[Hr] Rexxar Rework - CDC#10

That only survival and bm can work for him! He could have a, well maybe marksman is not the proper name for it, but something to make him more zuljinesque that is what i meant…
Cheers to your rework and your passion :champagne:

For Rexxar specifically, i understand that something “Marksy” could be added ,but that’s based almost directly around sniping, but it wouldn’t complement Rexxar the same as say, Lor’Themar or Nathanos.

And Thanks.

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LAZY developer lets get to work
at least extend the bear leash by globally
on map so I doesn’t get hold back by that lame as leash
this character is so lame that it will die in 2 seconds without any survivability

or maybe increase armor percentage depends on how far away bear is ? like when Misha is half across the map then rexxar armor increase by 50 % , the further the more armor he gets

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ah yes, better TLV that’d be super fun


seriousky , what are the developers doing ? they have time for other characters but dont have time to put in some thought in rexxar?

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pathetic , playing this character is a waste of time
it has zero survivability even against lost viking
why dont you just remove rexxar if you just dont give a crap ?

??? what are going on about and why is it important?

I demand blizzard patch and update Rexxar to be on par with other bruiser characters before they shut down the game

What makes a hero good? It can’t be winrates because hes the 4th best hero according to hots logs.

DUH , not being stun + stab to death by some bull shi character like Valeera ? I just finished a match where that btch just solo stab us all to death
clearly blizzard are just too lazy to even work on reworking this character and even make it on par with others

as I have said , at least extend the bear leash by globally
on map so I doesn’t get hold back by that lame as leash
this character is so lame that it will die in 2 seconds without any survivability

or maybe increase armor percentage depends on how far away bear is ? like when Misha is half across the map then rexxar armor increase by 50 % , the further the more armor he gets


Sometimes it seems to me that the hogs are the good reason for which you want to play on the Rexxar.
The pigs are very cute (o´ω`o)