Now I don’t mean change her role or anything but I really think that she is in more need of a rework then anyone else in the game.
Ana’s kit is like a combination of stuff that just doesn’t work together and optimizing the fun out of the hero. She can also be frustrating to play as and sometimes with. There are other heroes who have issues for sure but Ana’s kit actively fights its self.
Let me explain…
Starting with shrike. There are alot of issues with it, easily the biggest offender. At its best its a nice bonus that can help you survive but at worse it outright hurts your healing. Sometines so much so that I feel like I’d be doing more healing completely with out talents.
Starting with its impact on your positioning. Ana has very poor defensive options. Now this is totaly fine, shes a sniper. Her self preservation should come from her excellent range and while her AA range is longer then average, its not always enough. Mobility exists and Ana is very weak to being doven apon.
All this very often leades to just not being in auto attack range and just having a useless trait in teamfights. The best times to use this life steal dot is almost always when your not in any danger in the first place.
Trying to shrike things all the time also messes with your healing. Positioning to easily land Q and double hitting with every Q versus positioning to shrike stuff are often 2 very different positions. This is why trying to go all out on shrike leads to very poor healing.
Also theres a reason why virtually every AA hero gets some kinda sustained bonus move speed. Its because walking away from an AA hero would almost completly shut them down otherwise. Not only does Ana not have any move speed bonuses but Aim down sights slows her down. Its really hard to stack on people who dont want to be stacked on with out at least halving your healing.
Taking shrike talents only exacerbates this. The quest at 1 wants you to to shrike alot. And its not like you can just fire an AA or 2 when the opportunity arises either. You have to get 5 stack on someone before the stacks start coming meaning you have to sacrifice your positioning even more to fallow your target for at least 5 AAs. The only shrike talent that works is the sleep dart one and its specifically because it bypasses all of shrikes hurdles.
Finally for shrike, its just not worth the effort. First let me explain how to achieve theoretically optimal shrikage.
Get people to 5 stacks with either 5 AAs or a talented sleep dart + 1 AA.
Next stop attacking them. Each additional attack only refreshes the duration so the shrike stack is wasted.
Start stacking shrike on someone else.
Keep track of the dot duration for each shriked enemy and refresh them with an AA.
And there you have it. How to play Lunara, er Ana.
Its alotta effort and what do you have to show for it? Well you heal back some of the damage you took trying to be Lunara and you did some ok but not spectacular damage of your own. Keep in mind that you also gotta be studder stepping beacuse poor AA Ana can take all the self preservation she can get. Your heal is also on a 2 second cooldown and make sure your healing the people who actually need it. Also if your aiming down scope, don’t waste that pierce shot and if your not, make sure your allies are blocking your healing. Also keep an eye out for opportunities to use your heal nade. On who you ask? Well make sure your dividing just enough attention to figure that out beacuse thats your most important ability as Ana.
Ok, maybe a little overdramatic but take it from someone who play freaking AA whitemane that its not worth the effort. If your in the majority of people who dont even spread your dot in PVE, i dont blame you.
You are the teams healer. When your given the choice to shrike things or to heal, you’ve gotta choose the healing. Your not LiLi whos got the flexibility to do both all the time.
Don’t worry, I don’t have quite as much to say about her other abilities.
Ana’s Q, W, and E are alright. Mostly only minor complaints here. Her kit is pretty shallow as far as healing is concerned. You either land your Q or you don’t. I know W can be used to heal aswell but it’s very often better used for its crazy good 100% healing reduction unless things are going wrong. This is subjective but imo, the only thing in her whole kit that makes Q more fun is Active Reload but you don’t get that till level 16. Sharpshooter can be alot of fun to but it’s got the same level issue aswell as killing your ability to safely check bushes. Something Ana is otherwise on of the best heroes in the game at doing.
Speaking of talents, let’s get more in to that.
Beacuse Shrike has so many issues, all its talents have some kinda issue aswell. Now I’m not saying they are underpowered or anything like that. On the contrary, many of them do something crazy powerful on paper to try and make them more enticing to pick. If Ana’s kit were more accommodating to the idea of running around and multi dotting things, stuff like up to 50% spellpower reduction with a very long refreshable duration, 12% more healing per stack for your Q, and some admittedly pretty good self healing when stacked, this stuff would be completely insane. I’m not a fan of any of the Shrike talents and if heroes profile is anything to go by, neither are most people.
So what would I do to Ana?
Well as boring as it may sound, I think Ana’s design would really benefit from some kinda passive regeneration baseline. As long as Q healing is given something cool it would work out alright.
I didn’t mention this earlier but Q has a bit of a frustration factor for both parties. It sucks to miss and it sucks to be missed. Not something I’d want addressed in her base kit but a talent would be nice.
Just off the top of my head, what if a level 1 or 4 talent where Q left behind a larger “jet stream” that healed for a less amount. Maybe hitting with one could even empower the other to give it some kinda higher skill celing and not just a dumb noob talent.
Also pls bring back that one nade talent that basically let you drone strike with it from like half the map away, that was super cool