I’m confident you’re using the ability to write off what you write as ‘trolling’ in order to protect the vulnerability of your honest thoughts and opinions on certain subjects, and perhaps also to protect yourself from needing to articulate in certain ways or from taking yourself seriously?
For instance, here, I may not agree with how some things about males were generalized but I think past the semantics in your post I agree with the sentiment that I’m getting, which is an impression of a good portion of the gaming community being a sort of festering echo chamber where here, some of the recurring themes of posts demonstrate an archetypical weak-willed young person looking for validation in the wrong places, and feeling that the consequences of their actions do not apply to them.
It isn’t fun or useful to bemoan things unless a change can be inspired, and in the case of OP (and most OPs), it is fine to find oneself before a wall they don’t know how to cross and to ask for help (and to give them help if they’ve made the mistake of defending that a clearly crossable barrier is uncrossable)
Eh… that’s a common misconception that the Vikings “counter” Abathur. I’ve made the mistake of thinking I was countering Abathur with my Vikings pick to my detriment before.
The Vikings are superior split soakers, but Abathur can “move” around the map far easier than they can making him a superior team fighter in most situations.
If you’re against the Vikings as Abathur your role just changes. You’re meant to increase your team’s power in fights when the Vikings are soaking, and countering their soak with yours when your team is laning.
The interaction is actually pretty even on both sides.
Vikings actually counter Abathur because you just snowball the game early so when Aba actually comes online (after level 10) you already have a pretty good lead.
How to do it:
Vikings in all lanes soaking.
Objective starts and your team goes as 4 just to stall it for as long as they can (no need to get it, just stall as long as they can without actually fighting) while vikings soak lanes.
Abathur can’t really body soak and if you are a good vikings player you already froze the lane close to your towers to make it even worse for abathur.
Enemy team has only a couple of choices. They could all go to the objective, but then the viking player just get his team a lead in exp. They could leave someone double soaking but then his team is in a 3 v 4 because early abathur.
In the end, vikings will just soak much more than abathur and should snowball the game pretty hard. This strategy was also used in HGC/high level gameplay, so we know it works and it’s a good one.
This is all a nice idea, but unless your 4 man team plays perfectly (and as a Vikings player BELIEVE me this RARELY happens) a few stupid deaths undoes any amount of XP advantage you may have earned as the Vikings.
For Abathur’s part, if his team isn’t stupid, they just have to rotate in equal numbers to whatever the Vikings team is doing and then Abathur can double soak 2 lanes of experience matching what the Vikings can do.
The only way that a snowball for the Vikings team ever occurs is if the Abathur is bad. A decent Abathur can match the Vikings experience gains pre-10 unless there is a prolonged period where all 3 lanes are empty except for the Vikings and their team gains an edge in experience gain. But let me tell you right now, that it RARELY works out that way. Either because Abathur helps his team with the hat at the objective and they win 4.5v4 or the Vikings team wins the objective quickly because the opposing team concedes it before 10. On maps like Cursed Hollow and Garden of Terror this is what usually happens.
Just because your 4 man suck doesn’t deny the fact that vikings is a counter to Abathur lol. If that is the case, then nothing is really a counter because my team may suck.
Vikings definitely outsoak abathur if abathur has to soak 2 lanes. His hat doesn’t soak as fast as vikings do and he can’t body soak. In the end Aba will lose minions here and there which will give the vikings team a lead.
I’ll always speak in a situation of equal skill level and always a high one.
Aba team all went to get the objective? AMAZING win for the vikings team. Now your team can just keep stalling the objective forever while the vikings get the huge lead in exp.
Abathur team just gave up on the objective? Even better, you can definitely soak 10 before the aba team does and you get to push with the objective with 10 advantage, getting even more advantage.
It’s just a win or a win. That’s why vikings are really good against aba comps, they have an amazing early game advantage against a team that desperately wants level 10.
Alright then. Assuming perfect play from both sides, it’s still an even match up but the biggest variable is now the map.
On maps like Cursed Hollow and Garden of Terror the match up is even. Both heroes have advantages they can exploit, Abathur probably being overall stronger once level 10 comes online, and the Vikings being stronger prior to 10.
On maps like Volskaya Foundry, Infernal Shrines and Alterac Pass (maps where a single objective results in a big push) the Vikings are better because the objective is more important and thus creates a larger incentive for everyone to attack it. This is where the Vikings can really get their experience bonuses going. Abathur does have an advantage here too though because he can influence the outcome of the first objective which may create a snowball for HIS team.
On a map like Sky Temple, Abathur is better because the objective DIRECTLY impacts the structures of t he opposing team, cancelling out any experience advantage the Vikings might give in the early game. Also Abathur has MULE which is OP on that map.
On maps like Dragon Shire, Braxis, Tomb etc. This is a null argument because both heroes are really bad on these maps.
EDIT: The one map I didn’t mention was Towers of Doom. This map is so wild in how it plays out it’s hard to really say who is stronger here. Both heroes are VERY Good on this map, but there’s so many ways and outcomes that the game can have that it’s hard to really gauge which hero is stronger.
Dump over monitor and into CPU cabinet. Laptop users: empty contents of bag onto keyboard and rapidly open and shut lid until pellets are fully dissolved.
I used to playa aba a lot ,and aside from globals, a hero skipping obj and pushing a lane worked well. It forced an ally to come down to stop the push leaving a 3v4 at the obj. If the ally didnt come, the guy pushed the lane all the way in.
Pretty much Abby’s weakness is the same as every other Hero: their own team. If Abby’s team isn’t doing so well in both soak and kills, he might as well just sit in base.
It’s because they can easily soak 3 lines, while other 4 heroes push like insane and do objectives.
While abat cannot overpush lane with Viking on it, usually the enemy team need to send someone there. That means the enemy team needs to either defend 4 man push, leaving 2 lanes being pushed by vikings, or soak and def those 2 lanes, keeping only 2 people to defend against the push of 4.
“barely” and what then
and what does it mean when u kill abathur
first of all u pick wrong ult and also u pick wrong hero against abathur coz mephisto wants more ppl in tf for more cd reduction and its pvp hero and vs aba u need pve
killing abathur doesnt counter abathur its bait
kill means nothing when u do xxxx things for that 1kill
picking dehaka to burrow and kill is good its nothing special
all globals are good vs aba
there was a master-gm player in TL last season who played only sylv, died every game like 5-10x, never had hero damage but most of the time he won
he was just splitpushing and ppl didnt know how to play vs him they wasted time on killing him and sometimes he traded kill
and i think consume souls isnt able to kill abathur even with nanoboost and spell power talents
That he’s dead and can’t support his team with shield, damage, soaking or pushing. Also, your team gets XP for the kill.
If it kills a specific enemy hero 99% of the time it’s used in a certain scenario, I don’t see how that is “wrong ult”. And it will still damage and slow the rest of their team as well.
I actually went and tested it before I made my post, you seem to just make guesses as to what works and what doesn’t.
Abathur is busssted on DS. Aba Sam on DS is like, literally dumb is what it’s like. It honestly might be Aba’s 2nd best map or on par with a lot of the big maps. Toplane hat value is HUGE, you basically can’t lose toplane and then you’re also able to catch mid soak and assist bot, it’s seriously bonkers on DS
As for counter, I suppose the only way is to surprise him when he moves away from the security of the structures, since otherwise it will be very difficult and he will be able to anticipate enemy movements.