How is it I am a bronze 5 with 55% winrate

I’m in the long run, and most of my drafts don’t make sense.

(No, The imperius didn’t pick any Q talents)



And I’m still waiting for my enemies to get a suiciding person. Hasn’t happened yet in two seasons. While…

And as you can see from the 3rd picture. AFKs and illogical drafts are not mutually exclusive. It’s entirely possible for things not to average out,and be on one end of the spectrum.
Why do you have a certainty that my opponents had as many trolls as I did?

One tends to blame one’s own team when losing and ignore trolls at the opponent’s team when winning. You win and you feel good and focus on your own good plays, maybe you don’t even notice someone being temporary afk on the other team.

You provide certain specific examples that cannot stand for a general rule. You could as well look for games when enemies had the trolls…

But of course I know the feeling, when all the idiots seem to be in your team :wink:


Generally, people don’t notice why they won as much as why they lost. But I like to think I look at all the variables.

When we’re winning and my team feels we’re doing well, I point out that it’s the enemy team having bad luck with their members. People will go :

Team: “We’re just playing well”

Me: “When was the last time someone saw the enemy Zul Jin?”

Team: “Oh”

Sometimes I’m playing QM, and while everyone is busy typing GG. I point out that the enemy comp had a clear disadvantage against ours, and there wasn’t much they could do to win. Or sometimes that we won because 2 people on the enemy team decided not to pick two talents that would have destroyed us.

So, no I don’t think I only notice it when I lose. A player trolling or being afk is pretty easy to notice. I see trolls on the enemy team in ARAM, but I don’t care about ARAM, I was talking about SL specifically.

You can’t say this with certainty without knowing how many games I have like this in total. You’re doing the very thing you’re warning me about.

If no one on my team afks, trolls or suicides, I’m satisfied even if I lose. All I ask is that my team actively try to win.

The “4 rando” vs 5 opportunity for troll players also doesn’t work out so much for a few reasons:

  1. It’s not entirely solo queue, so the amount of “random” players is not even.
  2. MMR is averaged. A solo player may be the higher player offset by a troll/leaver to try to average the spread on both teams, esp if a group handicap is applied that match
  3. Players are not absolutely tilt/not so a player may enounter more than “their share” based on draft or teamchat or reputation. I have had people throw games because “im that guy from the forums” that might have otherwise played the game.

Stats may work out in the whole populace to a particular average, but specific players will be more or less than that.

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Considering how many videos Phase has linked where he overlooked those variables and applauded himself or his team, this only further proves FocusMorales’ point.

But if the other side does it, you probably aren’t even aware of it, or chalk it off to you just being better than them. Everyone does this, because you don’t know what you don’t know. It’s also not like you have access to the other team’s chat to see whether they’re dealing with trolls in a way that is very apparent to them, but not you.


Are you trying to be my shrink and analyze what I think?
Then you already lost and at the same time pointed a finger at me knowing 4 posting back to you. You can read MY MIND. end.
trying to just all with it is just me and the player base is lower than your momma’s BMI.
Just tell me why is HOTS a death game? and not LoL? What did Blizzard do wrong?
I love this game, why should I commend it if I didn’t love the game?
You have love and hate those are feelings and then you have I don’t care witch is the worst of all because it has no emotion. somebody who doesn’t care is emotionless.
Sure I’m sorry I can’t express my emotions fully because I’m not a US citizen. I have 5 other languages to manage, so some may be lost in translation.
I have no problem when I game with my Diamond team. But I still think bronze silver is unfair. after you get to gold and plat it gets better Don’t see so much afk, bots but still see trolls and so on…
As I said this is only 1 of 11 different playstiles on all servers but still the most hardcore denier this game is not fair and yes I also report when the other team has afk and so on.
But it’s good to see nobody watch Twitch and think where are the afk, bots, Semi-afk, Trolls with terrible language? Sure they are not in all of my games but still have them. Twitch players don’t.

I’m just speaking from my own experience. I doubt that you keep accounting of your games… it remains based on your vague gut feeling. What I wanted to say is that your examples can’t be representative. I could just as easily show you 5 games with trolls on the enemy side.

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LoL advertized their game, Blizzard didn’t.

Also, it has been made public knowledge that HotS wasn’t shut down because it was doing badly. As it was actually doing very well at the time they dropped HGC.

