It’s not whether I agree or not, because I personally think she’s awesome. That’s just the data. Better Tyrande players will be able to pull off more by utilizing those CD reductions. That’s why I’m so critical of Tyrande who always complain about her lack of healing. But even really good ones will tend to match other high output healers, rarely surpassing them. If you’re getting out healed by a Tyrande, the other healer is probably doing something really wrong. It’s just she’ll also do like double the other healer’s damage as well. And that doesn’t even count the invisible damage from her armor debuff.
Of course if you’re talking about full coverage Starfall and Huntress Fury, for q resets. Yeah, her burst healing can be insane. She’s my favorite hero, and currently doing really well in the meta, and is super fun to play that has a lot of skill differentiation, that can lead to those awesome moments. But in terms of her actual heal output, it’s still generally near the bottom of the pack.
I think the numbers on the score bord lie just a little bit.
Take brightwing vs tyrande for example. Bw has some very consistent aoe healing and its not uncommon to see her get some big numbers on the score screen with lots of heals that didn’t really matter all over the place.
As soon as a fight starts tho, theres no question whos gonna do more healing between the two. Especially pre 10.
Here’s a basic idea that makes Ana more beginner friendly and less punishing at high ranks
Give her baseline armor while crouching–10 to 20 depending on balance, and nerf Anti-Nade to 75% or even 50% less healing while decreasing the cooldown slightly. Now you’ve got a good burst heal combo, don’t invalidate a ton of high level healing picks, and don’t instantly die when caught in aggressive positions with Crouch.
Now of course, she’d lose even harder to Brightwing, but she’s actually blatantly overpowered 90% of the time so that’s a non-sequitur.
Ana is fun but the global CD between her Q shots are frustrating af. It should be reduced from 2sec CD to 1.5sec CD.
Then she will be fixed.
Also buff Shrike self healing so that she can literally negate around 80-90% of a Tanks AA damage. This could make it so that every freakin’ Tank doesn’t utterly annihilate her.
Unrelated, but i think its fun how many people ive met that dont realize that starfall gives CDR to her Q. So they think that starfall is a pure DPS talent… Kek
It’s lower than the other healers no matter if it’s 1.5sec or 2sec.
However i was not comparing Ana with the other healers, so forget the other healers.
I’m asking for a
Ana Q 1,5sec CD
instead of
Ana Q 2sec CD
Yeah, and I find your request bizarre and my argument is based on the CDs of other healers. Complaining about her CD when she has the lowest CD heal of all the healers is weird. I’ve always liked Ana in large part because of how fast you can constantly fire heals. I actually can’t play Ana for too long if I’m really on it because my finger actually starts hurting because of how often I’m pressing Q.
I think it’s wholly unnecessary to reduce it even further. If she needs heal buffs, a small buff to her heal seems more appropriate.
Not just by pressing Q, stutter stepping too i know the exact feeling.
Reducing the CD per shot actually increases her healing but yea, just giving a suggestion of an easy to implement fix without giving the devs too much development time waste.
She’s not, she’s about mid rank, a bit below. Unless you include low leagues where people don’t know how to aim. But then it’s no wonder she has a low win rate there…because she actually requires aiming smh.
And she already has a very long range heal at 12.75, up to 15.9 with aim down the sights.
It’s not my reading comprehension that’s the problem.
It’s your lack of functioning brain cells.
LoL, how sad. I included all ranks, but even when you account for diamond + she’s still bottom quarter. Also, I was comparing her old range with quests, you know right after I talk about how stupid completing the quest was? Aim Down Sights only improves her range to 25%, her old range when you fully completed was 50%.
Not to mention range still has nothing to do with heal output which was what I was talking about. You’re now trying to shift the goal posts to other things I didn’t even discuss, and funny thing, is you’re STILL wrong lol.
Wow, sometimes people will get a point or two off, but like every point you tried to hit was just so off the mark. Talk about reading comprehension. But coming from you, not exactly surprising.