How is matchmaking so bad

I’m in leaver queue. Yes, I leave a match if I’m getting trolled by a team.
I am on a 10+ loss streak because of the teams it keeps giving me in leaver queue. It’s literally nothing but trolls, who I then get matched with for 3+ matches in a row.
I get this game has trolls, and people get whatever enjoyment out of ruining fun for other people. But how is it that they’re literally on my team for this long?
Blizz, pull your heads out and please fix what should be a fun experience for your player base.


Well your first problem is that you’re in leaver queue. Leaver queue means you are part of the trolls.


I’ve literally now played 17 matches that had 1 or more afk players (not leavers, just afk and making it 3-4v5). Having to play a game for 5+ hours just to get a team that doesn’t troll is ridiculous, I think anyone can agree on that.

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Sorry to burst your bubble but, the reason the matchmaker is bad is because the players are not consistently competitive to their rank. Maybe they got forced in a bad matchup, maybe they are under the influence, maybe they have a crazy person next to them, etc. People are not consistent in general, some more or less than others. Therefore you will get one sided matches.
This effect is worsened as people start achieving ranks in which they don’t belong, such as high skilled players in bronze/silver and really bad ones in plat+

Again, if you’re in leaver queue, it means you’re also in that bracket. Suck it up, play to the best of your ability (regardless of what your team is doing), and stay in your lane.

I seldom have troll matches, but I also ignore them and play the best I can.


the purpose of leavers queue is to punish players so they don’t leave games.

Since you are in leavers, you’re matched with people that leave games — which isn’t a big part of the playerbase — so it limits what is going to be in the match…

if you are put off by repeat offenders, then you can initiate a whisper (don’t need to send a message, just toggle the pink text) and then you can see when that player is in a game (from chat lobby) then queue up and magically not be in a game with the same person.

Otherwise, when you have a matchmaker making matches, and it isn’t given a reason to not match players that were just matched together, then it’s probably going to match them together again.

Looks like you answered your own question, OP!


i tried that several times in the past, and every team i go back to the game after the cool down i found the same headless chikens or someone worst (a troll) destroying the competitive game, so belive me, that’s the only way to deal with them.

That “tolerance” is 1 game per season, you can have more than 1 internet issue per season and the game is going to put you in the leaver queue even if you were the MVP of that leaved game only because the timming. If you think the problem is the people who said is being trolled is because you have never played in ranked with people who recognize you (even if your smurf is called “Player”) literally hates you and start to provoke you and ban your picks when your’e in their team even if you have first pick and you have more than 70% WR in ranked with those heroes having more than 200 games in ranked with each of them.

Try to play 5 consecutive games with those trolls and then come here to try to “correct me” because im pretty sick of that. The report system dont works against those kids because that behavior is not even coded in the IA moderators (the intentionally wrong hero pick does not as well). Mute them fix nothing bcs they’re gonna troll you anyway, and yes the “flame war” works indeed, i have lost 5 diamond account the last 6 years only because i answered to the insults against me that come from troll players who provoke me, and in the last year i learned that and i have made other players being muted or banned by the IA moderators using that method.

Even if you dont like that, trolling the troll players is the only way to really make the system punish them, even if you ruin your rank in the process.

If you keep playing when you know your internet is not working properly then thats on you. The game even allow you to leave with no punishment if you keep playing and dont leave that often.

Getting leaver que from a single dc only means you left alot more games in the past. Unless that rule is different if you que into ranked then you still the fault of your own position.

Anyone can have an internet issue while playing ranked, even a 2 seconds lag in the end of the game can make you get punished so is not our fault, it can be your fault, it can be the internet company fault or even a server fault as we have seen in the past.

And what about when is the game mechanics fault?? if you have been silenced or banned in the ranked prepick screen you are forced to leave the game and that also gives you a deserter status when you come back, so why a double sanction? that have no logic.

Believe me, it isn’t. That is just trying to act as if two wrongs make a right.


Reporting players eventually leads to sanctions against said player. If you were reported in a previous game to get above the threshold, then it would take a moment for the sanction to apply which may happen in the next lobby. The rules of ranked mode restrict silenced players from playing, so if they get silenced while playing, then they get removed from the mode.

That’s part of why common advise around here has been to take breaks so there’s more time between reports so players aren’t as likely to get silenced, faulting the system, claiming the system is at fault, and then repeating the conduct that got them reported and sanctioned. A number of players have claimed they know how to deal with trolls by trolling themselves, rationalizing why they leave games, complaining that leaver games have leavers in them, or that their match quality is full of trolls that… troll.

If I hit my thumb with a hammer, blaming the hammer doesn’t mean I’m not going to hit my thumb the next time around.

The capacity for a system to have automated rules and enforcement is a ‘literal’ example of “logic”. However, you are imposing double-standards and then faulting other things when they don’t align with what you claim. The ‘logical’ thing to do would be to do something different instead of repeating the same thing and getting upset when it doesn’t work, despite claiming that it does. Maybe you should ‘trust’ yourself less in that regard, and reevaluate the ‘proof’ available from the consequences of these looped actions.

If ‘flaming a troll’ worked, as you claim, then your conduct would have magically improved instead and your ranks wouldn’t be some forlorn story of lost glory. That’d probably also lead to other fables of said exploits resounding around the forums, reddit, and discords on the success of such stories.

