How does anyone find rehgar fun?


You have an incredibly strong peel with your totem, you are one of the most annoying healers to pin down (LiLi used to be queen until they nerfed her to the ground for no reason).

You can micromanage your lightning shield based on need. You can time healing wave for optimal bouncing.

How exactly is this hero more boring than any other healer?

he doenst move faster than mount

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then youre doing it wrong

This is true, talented Rehgar moves at the same speed as regular mount. That said, I would trade insta 20% mount for regular one in majority of cases. Then there is his totem that makes you move relatively faster compared to affected enemy.

Replace Wolf Run with short movement speed buff after landing Z hit and you got awesome talent for aggressive Rehgar, that makes a lot more sense for what he should be.

Ok literally, I’m having fun with Reggie tonight. If you can micro his totem using talent 7, it becomes an annoying peel for your enemies, or an epic chase/lock down. I spec into totem increase of range, and the lightning shield build, or just the lightning talent alone at 16 is pretty fun since you can be front line if you have a beefy melee team. It’s fun as

Me and a buddy ran Uther Rehgar for about 4 QM games. Every one of those games we were able to 2v5 their team, walk away, generally with at least 2 picks. Again this is QM, however Rehgar is one of the most appealing healing/damaging roles in the game. Tank killer, self sustain, cc, insta move speed, wave clear. What more could you ask for?

precleansing a hook is one of the most satisfying things in the game imo (and rhegar is one of the few supports left with a straight cleanse), being a support that has decent/good wave/camp clear is also great, other supports i just have sit there and watch my team brawl over nothing. But landing the bite for the finishing blow is damn good.

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lol, if you think an active hero like rehgar is boring dont ever play Li Li.


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Healers like Li Li and Uther still have a straight up cleanse, they just have CDR built into it, either through Fast Feet or smackin’ things with your hammer. Lucio as well, but his is stupidly broken as he can cleanse the same target once every 15 seconds and as many others as he wants.

few =/= only

20blahblah blah

Now guys, when I said fun, I didn’t mean he’s OP OP in a way. He could use a bit of buff here and there. Some love as you call it. Like a bit of extra DPS, bit more heal on the chainwave and HP. Infact buffing the totem’s HP just a bit and increasing its range by 5 % baseline might be a good start as well. The ults are fine.