[HR] Kael'thas - Rework - CDC #10

Fair point. I thought the range would compensate but I will probably add reduced movement speed while channeling.

I was aiming a bit for the Blood Mage from WC3 playstyle.
I haven’t played WoW in some time but I thought Ignite (DoT on various abilities) was part of their playstyle.
Plus don’t uderestimate the frequent Pyroblast (hopefully it will now work better).

It’s nerfed version so it should still be fair contest with other talents.

Well it is meant as counter to dive :joy:
I will probably reduce its damage.

My bad. Will fix.

Thank you very much for feedback :orange_heart::heart:

Total Score - 18/20

Creativity - 4/5
Just the names of your two skins alone make them sound visually appealing since its not really in need of theming xP plus fits in with both WoW and Nexus lore names, lack of voicelines though baseline outside of ‘altered’.

Cohesiveness - 4/5
Pyroblast is still pretty painful but otherwise the kit works in itself, skin wise doesn’t change or add anyway lol.

Thematic - 5/5
Works fine from what i can see fitting his varying stages of character.

Interaction - 5/5
Interaction wise skins fit, kit wise i could see some areas being very strong but generally Kael’thas has always been this and thus seems to fit lol.

Marrossi - 86/100

Creativity: 9/10
Cohesiveness: 8/10
Thematic: 10/10
Interaction: 5/10
(+2 Thoughtfulness, +0 Game Fluidity)