HotS Replay Thread

Computer machine broke and I wanna share something to this thread, here’s a bunch of Youtube highlights I recorded over the past year, please ignore the titles and thumbnails as some of them makes no sense, and some of them are loud but I placed warnings for those who are.

A huge replay dump is coming in 3


Unfunny clip I took from vs AI, the reaction was really good so I had to clip it.

:point_down::point_down: Loud and pretty salty so care also Steve from Minecraft so nobody is dying irl

Fenix is really balanced btw xD :)

This is the only Slapathur I ever witnessed in game being done on broken Maiev during her release.

Slightly loud at the end.

Mind my language the entire situation was really dumb I had to say it he got me like 1 time already.

This is the closest hybrid Slapathur I ever gotten… featuring Genji.

Did anyone noticed how the quality of this clips got worse with each one you watched? I feel old, I love this game, hope for more when I fix this computer. :heart:

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Can’t post links because you know xd, hope I get it back tomorrow.

Stitches being consumed from the insides.

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Deckard Brings the Pain

In this one I am playing Deckard :slight_smile:
If you want to discover how to lose game watch the enemy team. they didnt start off that bad. then they really blew it around [8:30] when they beat us back. if you see what happens after this it sets them up for massive loss the rest of the game. :laughing:

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Master EU HL


Giving you a free curse to get a boss really was a bad idea of them. Having one lane pushed to core 12 mins in is pretty harsh. Not to speak of the two level lead afterwards.

Nice to see the spellpoer talent at one, many seem to go for the armor reduction even though thoat 40% really pump the healing over time.

yes, after that one tribute we punished them all game. i dont know how many times i have told ppl that every tribute matters. all i can think is they thought they had time or they thought we would be distracted by the boss.

yes i use that one all the time unless there is a real reason for me to pick the other. like maybe garrosh… uther… possibly whitemane. the armor reduction helps out a good bit like that. only other time i have taken it is with chromie on my team so she can keep vision.

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Question: What’s the easiest way for a non-savvy noob like myself to share a replay? I can work with Youtube if I knew how to turn a replay file into another type of video file and put it in Movie Maker, lol.

The absolutely easiest way is to copy the .stormreplay file from your Multiplayer folder into Dropbox, Google or whatever service you´d like and put the DL link into your post (using the preformatted text as you probably do not have trust level 3).

In regards to video hosting i am a noob myself unfortunately.

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I know Sami and Narha use OBS. You can ask them for some links on how to use it.

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You can also just upload them to discord and right click on the download icon of the file and click copy link .

The down side is that there’s no preview, so if you go to the link you instanty get the file download.


i dont have much to offer :sob: but theres 2 replay that wouldnt hurt to share :smiley:
https:// www

you can ff to 19:00 to see it and

https:// www

this one ff to 14:50 if you want :cold_sweat:

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You can use preformatted text – the “</>” symbol atop – to post links that can be copied and used directly, so people do not have to remove spaces.

They were a bit too obvious with teir attempt at boss; neat turnaround too by your team.

Someone with mor eskill than me should make a video of that and put it here, that is essentially a won 2vs5 there. Also Hammer and Morales seem to like each other a lot :thinking:

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As healers are all the buzz at the moment, some WM gameplay, criticisim welcome as i do´nt even have her on 20 yet – i am avoiding Q build deliberately though as i think it is a cop out without any real enemy interaction.

Whitemane on Shrines (pre patch):

Another Whitemane on Shrines:

Whitemane on Tomb:


I’ve watched the first one for the first 10 minutes and the second one for 14 minutes, there’s a lot of things I noticed, you seem to use Inquisition regardless of combo or not, another one is wasting your burst heal combo with separate spell set, although it’s not a problem, I guess it can be a personal for each Whitemane players.

Your team didn’t seem to need Guiding Light that much, but overall you did really well, are you taking on like full damage Whitemane build or just a semi-hybrid build to give more healing through damage?

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I like to go Tassadar a bit too much at times, hoping the team catches on and kills something. Maybe i should be a bit more sparing with it.

I had quite some trouble with her when she came out, so good to hear it paid out a little.

I like to vary depending on the enemy team. In one of the games we had so many slows and other CC that the additional damage from E would fire pretty much always plus two or three melees on the enemy, otherwise rather the increased healing on low HP.

I´m not sure what you mean by hybrid, but if it is early E and then later double hits + damage reduction from W then i find that pretty usefull against heroes that can open with lots of damage, burst or self healing on their own damage (DB or CS VArian for example to suppress him and whoever follows up).

Otherwise i like the reduced CD on E when they have two or more melees that can not blow up someone instantly, as you can effectively spam it and generate lots of healing especially when there is much CC on your team with the lvl 1 talent.

EDIT: It only now occured to me you probably referred to her Q talents; i should maybe experiment a bit more with those, but always shy away as they somewhat clash with her offensive orientation in my mind.
This is my friend Zeen absolutely destroying a Falstad with his good prediction.

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This isn’t the full replay, but a perfect example of why I love this game, why I love tanking, and why I still love Blaze. This was a match on Tomb of the Spider Queen that we could have very easily lost, as we were down to a single keep and 42% on our core.

We did a somewhat of a Hail Mary boss play that worked, and headed straight for their core. When we got there, the enemy Genji, who had clearly watched the HotS Highlights on YouTube, popped Dragon Blade, with an Abathur hat and their Li Li backing him up. I promptly dropped Bunker, and by some sort of miracle, all of the random people not only got in, but killed the Genji with the flamethrowers.

The icing on the cake? As the “Victory” screen faded, our Artanis posted in chat, “great bunker at the end there” with our Whitemane adding, “^”.

That sort of thing more than compensates for all of the salty Jainas, feeding Butchers, and solo lane Lucios.


And to share a real replay, this was on EU, and don’t bother watching me, I was boring old PvE Artanis. (See him kill minions! See him take a vision camp! See him solo a samurai! Whee!) The Garrosh, however, was fantastic. If you want to see some solid Garrosh play, this was it.

This was on EU, so you may see a couple of familiar names. I blame the latency for missing all my swaps. Yeah. That’s it. Latency. >.<

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Yes, that one was pretty good, i really liked those saves he did. In regards to throws it helped that the enemy team was pretty careless around him; especially Kharazim.

Also an interesting build on WM without a man restorationtalent; need to try that some time.

Seen one or two of those hang around here.