HOTS Mouse Cursor Confine Windows 11

I have two monitors (identical). I just upgraded to Windows 11. And now my mouse cursor goes to the other monitor if I move the mouse to the right side of the screen.

It used to push the screen so I can scroll. How do I fix this?
I am running the same settings as Windows 10 (my Confine setting is set to “Smart”).

Hey Tankor,

Try switching Confine Mouse Cursor to “On” and see if that does the trick.

You could also try Fullscreen graphics mode, instead of Windowed (Fullscreen) with Confine Mouse Cursor set to “Smart”.

Switching to any of the options (including fullscreen) didn’t work.

What did work was switching the windows setting: "Ease cursor movement between displays"

After a reboot, this fixed it.

Having the same issue since windows 11 update. Single hdr monitor. No other games affected.

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