Good point I don’t know where I get teammates with a winrate below 40% or why smurfs can have 60%+ winrate…
If each game was truly balanced there would be a 50:50 chance to win. As such as the chain grows longer it becomes statistically less likely you will win the next game due to how Bernoulli trials work. Yes the chance per game is still the same, but due to chaining you need to lose eventually as otherwise the games would not be truly balanced and the win rate would not be 50:50.
How do I cause variance to be fired?
I don’t think there is a definite force but there is a variance in match difficulty, and as far as I can tell there is rating-based matchmaking in QM, so if you keep winning, you go up.
I think my longest was 11.
As for variance, during my recent Mei endeavour I lost 4, then got into a match with full plats. Won that, lost two, then got a match with full bronzies. Won that, lost the rest of my streak. Then I lost first 4 with Tassadar despite supposedly dropped rating and him being one of my best. Since that, I got a lot of really good teams and matches.
Overall it’s more interesting (useful) to think about high winrate over time, for example maintaining 4 wins 1 loss over several cycles.
I have a funny experience that well performing heroes tend to call for more difficult matches (as if playing Mei would auto-adjust my MMR) and then failing to deliver ends up giving less and less skilled teammates. No proof, but the conspiration says the game recognizes my performance as trolling and assigns me to suffer a little. Or carry them. It always goes both ways, just like religion.
Aren’t some of you too old to believe in “random matchups”? It’s calculated which sides can win by dozens of metric. One of them is actually also shown at the end of the match each time and how you fare.
It’s not hard to add additional rules to a given matchmaker. It’s no wizard code. If win% > 50 then do/add with “below” or “above”. Absolute basics here.
It’s easier to lose than win. Game can’t hand you wins if you’re determined not to (trolling, flaming, afking, AI teammates).
Nope. I never play with humans because of this. I only play with bots (AI) always, and I have noticed this trend in the matchmaking system. It will give many easier games most of the times but there will always be a harder to win match where your AI teammates are dumber or weaker than the opposite AI team. I always try to win, and I almost always do win, but sometimes in those harder games, I can’t win because even the team composition is unfavorable specially when compared to the enemy team composition.
I’ve played a lot against AI and I think I know how this actually works. You see, AI is supposed to be better the higher it’s difficulty, but there’s one thing: As difficulty increases, AI works more together. This should always be good, but it isn’t.
Lower difficulty AI have less coordination, and thus depend less on each other and the player. As difficulty increases, the dependence does too, and having a human player means they cannot effectively communicate with 1/5 of their team, which makes them act weird.
Over many games, I’ve noticed that AI can fight as equal in a 4v5 up until Adept, and if the human player helps them a little even just by distracting one AI, they will always win by themselves.
Elite would be the worst offender. Allied Elite AI is far inferior to enemy. They will constantly lose even teamfights and will get stuck between following you and whichever other thing they consider a priority (such as taking a camp vs contesting objective) so they will end up doing none and leaving you alone.
I’ve tried puting 4 AI vs 4 AI and me, and I just doing nothing. They lose most games. I tried 5 AI vs 5 AI and it seemed more balanced.
So I can say for sure there’s no 50/50 in AI, it comes down to a deeper problem. Your difficulty, assigned heroes and map will be the only factors, but is very easy to win basically any game by yourself, except in Elite where allied AI actively avoids objectives and feeds. In fact, it’s actually hard to lose in any game under Elite, unless you’re in Alterac Pass. (AI ignores the first couple of objectives normally, for some reason.)
I upvoted you, not because I agree or disagree with what you say, but because you proved to be a meme connoisseur…
Or in other words: “Ah… I see you are a man of culture as well”
To throw some data into your theory: I never move the slider from “Adept”
So according to your theory, I should always win. That’s not the case. Today I lost and I was almost winning in Dragon Shire, but the opposite team had a much better composition Xul, Ana, Ragnaros, Kael’thas, Johanna VS me as Cassia with Deckard, Garrosh, (can’t remember the other two, will edit this later but I think it was Qhira and Valeera or something)
(Seriously, Xul is already a lane killer Ragnaros has his lava wave, and even with all that tidal wave I was winning, it was insanely hard because of those two having insane synergy to push lanes, it was just a small mistake from me, they killed me at the end of the match and with that it was over, when I revived I couldn’t kill the dragon before it finished my core, they didn’t have anything but their last middle tower!) At Adept difficulty they don’t usually coordinate, but when this kind of situation happens, they do coordinate just like they did in this match.
