How is DW balanced?

I was playing a brawl, and got ETC… ended up facing a deathwing. Let me see how I fight him:

  1. Direct damage: he is way tankier than ETC
  2. Stun with skill: he is immune
  3. Push into my team: he is immune
  4. Get dancing ult: he is immune
  5. Oh and he can stun… (which means not only immune to my utl he can interupt it to save his team).

Oh and the one on the losing team does more hero damage than KT on the winning team…

You should fire your balance team. There’s no excuse for releasing such an unbalanced hero (unless your goal is to kill the game to reduce support cost).


Play tycus, leroic, greymane and others and they destroy DW. He is not a good hero. He is fun but good far from it.

He should not be able to 100% negate everything an other hero does, it’s poor balance.

That works against him cause he can never heal himself while in combat, he is very easy to focus down. Maybe in qm and brawl he is good but in ranked he terrible, most of the time he is not even banned, let alone picked.

yeah it’s just a matter of counterpicks, Not op, actually suck a lot imho

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Dw is actually balanced unlike qhira who is busted. It is hard to land some of his abilities and %dmg rips him. Also heroes with good mobility are good against him. He is also fun. And what do you expect from Dw? He is a boss after all:)

I’m still trying to figure out how Butcher is balanced

He’s not balanced. He will be nerfed for sure. In the meantime enjoy the OP hero. And make sure if you are the second pick team you ban him. If you don’t that’s on your team captain!!

I honestly think he’s really fun right now (although granted he is overpowered).

Had a game last night with alexstraza dragon form, I was deathwing and it just felt epic as we demolished their structures. Very epic feel!!

I just report anyone that plays deathwing in every reporting catagory that says “nerf deathwing”. its not fun in quickmatch if your team has no %dmg and no deathwing. If there was a surrender button then id be fine with it.

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