My games are on Heroes profile. You can try finding 5 of my games with trolls on the enemy team. But good luck with that.

I am likely wrong as i usually tend to be atleast somewhat but dont people generally loose almost every single game for a very very long time to reach bronze 5 which then kind of puts you into this purgatory where you have to play several hundred games with a positive winrate to get to the next level.

This is some kind of blizzards eat insert excement of choice and die kind of approach to it. Some people deserve to be there but unfortunatelly people who want to learn the game and loose a lot are also get sucked into that black hole.

As others have pointed out, Bronze 5 is in a league of its own, as in, it’s considered by the MM to be basically “wood league.”

If you’re really Diamond, and you’re pulling 55%wr, you should soon move out of Bronze 5 and your wins and losses will receive the standard 200 or so points.

Try a win rate of 55% but getting <= 30 points per match and you only play several games per month.

Storm league is made for players who have nothing better to do but grind SL all day and week.

What do you define as several? If you don’t want to play, no one is forcing you. Ranked is accessible to everyone, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. The fact that it takes effort to change your rank and for the system to get a good sample of games to assess your MMR shouldn’t be that surprising. You can’t be expected to rank high or quickly from just a couple of games.

I feel like so many people are so easy to mock ranked for how long it takes, but at the same time are willing to play thousands of games in QM or ARAM. It’s kind of eye rolling really.


Less than a dozen, more than a few.

Indeed. I said just that, SL is designed such that players need to grind to participate in the ladder.

I play several quick matches per month.

Ladders dont need to be designed like this to work. This paradigm was specifically implemented to promote engagement. It’s for the bean counters not because it’s necessary.

Impossible number in a normal scenario. 30 points per match indicates you’re in B6 (or was it 7, not gonna check). For a long time, first time placement started at S4 (recently, one could place in B1). Either way, in order to drop to B5-7, you can’t have 55% winrate total. There are fringe exploitative cases where you could have that number, but let’s not entertain that here.

You’re the person who dropped to that level in the first place. Again, either way, less than dozen games per month does seem like a slow climb even if you’re having 55% winrate recently (not total).

People do climb out of Wood league though. And I’m not just talking about top players. You just have to put in the effort.


I was in plat for a while. Dropped down to gold, then had a spat of bad luck, disconnects, and strings of trolls the lower I dropped. SL isn’t worth playing for this account so it only gets worse the longer I don’t play the ladder.

In contrast, a player can rank high, play a dozen games per season, and never derank.

The system is a broken mess, which is why Overwatch is getting so many changes to the ranked system.

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I believe that’s related to those fringe cases I was talking about.

Understandable. But,

this goes same for any rank really. As long as you don’t get those fringe cases or afk trolls/throwers.

But still. I don’t believe a player who once was Plat/Gold can’t get out of Wood league. Even in Competitive Discussion forum, there is player who is sharing his experience of how he got out of Wood league to reach S1, his highest rank.

If you’re disconnecting often, I can see it happening though, but that’s a that issue, not Ranked issue.


I’m not a kid that can play 100s of games per month to increase rank at 30 points per win.

I don’t even want to play 100s of games.

I’m content playing 1=2 games per week.

You seemed to be misunderstanding how Rank point works. It’s not you need 1000 pts to rank up with 30 points. It’s, you need around 12 wins max to get out of B6, 5 wins to get out of B5, 5 wins to get out of B4, etc.

Consisdering the 55% winrate, that’s 31 games max to get to B4, which then, you’ll be getting the usual 200 points per win. And considering your less than dozen games per month, that should be 3-4 months of gameplay for you to get to B4.

I get that seeing 30 points per win on screen can be frustrating, but that doesn’t mean you can’t climb out. Unless, you’re not having 55% winrate.


I think you have no experience playing the game at b5 earning 12-30 points per win.

Imagine playing the game with 9 other players who are most likely all trolls and over emotional teenage boys all while desperately trying to get a win for 10-12 points for several dozen games.

The point at which you are earning 30 points for another round of several dozen games you’ve just grinder Truong the 10-12 point gauntlet of angry teenagers.

There is no analog that you can imagine at any other rank that will give you any idea of what the experience is like or what it should take for a player to grind through it.

The system is broken for anyone unlucky enough to get dumped into B5, either purposely or by some unfortunate accident. No amount of Platinum level play is enough to get players out of this nightmare.