How is Storm League going?

Also I like my friends :kissing_smiling_eyes:


And it also seems very unhealthy for the game to put queue restrictions NOW. We need to incentive people to play the game more than ever. Putting restrictions will just make even more people leave.

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It was a lot more fun to play with my friends so I started to play QM when they quit to try fun builds. Also I was tired of relying on randoms while I watched them refuse to soak/get camps. However, now I think that if you’re good enough you can carry yourself through the ranks, even with some unwinnable games in between.

I climbed with a %70 win rate all while solo queuing. It is possible to do it, although I wouldn’t recommend healing in lower leagues if not queued with someone. It’s much harder to make up for your teammates’s macro errors.

Overal platinum is for me an enjoyable experience, but lately I have been struck with stupid match-ups where I can’t even with with playing Ana anymore… sigh.

Dunno, I must say I have to give thumbs-up for the master league restriction. Master games finally feel decent again. Not A mix of master+plat buddies in every game resulting in a diamond-level ****show game every time.
And the limit of group of 2 ensures that dedicated teams don’t just dominate the lobbies. There’s plenty of leagues and scrim opportunities for that - no need to have them in ranked (where they would rarely meet another decent team queuing at the same time anyway).

The lower ranks infested by master smurfs (although considering master is only 1% of the playerbase and not all of them even have these lower ranked smurfs - I don’t think taht this will ever be a big problem) playing with friends? Meh, I don’t really care about that. Master games are better, and that’s the only thing that matters.

Logan is just one of the many

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Just play on a smurf like everyone does. No need to lose the opportunity to play the good master games.

1% of the playerbase smurfing when they play with friends is not going to ruin gold-diamond games too much. A worthy price to pay for better top-level game quality.

Don’t have a smurf? Lies. Everyone has smurfs, especially if they played long enough to be able to reach master.

P.S. I play this on EU and NA and have 3 smurfs, one of which also played on NA, so I guess I could say I have 6 accounts (4 EU, 2 NA).
~12k games on main EU, maybe 3k’ish on others combined.
It’s really impossible to play 10k games and not make a couple new accounts to fool around.

I dont want to smurf in order to play with friends. I didnt spend money and time to unlock nice unique skins for smurfing and stomping noobs.

I have 1 smurf for solo queue. But I stopped because I felt guilty. Even with bad talents I was top dmg with weak heroes.
6 smurfs just means you did more harm then good to new players

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I don’t a smurf. I prefer to have only one account.


Play unranked then. Game gives enough options. You don’t even have 2-league difference limitation then either. You can play with your bronze friends in unranked and the game won’t complain.

No because if you go unranked with a few master friends the queue is up to 20 min.
And if you won in the draft there is a 1/2 chance someone dodges.

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NA problems. Play EU XD~


I am german xD

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Well dunno then, I guess I’d have to actually try unranked more often than once in a blue moon. I’d imagine my unranked mmr is somewhere in the gutpile still (I think I have <100 UD games total), so I have no problems finding unranked games in EU (in ultra-rare occasions when I even try that).
Unranked is the most unpopular game mode, that’s for sure.

You might want to add your friends are grandmaster

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Anyway, after playing almost 600 diamond games this season (don;t judge me, I was trying new heroes, playing with friends - things that really don’t help me win XD), master games are such a nice refreshment and surprise (played 50’ish so far - almost all were master-GM only; comparing to master games in previous seasons where a bunch of diamonds/plats were present in pretty much every game). I can’t imagine why anyone would want to intentionally get back to diamond sludge (sure, winning is not hard there, but games are boring and not-engaging) and leave master.
Not being able to play with more than one friends is a small price to pay for the actually competitive solo-queue games (I do play mostly solo).

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Solo queue has become purgatory now. We are playing old Team League so unless you’re vastly more skilled than the rank you belong in, solo queue is a great impediment to climbing and I’d assert just enjoyment of the mode in general.

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I only climb with heroes I don’t like playing :frowning:

My main role is healer (i’m best at and have most games) secondary role is ranged assassin and bruiser.

But i have like 30% win rate on healer but 75% wr on ranged assassin this season. From what elo could I expect proper assassins that deals more damage than me? I’m master at 1.6k point and I want to play my main role that I enjoy playing the most


I never judge I play 2 hours a day on top of other games.
And okay I understand your reasoning. I just like the teamwork and the strategy works, but solo your skill gets proven