Disclaimer: I am not back but I miss writing guides, no pics because no TL3
Rexxar is played both as a solo laner and a main tank
What makes him great is that he controls 2 body’s.
Misha has a AoE stun and a short respawn timer
The general idea is that Misha takes up the damage for you or your team while you use that space to win the fight
They can also be at 2 places at the same time, so that means 1 is on obj the other one is on the lane (Misha does the dangerous stuff)
You need to learn to play both heroes at once, you get this in time. Might need some time to do it. Don’t overthink it
Known counters
Chen + Thrall + Illidan
Wind up / stack heroes (kind off)
Movement speed
Mounted: 130%
Unmounted: 100%
If rexxar is mounted 130%
Unmounted 115%
- Always make sure Rexxar is protected and not getting damaged, you can use Misha or sacrifice her in order to save a teammate. But save rexxar at all cost
- Position Misha aggressive where she can stun and position Rexxar where he is always safe, can pick up exp or can poke from a distance
- Misha’s death timer is 20s
- If you press D on Rexxar she will follow
- Strongest burst combo is
AA (both) W by Misha followed by a Q then AA with both
(then try to bodyblock with misha)
*Don’t be afraid to spam E with Misha, the healing takes a long time - If you have a main tank who can inciate like Muradin Johanna or Diablo, keep Misha near him, if they stun do an extra stun op top of it as Misha, this really helps lowering or killing enemy’s
- Don’t facecheck bushes with Rexxar especialy after 13, use Q or Misha to enter it first.
I wont talk about all of all of the talents but I want to show you the mindset behind some of them
Lvl 1"
Bird of Prey: For double soaking
Passive: For merc camps / boss at lvl 7
Flare: Only in high situational moments when you know you will be ganked a lot
Lvl 4
I mostly recommend hunter gatherer if you have plenty of regens to finish it early. This is also done with a split push build or on braxis where you have the regen generator
Hungry bear is great if you are bad at mana managment but also when Misha can do a lot of basic attacks uninterupted (so not that great vs Arthas or a Fenix)
The other 2 are also good but very niche
Lvl 7
I generally like aspect of the beast because you can stun a lot more. If you think you need to dominate the solo lane, this is a really great talent because you can W when the enemy solo laner is trying one of his more aggressive or channeling ability’s
The slow on crippling talons is good when you have trouble with an agile enemy
Taking flight is good when you are stuck in a solo lane vs a target that can poke a lot like Lunara Orphea Falstad but don’t pick it vs Fenix
Lvl 10
Unleash the boars is the better one. Don’t be afraid to use it in the solo lane to secure a kill
Bestial wrath is great when your team didn’t draft any damage
(Always check tap before locking one of these ults)
Lvl 13
Wildfire bear works with waveclear or when Misha gets unnoticed
If you can land of a lot of AA’s and you want to go with burst dire beast
Aspect is good when you are a AA hero
Lvl 16
You getting outdamaged > Primal intimidation
You need to do everything yourself > Thrill of the hunt
Your enemy is good > Feign death
Lvl 20
Just use common knowledge, what are doing over the course of the match and what do you need.
Generally Kill command is the best 20
Feel free to drop feedback questions ect.