HotS Replay Thread

Due to current topics about mages, QM on BoE that shows that you do not want Ming to get going.

A healer duel Ana vs Alex on Hanamura in UD. Ana was first pick while i had last pick. I do think i manage some good saves, and our Jaina is pretty good. I guess the player picked her thinking she might be OP now, but to his/her credit takes the slow removal at 13.

“What do we say to the god of Death?” “We got Ana in the backline so you better run.”


Hmmmm, am I allowed to share my own replay?

Sure, that is what the thread is for. Full replays, clips whatever as long as it is interesting HoTS gameplay.

This goes here:

Credit goes to the one who shared this on Reddit I own nothing.


Thats why you don’t go in narrow alleyways when there’s a Hanzo on the enemy team LUL :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I have some Hanzo replays as well. This is why Hanzo is good on DK ladies and gentlemen. In these first 2 clips it is my Div S team scrimming with our rivals. We play sloppy but I get 2 really nice kills, 1 in particular on a Genji.

In this next game me and my buds are just hanging out and thus we perform poorly all game. However I get a nice ETC kill that everyone was suprised about.

So yeah. Hanzo is really good on DK, especially on that bottom shrine. Go W build cowards!

Games if anyone was curious (we were playing poorly but it’s all fun) —Div S scrim but we both were playing bad —Casual ranked game me and my buds were playing, we did REALLY bad.


This first video is cursed.

Genji T posing.

Also that’s one way to show to not to be in a tiny corner against Hanzo lol.


You got my green screen mistake! Meddling kids!


I have been watching the Division S VoDs from Khaldor on YouTube. I will have to keep an eye out for you!

And thanks to Narha for this clip showing why Chromie should never take Bye Bye when there is a “friendly” Stitches around.


I mean you know that Stitches felt great about it

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That comp in the first is indeed an argument for more CC-interaction abilities on 10 feet … or hoves/claws/whatever. I need to rewatch some of those teamfights to see why you won those. Neat core rush at the end anyways.

Also someone going by ‘Puppy’ on Rehgar ist just too cute.

The second one has some seriously intense fights over the bot shrine.

This is why ARAM – and by the same logic QM – is best mode. People in draft would just quit if this popped up.

Artanis, Jaina, Medivh, Brightwing, Brightwing vs.
Diablo, Raynor, Kel´thuzad, Cassia, Tyrande


From Reddit posted by u/mechpaul


I´m a bit confused about his missing life gain; i only have Illidan on 5 so i have to go by playing against, but he always seems to leech up pretty fast against anything that does not deal good damage.

Morales picked the damage reduction talent which not only resulted in less damage dealt but also healing received.

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Ah, true. It loaded in low res first for me, so i did not notice those small arrows on Illidan. Damage redutio is always fun on heroes that transfer damage to heal.

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I was in a game about a year ago where we had a disconnect on towers of doom. He reconnected when we had one point left and they still had 30 something

stat page: Team objective tab tells the whole story, really… Not sure if year-old replays can even be viewed anymore… I’ve been kinda wanting to see this game again, actually. If anyone can view it and put it on youtube or something, I would be most grateful…

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Allright boys. 2 Aram replays here.
This first 1 was where I was Alex and I got chained… but I didn’t. We got very confused. Is this a common bug or…?
If anyone wants to analyze what happened there.

This second one was just a very tight game in a ARAM tournament. Comeback mechanics R real. I was playing Diablo so our team was at a huge disadvantage ;D

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It looks like the Glacial Spike expired just as he got the chain on you.


Ah. Didn’t notice that. Thanks!