Every game I’ve had against this slug has been very irritating. He negates all macro moves your team makes, whilst being able to create offlane pressure across the map, with his Q, which is only on a 4 second cooldown. If you go to clear this pressure he creates, or you try to create pressure, Abathur just hats minions or forts or uses Toxic Nests.
During team fights, he can create a clone to negate his weakness in fights (if you even interpret what he does as a weakness; combined with a good diving assassin he’s almost as good as another hero) or he creates an offlane monstrosity that you have to deal with, or he will take a fort or keep from you. If you go to kill it, the fight becomes a 4.5 vs 4 and Abathur’s team wins.
Am I misunderstanding something? Him having a global on a 4 second cooldown seems game breaking and not at all fair in terms of macro. How do you play against this?
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You pick dehaka, so he is never safe to body soak.
Or just pick vikings and abuse him lmao.
Well, a Grandmaster player who is in top 5, who also happens to be streaming, picks Vikings to counter Abathur. They are a hard hero to get value of if you are a regular player tho…
Anyways, back when Tyrande was still an Assassin, she could pretty much 1 shot him with Sentinels, or close to 1 shot him. Then it was a common combo to take Tyrande + KTZ, or Tyrande + Fenix, and just kill Abathur all the time, or force him to stay at the Hall of Storms.
But those strategies kind a died with the Tyrande rework, even if the combos can still work 
Get someone that pushes harder.
It is extremely difficult for an Abathur to counter a Zagara or Sylvanas. If you destroy a fort without losing a fort, and usually every game that I lose as Abathur it is usually because my team doesn’t answer hard-pushers or when they group up and just four/five-man rush buildings to the ground.
From my experience, Abathur is incredibly reliant on a competent team. He sort of makes a decent team better, but can’t really do much on his own. IF the Abathur is playing so safe that you can’t ever get him, then he’s playing too safely. He’s not making the most out of his soak and pushing power. If he is pushing hard, then it’s just a matter of paying attention to your minimap and punishing him.
Playing against a hatted player is the same way you deal with ChoGall. It’s going to require team coordination. You’re effectively fighting a 2v1, and it’s best you have allies to back you up.
Remember that Abathur can really only enable a team. Pay attention to the gaps and work with your team to take him down.
Cover every lane.
Rotate so you nullify hat value (1 vs 1.5 and so on)
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It’s hillarious scouting him out with Medivh and dropping on top of him.
I also like Arthas against him. If you can catch the hat target in full slow.
Might not hurt Aba directly but it hurts half the team
Mephisto’s Spell Power build should barely be able to 1-hit kill Abathur with Consume Souls if they’re the same level.
Globals: mentioned
Vikings: mentioned
Murky: not mentioned but can be good
Kill abathur: works
Covering lanes: mentioned
Rotating to avoid 1.5v1 adv from hat: mentioned
Disengaging from clone: not mentioned but sometimes the right call
MY CONTRIBUTION: If you’re in lane against Abathur and nobody else, dont’ push the minions, just soak, because then he won’t get any bodysoak while hiding behind the gate and will have to hat the wave to soak it, or someone will have to come up and soak it manually. Just clear the wave before you leave for obj.
MY OTHER CONTRIBUTION: you can also sometimes catch the aba scooting into the middle of the lane/bush into bodysoak range of the wave as the objective is starting. If you’re someone who can wait for him and kill him, or your team can stall for you etc., then that’s another way to handle the slug
I sometimes like to just camp bush right before the objective, on the other side of the map. They think they are sneaky but they arent.
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I have the hardest time against strong pushers. Some were mentioned, but Azmo, Nazeebo, Hammer also count. Can’t do nothing against them except rotate.
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Seek out the teachings of the Way of the Blade, and the one they call Illidan. Rumor has it these two global splitpushers are exceptionally good at killing their competitors and painting the map blue again…
In the beginning, victory will not be easy. But as you learn, you will gain terrifying power.
Also pretty much any waveclear will do, like I find myself hard-pressed to struggle with Zag/etcetc if I can bounce around oneshotting waves with Junk or Leo or Yrel etc.
dehaka, genji, medivh, zeratul all give abathur a hard time.
Also you should be actively killing his symbiote target if there is no other enemy in the lane, you will deny a lot of soak if you kill the symbiote as quickly as possible and it is REALLY annoying as the aba player.
Aba is the hero I play the most and I think it is very strong. Many good advises in here but most are not really about countering, just situational tactics that might get you a kill. Yes it is good if you prevent him from body soaking as much as possible and even manage to kill him but that is not what will really counter him, because this is somewhat expected. The best advice was actually don’t clear minions, don’t push your minions to the gate (unless you can destroy the buildings). This will prevent him from body soaking behind gate and free his hat for other stuff.
So I was thinking who or what really counters me as Aba and I don’t see a clear answer. It is basically don’t leave lanes empty, play a proper macro game and counter his team mates. A blinded Illidan doesn’t benefit from adrenal overlord.
I can tell how I win the easiest. If enemy team is ignoring lanes is slipping on macro in general. I just tell my team to mid fight as long as enemy will and I will soak every bit of the rest of the xp. If they don’t feed we probably already won. If we manage to get a fort it is even better. The new cata mechanics help the team that is behind with exp and make it harder for the team with fort lead to soak all that xp. Well not with Aba. I get pressure with catas and can still soak everything with hat.
This player is trying to let me know that he knows what he thinks. The player is trying to let people know what he thinks I am.
Close your eyes.
Say my name.