How to solve a problem like Tyrande?

While no expert, I am though a very passionate Tyrande player having played all her versions. The thought for this thread has been tickling the back of my brain since a forum member posted they felt Tyrande was not only in a bad place in ranked, but the healer who most unperformed in recent pro games.

What do you think Tyrande needs? Please refrain from asking for her to be changed to a support, there are many other threads for that already. I specifically want to focus on Tyrande the aggressive Healer.

My title may sound trite, but balancing Tyrande seems quite difficult to my eye. Tyrande is a Healer that is loaded with a ton of utility, so small buffs can often make her too strong in the meta. I would argue she also requires more skill to get maximum value out of, compared to Andiun, Li Li or Rehgar. So her performance and pick rates vary greatly in different levels of play.

I have my ideas, but I’d prefer to hear some other voices first. Aside from buff’s increasing the CDR to her Q, the one little idea I will offer up that could help her healing is a slight buff to her Shadowstalk. I remember her old Healer version of Shadowstalk which would give a small burst heal (maybe it was 100 base?) then followed with a HOT.

Thanks for reading! Please be gentle, sometimes I find it hard to get down in words what is well defined in my brain.

*Edited as someone rightfully said this was too long!


I think the idea someone posted in another thread was to lower the cooldown of her heal, and decrease the CDR you get from attacks/spells.

I.E. cooldown would go to 10 seconds, and CDR would go from 1.5s -> 1s.


I missed that post. I like the idea, it would help to improve her overall healing output. I don’t think the CDR would have to be all that much though.

The kind of changes I would like to see, not necessarily all of them.

  • Quickening Blessing added functionality: give an additional 10% movement speed while hunter’s mark is active.
  • Darnassian Archery added functionality: gain +0.5 range after reaching 5 stacks.
  • Shadowstalk heal over time changed to 5 seconds instead of the current 10.
  • Huntress’ Fury allow the splash to hit minion, monsters and mercenaries.
  • Kaldorei Resistance increase spell armor to 15 from the current 10.

Oddly enough I think by reducing the power of the owl talents you might see a small increase in her overall healing.
I know they already did a pass on her owl build but it’s still topping the charts according to heroesprofile in both pick- and win-rate.


Basic Attack: ̶B̶a̶s̶i̶c̶ ̶A̶t̶t̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶d̶a̶m̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶d̶u̶c̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶8̶2̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶5̶5̶ Revert this change

Lunar Flare: D̶a̶m̶a̶g̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶d̶u̶c̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶1̶9̶5̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶1̶5̶0̶ Revert this change.

Hunter’s Mark: (D) A̶r̶m̶o̶r̶ ̶r̶e̶d̶u̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶d̶e̶c̶r̶e̶a̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶2̶5̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶1̶5̶ Revert this change.

Old Q CD at 11 seconds is a bit low now that she can reduce it with AA’s, but 13/14s could allow her to put out more cleanses, more heals while also being a real threat damage-wise.

However, I don’t think these reverts are likely, as she is at 53% even in her current utility healer form at top two MMR ranges (diamond/master) in the last few patches.

But if you wanted to make her a real threat damage-wise though, those are some answers.

Then, in return, other areas of her kit like the amount of healing Light of Elune gives would need to be lowered. And/or her maximum HP lowered. And mana costs raised.


People are under using her scouting mechanic., the lockdown and the scouting are her strongest attributes. But she needs some talent tweaks
Mark of mending barely heals anything except herself. The duration and the specific target is not a good thing , the high health targets attack to slow anyway

I’m also always going for either the spell armor or the cdr @ 7, we struggle too you know. But with a Tyrande the bruiser usually takes a self substained bruiser to help her a bit


I know people miss Tyrande’s damage and I agree with you it’s unlikely they will revert those changes. I find I don’t really miss the damage (I still do high damage in games), as Tyrande has the utility to debuff and secure kills.

13 seconds sounds like a nice middle ground. Although I have a lifetime 64% win rate on Tyrande in SL, when I show her people complain “too low heals!”. I don’t feel so myself, but some small buff to her healing would be welcome.

Nice idea, I still miss the burst heal it once did way, way back, but this is a good compromise.

So many players still think it’s only a sniping tool. People sometimes use it badly too. For example, giving away your team’s position when taking a boss!


Im also never sure what the benified was of giving her team stealth. I often thought to help teammates escape but that rarely works and in teamfight stealth breaks after 1s

For the memes I guess


I’ve never really understood this either. I have seen it used very rarely to make plays, but mostly it’s a gimmick. It made more sense when she was a support and she could use the stealth to gank and I think it gave her more basic attack damage or speed? Too long ago and I didn’t like the support Tyrande.

This is an interesting idea. I would kind of miss though that the ULT is a global heal for all teammates, a unique mechanic.


