there’s not much to take away from a line in passing, esp since it wasn’t a pivotal point in the video, nor am I continue to persist in watching slow-mcdrab there take too long to convey slim amounts of information via clickbait.
If people have gotten word of the kotaku leak/article with supposed inside diablo events (fenris and all that jazz) then d3 was a failure as the ‘hype’ and playerbase of the game quickly eroded. HoTs could be argued to have a similar issue: its first vid hit 8.9M views on the herostorm yt, with a repub and the honamura showdown vid getting half of that: in the spam of announcement to open beta, it can look like a lot of interest disappeared for hots before it was even released.
Spot light vids for big-name heroes get over a million views, but the typical hots media gets less attention than the equivalent on carbot, and those are likely just fans of his other work willing to enjoy the weekly cartoon, even if its not starcrafts – per indicated by the comments that are “I don’t even play this game, but this cartoon is funny” – so the whole slew of posts of “oh, but d3 diablo isn’t even in hots” may reflect a very ‘real’ sampling of players that dropped out before hots even began.
On the other hand, the issue may have been monetization – the same metric of youtube hits (compared to itself) showed some interest has come back to hots, esp with the 2.0 release, but that’s all momentum/interest/investment lost, or at least, perceivably enough of a what-if to look that way.
If the concern has been player retention/hype, then sure the silence system seems to curb some of that, but on the other hand, if previous game figures gave enough evidence to dev/team/whatev to look like toxicity did have a big impact on game exodus (again, per early number projections) then that may be part of why ‘blizz’ (whoever makes the shot on this) is willing to endure the automated system hate.
Part of the thing with game projections though, isn’t necessarily what-if stories, but having stuff match expectations. Hype should be currently low cuz the back-to-back seasonal issues was a big kick in the pants for players who want to do more than just slog a habitual daily for gold.
On the one hand, sure, I can say I’ve had friends leave hots for other games, but those other games are other blizz titles, so they’re still the mau figures shareholders want or whatev, and the biggest issues for HoTS may have simply been too late/slow compared to fortnight and whatever else creeping in and stealing a massive bit of the sweet numbers people want to poke and giggle.
I’ve generally be sated with steady release bits, and made a number of posts in beta that the flow was about creating a consistent patter for future content – to which hots has largely kept to that – in favor of cash-grab hype for dumping the big names up first and up front.
Maybe the game ‘failed’ cuz it didn’t do flashy up front
maybe it was the “oh, game advert has d3 diablo, and they’re not in game”
maybe its the “zomg, ghost doesn’t nuclear strike”
maybe its higher ups didn’t anticipate the average/lowest-common denominator to be lower than expectations.
Part of it may be the splintered playerbase – overwatch plugs bring in numbers, but those may arguably chase off the ‘core’ playerbase that liked the game before OW.
Part of it may be the expectations of it being “blizz fan-service the game” and then getting a censored ladened ‘T’ rating game that’s trying to establish itself apart from just fan-service.
That said, it is all just speculation on a passing line that doesn’t indicate much. There’s stuff to look to see hots isn’t the have-all be-all of the genre, but there’s also stuff to show its not in D3 maintenance mode, and it still pulls numbers better than its competitors – some of which can’t be said of other blizz titles anymore.
Course, all that said, the biggest issue may just be monetization as there’s no clue if things were better before 2.0, or if things aren’t as pronounced as they would like, so the change on the stim packs is to try to improve that aspect of the gem/skin bundles.