Humorous report system

none of the posts here are doing that.

It’s an odd thing to take pride in being some odd combination of blind and illiterate there


Post directly above yours does. An odd miss for you, Xeny.

Reported individuals can make new accounts so nothing is accomplished. People who report simply need emotional satiety, they aren’t living in reality and aren’t very bright. That’s not even mentioning the ones who abuse it, which is most of the people who report.

Actually, monetarily speaking, forcing a person to re-unlock cosmetics can bring in revenue.

Also, banning a known troll account means that people no longer see that particular account, which creates the impression that Blizzard is actually cracking down on ban-worthy behavior. (Of course, that also means that people come to the forums and complain about how they were unfairly banned, revealing in the course of their forum posts that the ban was entirely justified in their case.)

I presume you have data to back up this statement. After all, spouting something like that without verifiable data seems to me like the action of somebody who isn’t living in reality (where facts matter) nor is such a person very bright.


Additional points, banned accounts (if remade as basically smurfs) are forced to play in low mmr, creating a more quality ‘high mmr experience’, which gives ppl hope to “leave the bad behind”. Plus not everyone creates alts when they get banned, and some ppl value their time more than to create 5+ alts after all of them get banned one-by-one, meaning that banning actually does something and the “they can just create new accs” argument while true, is an assumption, a possibility, and not the “rule”.

now i play lol and i was able to experience a functional report system for a moba.
I realized that the hots reporting system is designed to force you to spend money, it forces you to buy everything again.
Before I stopped caring, I received several unfair sanctions, even more so when you play every day.
By the way, in lol I already have a stable group, we connect every day at the same time, something that I could never achieve in hots.
Although I like more hots, and it is better designed, in its current state it is unplayable

It’s not a miss, and those aren’t “defending” the system.

Given that you’ve denonstrated you don’t read things through, view things in a biased two-option filter, and claim “agreement” that isn’t there, you’re demonstrating the same issue that my post draws ire, and claiming it to be otherwise.

Congrats on posting your status quo, and faulting someone else for your own actions :+1:

Forum posts don’t offer corrective-vision treatment, so the capacity for people to claim to “see” something does not indicate they’ve presented a “problem”, or more apt in this case, that their idea of a “fix” is going to do what they think.

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That’s not the point. Just because they can create new accounts doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be reported. On the same token, those who really did no wrong shouldn’t be punished by a faulty report system.

You aren’t low IQ for reporting unacceptable actions. Now whether what someone sees as unacceptable is actually unacceptable is up for debate and is highly subjective and should be reviewed before action is taken. However, I don’t find people who report low IQ individuals, because they aren’t. They’re just people who don’t want to have trolls, afkers, or rude racist jerks in their games and I respect that.

Your view on this is kind of funny, because I’m sure you wouldn’t say someone who reports a person making a disturbance in public to authorities is low IQ.

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Hey again Xeny, this is a defense of the reporting system.

I respect the fact you do your best to be intellectually honest unlike some other folks. If you re-read your first and second sentences in this paragraph you might begin to see a problem.

Well, smart people don’t spend money on this game. We’ve seen some people here who express regret from spending money, as expected. Banning troll accounts assure normies will encounter the same person under a new name and forces a rediscovery period which is worse than knowing who you’re dealing with. Funny stuff.

I’m glad to see your other paragraph has adopted my verbiage. No sarcasm, it’s good to see.

And that is where the true problem comes in because since report system is run by a robot then alot of false reports gets treated as valid reports tho they are not.

Removing a report system and tell people to mute wont do a thing. This threads reminds me of the other thread we had about competitive trash talk should be allowed and racist trash talk were forbidden.

Hots is not even competitive but a casual game so competitive trash talk will end up being reportable cause people dont log in to listen to what some random rager has to say. They play to have fun and being force to listen to a rager for a whole game takes out the fun.

If it was LOL then I would say competitive trash talk is fine since that game is competitive by nature.

No Idea why this PureBlood guy need to call people snowflakes for reporting people when they just want a normal game with normal people they can chill with.

Dont you need to do that no matter what Moba you play ? So if you get banned in LOL it force you to spend money on a new account. You see where your logic are going ?

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  1. not within the posts you indicate in your previous reply, ergo moving the goal post.

  2. While my post may refer to the whole of the topic, if the conversation turns, then it does not retroactively apply to posts directed at other posts.