Unfortunately, it seems the reverse it what holds true despite select insistence that said things ‘work’, they don’t have much to show for it and instead assert that others should just ‘trust me’.

only one problem with this game is that blizazr employe only morons now. So every patch will make this game more unbalance and more.

It can be both, dont put the game in the communist dichotomy of “good and bad”, sometimes it can be your fault because u used ur internet to see a 4k video while ur hero si dead, and it also can be the other options, anyway is still a lack of morals to put someone in the leavers queue for have a 2 seconds internet issue the last second of the game and not to the trolls who stay afk and disconect the entire game but they come back for the last minute of the match

I never said that, flamming a troll dont works, but trolling back the troll to make him flame you works to report him by abusive chat.

If you found the same 5-10 troll players every day you try to play and they always troll you (i put many examples earlier so pls try to not ignore them using your active imagination) and no matter how good you play or whatever you try they will still stay afk or kill themselves to make you lose fast, is NOT your fault, is their fault, and also moderators fault for let them troll with no punishment (dude, i have been using the “trolling the troll” method the last 3 years, picking afk abathur or just staying afk and feeding every time those trolls ban my picks ON PURPOSE when im in their team, which occurs 6-10 times per season, and i have NEVER been punished by that, ONLY for “abusive chat” like saying “N00B”, “SILVER” or even “USELESS”, not real insults, so dont come to me with those nonsenses pls, the report system is useless and is the only thing that is killing the game + now the “Rainbow Matchmaking” since the last update, is really horrible to be platinum/diamond and be paired with a duo of bronze 8)

If I hit my thumb with a hammer is MY fault, is someone else hit my thumb with a hammer several times in a row and the system ban me for blame him 1 single time instead of ban him for hit my thumb, is the System fault, and yes, it have happended dude, one time years ago after a 2 weeks ban with 1 account i played 6 games in one night (the same day i was unbanned, i won many of them and i said nothing than “gg [Insert Hero]” or “gg no tank” but in 1 of those games a silver flammer start to insult me even if i was doing my job as always and having all the top stats of the team just because he don’t understand the game, i flame him back in that single game, every one else in the team agreed with me and blame him, and magically the next morning i was banned again for that single “fight” with the flammer’s single report but i saw him still playing in ranked unpunished.

So again, dont come to me with those nonsenses

It isn’t, but enjoy your leaver queue, I guess.

The game has never been more balanced than it is now. Only someone who refuses to adapt would say otherwise.

Yes, then don’t. The whole of my post isn’t ‘two options’, it’s pointing out this skew you have created that doesn’t work as you claim, but you fault other things to then use to cycle the loop of action and blame.

You have created a ‘dichotomy’ of blaming things with the general basis being of exonerating yourself despite being the bad actor involved. You have rationalized conduct to antagonize other players, and then fault them when they act out in response to that to then justify furthering the action again.

When a person has an internet incident, (the one per session if you will,) it is on them if they choose to continue to queue despite knowing that the issue is there. They might not know the cause, the severity, the duration, or anything else, but some of these are things they can check so they aren’t disruptive to other players that expected to not have an afk/feed/leaver or whatever.

(if the game made exceptions for this, then it just becomes an exploit people can use to intentionally leave and ‘troll’ more games)

The same applies to select behaviors people exhibit in the game, but when someone feels they are the ‘victim’ they remove themselves as the ‘actor’ for the ‘fault’ and blame something else to pretend it avoids the ‘consequences’ of that action. That boils down into the adolescent arguments of “well he started it” and “I’m rubber and you’re glue”.

While you might nitpick over the semi-literal use of ‘flame’ (flame war) the basis is acting in an inflammatory way to incite action for the purposes of reporting, and not just simply ‘reporting’ for the actual offense. While your current advise might not be to ‘flame trolls’ your anecdotes admit to responding to them in ways that got you in trouble regardless of how you tried to fault them.

The point I am trying to convey is: the blame-chain does not improve the game as indicated by the loop of conduct people use to try to rationalize it by faulting whatever they can to then try to weaponize reports. If that worked, you’d see players getting ‘better’ not getting worse and actively encouraging other players to skirt game rules that get them reported. The is some sort of magical coincidence that people with a demonstrable flaw in their understanding of reports and gameplay justify actions that then get them in trouble with reports and gameplay.

Your anecdotes highlight singular incidents at the mark of punishment, but the game is not acting out on 1-time occasions for that specific flag: it takes several reports, and more than one game to get them. Some streamers have demonstrated live when it happens, but it is still speculation on how many, over how long, for however long before the incident decays.

However, it’s much easier for people to blame whatever first think offended their attention instead of looking past an incident and filing it into one of two possibilities.

So you think its acceptable to just afk through your leaver games like people did before. Winning the game and staying in the game to the end is the punishment.
Being able to afk through a game where only one team plays is not punishment.

Ending in leaver que because of power surge or bad internet is just bad luck. The system dont know if its actually you that left the game or some outside source that made you do it. So yes it is kind of annoying to be stuck in leaver que if you cant get out again becasue of people who deserve to be in it. But overall leaver que works as intended and punish those that dont stay to the end.

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And this is how said trolls, leavers and ragequitters perpetually stay in the leaver queue. Maybe the dev was smarter than we give them credit for, it works exactly as intended.