HL Ranked queue is insanely long cause of TL

As you saw in the topic, HL queue is insanely long now…
The reason (I believe IMHO) is the ability to play TL solo. Even more though… when players see HL queue will be like 5-10 minutes, they just go and play TL where the queue is like 20 seconds.
Basically, HL is dying now, which is a big problem I think.
The solution I propose: Restrict more than 1 solo player to play TL in the team.
So there shouldn’t be a team of 2 ppl + 3 SOLO players. In this case, we still can have teams of 4 or 2 teams of 2 players, but HL will be alive.


Like some other players, they should just just remove HL play since you can queue solo in TL. There is no point now, like you said, to queue in HL with a waiting time of >5 minutes, just to TL with a waiting time of <2 minutes.

This game is so much based on TEAM coordination/fight and everything, so with this mindset TL is better then HL, right? Just making one queue option for ranked would definitely lower the waiting time for every player. But, will this make good games?

No its not better. This causing a big disbalance in teams, for example.
1st team play as 5 ppl, all in voice chat.
2nd team play as 3 solo players +2 players team.
Here is other concerns:
Team that you play with, can have some “plan” wich you are not aware of. Or they could play same combo all the time, force you to play role or hero you dont want.
When you play SOLO TL, it doesent mean you will be better at coordination with other players.


Solo queue was create for elitist that didnt want to play against group and wanted a fair communication saying group had an advantage. Now its time to chose what you want, balance or fun.

Even if they didnt add restriction on TL (hero lvl and account lvl by the side or rainbow match) its still way better than it was… Guess if players quit HL to play TL its better than players quittting the game because its not fun to play

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I dont see the issue with balance in HL.
Actually balance depend on mood, cause super good player can be in a bad mood and just lose all the games. Its not related to the search, balance or “fun”, cause we know, FUN mean Winning most of the time.
I dont want to disable 1 player games in TL, I want to make them balanced in perspective of “team play” not solo play.

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If you need to win to have fun then there is a problem.
Having a good game is all that i need ( not stomp)

I think they should combine HL and TL. After playing in TL solo, I would never go back to HL. I love that the team can choose what order we draft. It makes things much more fair. I’ve always hated being stuck in an ordered draft because those who cannot play multiple positions would get the 4th and 5th flex slot…and they would pick Nova…ugh.

I still get the occasional wonky draft, but it’s much more rare since I can always wait for the last pick to balance out the draft.

I would love if they moved this to Unranked Draft…after playing with TL’s free-form draft, I hate the ordered draft now. I could never go back to HL unless they changed the draft to match TL.


dumb comment, some people are competitive. Don’t play ranked of any kind if your objective isn’t to win.

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I never said i didnt want to win I said that you can have fun game even if you lose

Learn to read and work on comprehension

You are probably one of the rager that ruin this game

I queue solo in TL because the quality of games there, while still lacking, is far better than those in HL. Your suggestions would not change my mind so that I queue in HL. So you’d still have long HL queues. By yourself. For 3-5+ minutes. Good luck.

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Seriously guys, its not about competitive, or not. Its about ability to play what you want. I think the queue’s should be decent in both cases TL or HL.
I think Blizzard should do something about that.
Honestly I dont think that TL as competitive as HL, thats why I dont really like to play it, and I know there are more people like me.
So why cant we make the normal queue’s for everyone?

Soloqueues are obsolete due to proper matchmaking algorithms nowadays.

Remove the pointless HL.


I dont feel like TL is adequate atm. In HL if you have a griffer, it usually 1 dude, in TL it could be 2 or 3 that just want to throw the game…

I also prefer the drafting style in TL. the wait times are considerably lower too. plus you get a mount for playing in any division so it appeals to more players.

HL seems to be the more ‘hardcore’ mode because you have a pick order and likely need to be well versed in ALL roles in order to be a good teammate and draft even better than TL since its in order only. But as pointed put above, its better for everyone to have a open draft style which is why HL is so dead.

I’m quitting with the rank changes. HL is already dying. TL put the nail in the coffin. Game will have become too casual.

I might play LoL again. Ain’t played that since season 4

HL trolls have already infected TL. It’s game over at this point.

dude stick to quickplay with that mindset

I love the TL draft because of relaxed pick order, i hate it because cho gall is popular there.

But then again its QM with a draft.

At this moment, i see there are really no point in HL with 10 minute wait time… its like half o f a game.
I think blizzard should merge both modes then… and thats it. Only make the “Ranked”