Most of the times, this happens to me when I get the “Win 3 games” quest:
Oh and a meme about this kind of situations when the team heroes are one sided:
I think the algo takes in a few things. On my high winrate heroes that are 53%+ winrate over hundreds of games, it’s nearly impossible to get a Normal game.
Yeah I guess the “difficulty” is up but not in a good way. I had to stop playing my zeratul because I kept getting paired up with level 11 27% winrate players vs team of coordinated normals.
I massively improved my genji play took him from 30s to almost 50, and right then I started to get thrown into matches with players who do not even know what an objective is, players who go in 1v5 and stagger death so we are always at a disadvantage.
Proper mmr should throw you and the enemy team better players as your winrate and mmr goes higher not start throwing you borderline afk players, macro bots against premades.
was just in a game 14-2 with genji.
level 22 4 down 1 viking left 5 up, and guess what my team does while im heading to core…
they went backwards and start camping and we lost.
These game are unwinnable
Can you link a source for this?
no need to source, you don’t feel this in your game?
youre extremely lucky to have always have competent teammates yourlevel then
On the contrary, I get people on my team I believe can’t even breathe without conscious effort all the time. That does not mean everything is as it feels however. The simple explanation would be that they’re just that bad and statistically you’re bound to get those at some point. The slightly less simple one would be that HotS uses a very sophisticated matchmaker to give you unfair or unwinnable matches that still are between teams of similar MMR.
AZJackson here says it’s the former, but since he is part of Blizzard we could of course call him a dirty lying weasel. In that case however one should be able to provide some sort of compelling evidence to support their claim. And I’m afraid I must request something a bit more concrete than feelings.
The point I am making is either people people can believe both of what blizzard says is a lie or truth. You cant have it both ways. Either forced losses are a thing and 5 stacks have some advantage or the forced losses don’t exist and 5 stacks have 0 advantages.
I get bored of this community just trying to have it both ways. I never said any were real or any where false just pointing out the communities flawed philosophy
I think the why-why-why strategy might uncover that the core inner mantra is:
- Your success depends on you.
- You have to earn your rank.
- Your rank is earned.
Individual judgement is based on whether it fits.
The system doesn’t challenge you because it’s on you, but the system challenges you to ensure that you did earn your rank.
You can and have to carry more than your peers, opponents.
50% chance means that you have 100% chance to win if you put in the effort.
And so on.
Problem is, it’s crucial for many to believe in said inner mantra, otherwise you may become the gamer version of a sociopath / depression combination. As in, you need a drive, motivation to put effort and try getting better.
Of course there is a middle ground (you have some influence, but so do others), but I’ve gotten feedback that I’m not a crusader enough, there is always comeback, etc. Spending your energy wisely means sparing them sometimes to one, but always putting all effort in the current basket to others.
Yes, I had a match recently which proves the comebacks.
Still a rarity.
That, and the consolation dimension. When someone comes along the salt mines it isn’t really helpful to respond “yes, I told you and everyone so, you have miniscule influence, learn to handle it”. Even if I actually think so. Being a motivational speaker is very much about bending the truth.
Then you haven’t seen the four player comp (with not getting an AI healer) VS AI elite comps with healer yet. Yes, this happens in 2021.
5-man stacks actually face higher rated people which means actually nothing when QM gives you a comp which takes your own team completely out.
I tried few times on elite level with AI teammates and I was so pissed how stupid AI is. So then I tried new tactic… Pinged 3 from team to follow my moves and left one to soak in lane. And it is easy win every time.
This is no phenomenon, this is a conscient being ; for I can testify it bullies me a lot.
Before the displaying of stacks in ennemy team got infamously removed, I remember being very often in all-solo teams versus stacked or full-stacked teams and losing. The enemy team had coordination, knowing each other (and probably voice chat) whereas my team had none of that and no macro sense at all, making me wonder how these allies got to the same rank than me… probably while playing other games with friends of theirs who might be the same rank and carried them.