How to get rid of the leaver status?

After another game with a bunch of headless chickens, my butt was really on fire, and I just left the game without waiting for the end of the match. As expected, I got the leaver status after that. I need to win 4 matches in ARAM or Quickmatches to remove it. Everything would be fine, but it’s almost impossible to do. Largely due to the fact that the leaver queues are filled with those same headless chickens I mentioned earlier. No team play, total chaos. And the enemy team, which simply smashes us to pieces. Not that it really bothers me. It’s much better to play with bots anyway, people play more or less well there. Well, in most cases. But the red thing in the upper right corner of the screen irritates me.

Don’t leave matches, for starters.
Secondly, don’t leave matches.

The leaver penalty is a punishment for a reason.


I agree with that. But damn noobs make their own adjustments in almost every game. I have no desire to pull the strap alone, just because my teammates suffer from mental retardation or blindness, and do not see pings on the map. Well, how can you play with such individuals? In Dota, these dudes would have already been banned for being noobs.

Just do them quickly in ARAM thats where 99% of all leavers get them done.

The penalty starts at 0 games because leaving once in a blue moon is forgiven. To have 4 leaver games means you lost your temper 5 times in a short period of time.

Tbh, there is no fast way to clear it except going into ARAM and praying you don’t get a bunch of more leavers on your side. Or convince a premade of 4 to take you on as 5th to clear the games fast.

A lot of people with the maximum penalty quit HotS because they can’t clear it. And the community is probably better off for it, because even if they ran into a continuous stream of bad players, having short tempered players generally isn’t fun.

(Yes, it’s infuriating to play with players who don’t pull their weight. But the right play is ignoring them and taking 30 minutes to cool off from the game rather than insulting them or ragequitting)

It’s much easier to create a new account and play exclusively against bots. Because let’s be honest, winning in ARAM is even harder than in Quickmatch. Because the game gives you random heroes, and often those you’ve never played before. As a result, lost matches and completely crushed morale.

Perhaps that’s the game for you. Not HoTS

There is nothing wrong with playing only against bots. If you decide to go that route, do know that AI mode has leavers too, but due to the nature of the mode, you can actually solo carry the match even if one or two teammates leave (even against Elite AI, I think).

Though there is also an option to play AI completely solo without human teammates as well. That will guarantee you get to play with zero trolls, afks and griefers every single time.

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Thats awful. Im glad I never tried dota outside of a couple bot games.


Pretty easy, dont leave the game, just go ahead and kill your hero in the enemy fort every 2 min until the end of the match, so you can not only make your teammates as upset as you but also you make those headless chikens teammates blame you and you can report them for that, 2 birds with 1 stone.

Being a noob should not reward a ban. Thats just an awfull opinion that tryhards keep having. Not everyone care to be the best of the best in a video game like some want to be. They just happen to be less skilled but still tries to help the team.

People that keep dying on purpose tho is another story.


I don’t know if you’re serious or joking, but next time I’ll probably do it that way. Let it not be just my butt that’s burning :joy:

Believe me im being serious, if you see your teammates are hopeless at min 11 (they lost 3-4 forts and each objetive by their own faults) specially in ranked, just go ahead and make the match finish earlier by giving more experience to your enemy team, but only every 1-2 min after respawn, you will lose nothing with that (is normal to die 5-6 times in a lost game) and is much better than get the “deserter” status and try to win 1-4 games in qm with even worst teammates.

Yes, I know about that. True, I have never received the leaver status for leaving co-op games. Never happened. But playing with AI teammates is a headache. Because the friendly AI is broken there. Your bots completely ignore targets, leave the lane when you come to them, ignore pings, etc. The enemy team does not have such problems - they quickly run around the map with the whole gang, capture camps and bosses, and, of course, destroy you in skirmishes.
Damn, now I wonder if I played with bots in the last matches?

pretty sure grouping still works with a leaver flag. So either have ‘friends’ or hit up a chat of other people also flagged in leavers that actually want to get out and then group with them.

the more people in a group, the fewer slots there are for leaver/afk that make it harder to clear the win condition.

You two deserve each other. Yall should party together.


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What’s wrong? Trying to carry the game solo is pure masochism. You can’t leave the match without consequences. So what else can you do in this situation?

I understand the mentality here, but you’re ignoring how the leave penalty affects the rest of the players in the match. Most players know at this point that leaving the match puts them in the leaver queue, but running it down into towers or afking in base and walking out to hit a minion or merc camp every 3 minutes doesn’t punish them at all. As a result, players will purposely throw a match instead of leaving.

The AI isn’t great, but it’s better than someone intentionally dying or hitting a single minion once every few minutes. If anything, the leaver penalty makes it worse for players who don’t tilt and actually want to continue putting effort into the match.

You…. Understand that these are also reportable offenses and can also result in a ban, yes?