
Ppl do get banned for inting. But ppl rarely actually report it.
Plus true malecious inting (and not genuine “being bad”) is just something much harder to notice and confirm than ppl chatting in bad ways (and ppl overreport chat).
I agree with you in principle that the report system is misused and has a ton of room for improvement. I also agree that the OP should be careful for what he wishes for, as the last time they revamped the report system, they only made it less forgiving and more punishing.
Nope. A multi-billion dollar business is by definition not social justice warrior(s.) Heck, it’s a company made up of hundreds or thousands of individuals. The current report system has as much to do with SJW causes as it has in common with a love of maple syrup on toast. That is to say, nothing in common at all.
I would assume your argument is probably that Blizzard “virtue signals”, but this is not reflected in an automated report system which relies on machine learning and volume of user submitted reports to function. You could argue the report system is actually free from most ideology, or at most, it’s a “community” based punishment system overseen by AI.
Especially when said company underwent a lawsuit about sexual misconduct. I mean a company that acts on SJW principles surely wouldn’t have let that become so serious to merit a lawsuit.
Yes indeed Xiv. That would make Blizz “ironic social justice warriors.”
Low I.Q. individuals who are weak and need to appeal to authority enjoy reporting. It doesn’t work son. I like the gaz avatar tho
Actually, I find that people who make assumptions about other people’s I.Q. are the ones who are weak and desperate for some sort of authority. Your mileage may vary.
Reporting doesn’t make you low IQ. Reporting is a good thing because it takes away the bad apples. Abusing the report system because you’re immature and lack a backbone is where the issue lies. I want people who do bad things to get reported, but what I don’t want is for people to get reported because they told their healer to stick with the team and not lane, or told their tank to actually peel.