  3. Affirming the consequent

Converse errors are common in everyday thinking and communication and can result from, among other causes, communication issues, misconceptions about logic, and failure to consider other causes.

Disagreement with you does not necessitate defense of the opposite. This is an especially important distinction to make because you tend to post unsubstantiated things, have vague indications, and otherwise not actually post a ‘argument’ while then operating the presumption that regardless of what you actually wrote, you’re still “right” about something.

Also, some may draw distinction between all “systems” compared against a specific one. You aren’t appearing to be making that distinction, but statements you quote may have the context of doing that, so it comes off as cherry-picking.

Stuff like that is part of why people conclude that you’re just here for trolling and not actually posting something you ‘mean’. So that little bit about how I said you tend to do particular things? The symptom of that conduct has a name, so there’s a +1 for people to not read.

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I do that from time to time. It’s a rather effective way to see who actually believes what they’re saying.

On that note, you failed to answer the question.

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Mhm. You have a short memory.

Care to elaborate on that statement? I’m genuinely curious to find out what you base the notion on that Blizzard is motivated by social justice.

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My guess is, that being against swearwords, rude or smug attitudes, and even punishing them in a pg13 online team game, is “protecting snowflakes”, which is an SJW thing apperantly… Or I guessed poorly :smiley:


Personally I hope your guess is wrong, as that would mean the reasoning is more reductive than I would have ever guessed and not even something I could laugh about even ironically.

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Out of context, yeah they look like they defend it. But with context (which you can get by reading my posts) your comments just make you look stupid. Funny how you’re calling others low IQ for doing something that has almost nothing to do with IQ but can’t understand how important context is. Who’s really the low IQ one here?

There isn’t a problem. The reason I say these things are subjective is because not everything is offensive the same way to every person. Some things flat out aren’t seen as offensive either through lack of knowledge or it simply doesn’t bother them or affect them. A low IQ individual wouldn’t even be able to figure out whether or not something is actually offensive (unacceptable) or not. They don’t have the mental capability to whereas a normal IQ individual does. So I will reiterate that while these things are subjective, reporting does not automatically mean you’re low IQ because if you were really low IQ, you wouldn’t be able to determine whether or not something should be reported, and therefore probably not even report.

People who abuse the system either want to get back at everyone because they feel they were wrongly reported/suspended/banned, or do not have the self esteem to be able to handle any sort of light criticism or accept advice for what it is from their teammates. I wouldn’t attribute this abuse to having a low IQ because I’m pretty sure people with both high or low IQ scores can demonstrate this behavior.

I agree. The first check stop should be within the person’s mind and they should think to themselves “is this behavior my teammate is displaying actually reportable?”. I highly doubt people have a whole discussion to themselves about whether or not some action was reportable or not all while in the middle of a game. I think its reasonable to think they would have a shorter decision making process due to so many other things going on so I don’t think this “check” ever actually happens.

The second “check” would be the number of reports, because you’d need a lot of reports to warrant any type of action. Strictly numerical, there’s no mercy because in the game’s eyes, you did what you did and if it wasn’t bad you wouldn’t have gotten reported for it. Because of how it works, this “check” is not 100% reliable because the number of reports can be skewed by the lack of honestly and integrity when reporting.

That’s where a third “check” would be useful. It would compensate for the drawbacks of both previous “checks” (as long as its done honestly) due to being able to review if such reports are actually reportable and take off the reports which aren’t which an automated system cannot do. There’s reasons this isn’t a thing and its probably due to not actually caring whether or not people are honestly reported (like they say they do) or they don’t have the resources to do it. We don’t know what the real reason is and probably won’t ever know, so we assume.

I’m not for the removal of this system even though most of my previous posts out there make me appear to be. I just want it to be honest and fair, and currently it isn’t. I don’t think leaving it strictly numerical when anyone can report you for literally anything and the system will count each report as valid and then when you try to appeal they give you the finger is a fair system.

Its competitive. It just isn’t as big as LoL, but they’re the same genre and both had/have eSports… so yeah I’d say its as competitive as LoL, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt because as of right now, I think most people play it casually. I don’t really care for ragers either, and would rather not have him spam why we are losing in chat, but as long as they aren’t saying anything racist, telling others to off themselves or anything like that a simple mute would be enough.


Who cares ? Better spend energy on having a nice weekend then wasting time on what Blizzard do or dont.