Give a talent that make the owl become a pseudo tower that damages and heals.

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I’ve taken the time to go through the whole META-Madness Tournament again to see, which Hero got played and which not.

Tyrande got actually played.
All in all, she got played four times (2 loss, 2 win). Only Morales (played 2 times), Li Li (played 1 time) and Whitemane (played 2 times) got picked even less than her.

After playing her in try mode. I have to correct my statement:

Actually is her range with her Abilities (Lunar Flare, Hunter’s Mark and AA) the same:

What I would change is the animation of her Hunter’s Mark. The Ability lasts for 4 seconds, but the Mark is displayed for only 1 second. If you don’t know that Hunter’s Mark is reducing the Armour of the Target (by 15%), you don’t know if it’s still active or not. This is mandatory for me.

Further more:

  • I would rework her into a Support. She is very versatile in her builds, but she gets only paired against healer, which makes her healing Ability Elune’s Chosen a must pick.
  • give her new talents on Level 4. Mark of Mending and Everlasting Light can’t compete with Elune’s Chosen in any form. These two talents are just trash imo.

this is probably a bit controversial:

  • give her more range baseline. She is one of only few healers with a basic range of 6. Every other healer has more range (even the old man can throw his potions farther than her), better self defense (Auriel, BW, Li Li, Uther) or a gap closer (BW, Kharazim, Lucio).

This all makes her the worst healer in the game at the moment.

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Same for most scouting mechanics in the game tbh.

Thematic maybe?

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This is a must. At least when you take Trueshot Aura, your team is aware it’s active. The current animation for Hunters Mark is almost imperceptible.

Good to hear that, someone on the forums posted otherwise, I wasn’t sure.

It’s just my personal preference, but I really love Tyrande as a healer. I understand why she fits the support role, considering the amount of utility she brings to the table. Still the roster of healers isn’t huge, I’d rather they make a new support hero from scratch.

Can’t disagree there. As much as they have tried to buff the other two talents and nerf Elune’s Chosen it’s something I can’t pass up. The other talents can’t compete with it’s raw healing output.

I wouldn’t say no, but yes, I imagine people would say this is controversial. I wonder if you could grant this extra range without needing to adjust much else and it would be enough to help her healing output?

Now that is a controversial statement. I don’t feel she is the worst, but I’ll admit in ranked I hesitate to draft her over other healers.

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Only Ana and Anduin (with inner fire) beats her attack range, most other ranged healer have 5.5 range.

Light of Elune sitting at 8 range is on par if not slightly above average when it comes to point and click heals

  1. Range: Chain Heal
  2. Range: Gift of Life, Regrowth, Healing Pathogen, Holy Light, Flash of Light, Healing Brew
  3. Range: Light of Elune, Desperate Plea, Healing Potion, Ray of Heaven
  4. Range: Flash Heal.

Ana again topping the charts with a whopping 12.75 range on Healing Dart.
I don’t think increasing her baseline range any further is the way to go.


I wish her ult was soraka’s ult and that she’d start as a healer and turn into a mini ranged assassin (late game) who can also heal late game


I’ve posted that some heroes didn’t get played at all (even if they where on hand).
These heroes are:

  • Azmodan
  • Murky
  • Kel’Thuzad
  • Nova
  • Probius
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I’m not a League player, would you mind explaining how the ULT works?

I’m not surprised in the slightest to see Nova on that list, Azmodan or Murky to some extent. No Probius or Kel? That’s disappointing.

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The Roster of Supports is even smaller. I do appreciate every new Support nonetheless.

Her mechanics can get to easily diminished, to make her effective in high rank games. There are too many heroes (even Healer) who can shut her down completely.
Same goes for Probius, Kel’Thuzad, the Butcher and Zagara.

The three games where the Butcher got played where lost. he ended each time with single digits of meat.

Probius gets countered even easier. Destroy his Pylons and push him out of Lane.

Zagara has a similar issue with her Creep. If you can destroy the Creep, you can shut her down very easily. But other than Probius’ Pylons is the Creep not directly targetable and can only get destroyed with AoE Damage (or after being visualized by Chromie, Tassadar, Lunara’s Wisp and similar abilities I don’t remember).

Kel’Thuzad is a wet noodle when his Baseline Quest isn’t finished. Keeping him off of finishing it, is way easier than for him to finish it. You have to reach the very, very high skill ceiling to have an impact in the game with him and even then, he is countered by way less experienced and skilled players.


Global team heal on a button press. Counters Mephisto global but would only counter slightly as seen in LoL you have soraka’s assassin counterpart outdamage her ult. It’d lead to clutch heals

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Personally I think that she needs better damage talents and better healing talents that compete with each other, so she can be either built for damage, either for healing (or a hybrid build). This will increase her fun factor and viability :stuck_out_tongue: