Tass was too strong and that got revealed more easily with HGC, but that doesn’t mean that he wasn’t too strong nor that it would be unnoticed without HGC. Blizz has a lot of data gathered. That’s why they sometimes change things and ppl like: that was strong?
Tass became a balance problem with later Hero releases and he needed to be changed. And that need for change wasn’t because of HGC.
The fact that DrLogan can still have a 59%+ wr as Tass with a kda of 9 says a lot to me. If Tass would be a weak and trash Hero, this wouldn’t be possible. If he’s not weak and trash after that many nerfs, that indicates to me that he was really strong before those nerfs.
Watching Jhow cast the collegiate thing was painful. It was like watching quick match and made me appreciate the skill these pro teams had. I felt bad for Jhow as he tried to hype it up but it was just watching one team feed and throw while the other roflstomps.
You liked HGC more than playing the game? For real?
That is a bold claim with nothing to back it up in this post so far.
I… you seriously do not understand business and how life works.
I’m gonna stick with simply saying, it does not work like that. given you cannot bother to even explain why you think something I feel like I have no need to attempt to explain complex things to you.
Game was fine with HGC. Game is fine without HGC.
And I watch Esports, ASL and GSL mostly. Guess what: these are tournaments that would exist without Blizzard funding. They are better off with the funding (well, GSL is, I cannot recall if ASL is funded by Blizzard at all. Probably not given they run KSL).
If this is supposed to be your argument of why HGC needs to come back and Blizzard should keep it running… you need to get a new argument.
I liked watching long games with Swarm Hosts in Heart of the Swarm. I like those games. I would like to see them again.
There are very good reasons they should not come back.
There is still semi-formal pro play with teams iirc? You might miss the casters. But there is effectively pro play going on still. To my knowledge.
Being very pessimistic towards playerbase, Blizzard pulls on over 500 million/year in with WoW and expansions for WoW.
Even if they’ve got a team of 1000 people on WoW, Cost of Salary would be under 150 million dollars. With a generous cost of $150K per person including various overheads to keep them employeed.
I think Hailfall’s concept of “you’re not going bankrupt” is hilarious. But don’t pretend Blizzard isn’t making solid money even with no new games.
If Blizzard has was/went private, they could probably be sustainable almost purely off of WoW. And do a pay what you want model for their other games. And still make money.
If you look at the pattern that the dominant games in the eSports world, you will find a rather curious coincidence.
Games like StarCraft2, DotA2, and CS:GO all evolved and were at best fine-tuned from a series of base games that were GOOD. They were never initially designed from the ground-up to BE competitive games, they were made to be good games that required actual skill to be good at, whether it was from learning the larger strategies of tech trees, or the finer motor skills of recoil management…
The game was finished first, THEN the eSports came. I think HotS was seized upon as the chance to try and force an eSports game into existence by the suits that keep trying to find a shortcut towards producing the next big genre-defining game.
I do. I don’t agree with it or think it is morally acceptable though.
Taking away the jobs of dozens of people overnight. Removing a large sorce of enjoyment for thousands of people. Not because you have to. But because you decide it isn’t profitable enough compared to your other games.
Well, they still have Call of Duty and Candy Crush from Activison’s side as money makers.
Most of the best balance calls were made because of HGC. HGC is the whole reason genji actually got balanced. Hanzo is still too powerful, but he is at least closer to balanced than he likely would be without HGC.
Any decent game should be balanced around the highest level of play not the lowest…
And yes, I miss HGC too. I wish we at least had some sort of blizzard sponsored tournament series.
While I agree Activison-Blizzard having done what you describe is bad…
That isn’t what I was referring to actually, with regard to HGC.
I was referring to the fact that Businesses have “business units” or different “groups” internally.
If a group/unit is not making money, you don’t say “nah, it doesn’t matter because we’re making tons of money”.
You do something to make that unit do well.
That being said, I’ll go ahead and make a indiegogo to buy Blizzard from Activison, I think 20 billion dollars would be a viable target, with 25 billion dollars almost certainly allowing to do so.
Game always had balance numbers pulled in game from Diamond and Masters player who were level 10+ on the heroes.
At least all the times I’ve seen Blizzard share winrates/pickrates/etc that is the criteria they have used.
The issue is if something is not working only in tournaments, you have to balance around that, or just ban characters.
So Touraments create an issue where you’re balancing the game “normally” around the top 5-8% of players AND also balancing for a second pool of the top .1% of players.
That split balancing was part of the problem. Pro Play had a different meta and different power level of heroes than normal play specifically because it was different.
It isn’t like Starcraft 2 where you can indeed balance around that top <1% of players because even the pro players routinely “mess up” basics of the game like their macro.
of course, RTS also allows players to learn to counter strategies, as matches are not nearly as variable in terms of what composition each team can be compared to MobA games such as HotS.
This game is dead, there will be no more hgc
That was after the dozens (well, not really, but it sure felt like it) of nerfs he received.
This was my point.
These two are actually great examples of the opposite. Genji has been nerfed into oblivion, literally the second worst hero in the game, and Hanzo is still stuck at about 5% below average despite being buffed a few months ago.
Again, just because you struggle against a hero does not mean they are actually good. It just means you can’t handle them.
It should actually be balanced around the upper-middle levels, which for HotS would be Platinum and Diamond. If you try to balance too high, you ruin things for the rest of the playerbase (such as with Tassadar), but if you balance too low things become too cut-and-dry and bland (such as with Stealth) and the players get bored and stop playing.
Not even close. He is strong in the right hands
You clearly have never seen a good hanzo
Heroes don’t need to be “balanced” in the hands of bads, they need to be balanced around those who can unleash their potential
I understand, facts don’t matter you. It’s all about how you feel about the hero that matters to you, and because you don’t want to learn how to dodge skillshots or that you should not attack the Deflecting Genji, they must be “OP.”
So Tassadar is in a perfectly good place then?
You heard it here first, folks! HailFail thinks Tassadar is completely fine, maybe even a little too strong!
Tassadar has to be balanced around tracer as long as he has baseline lifesteal on shields.
Literally the first (and so far, only) sensible thing you’ve said in this entire thread.
so what if i don’t ever win the lottery after spending thousands of dollars on tickets?
I should just keep it up!
LUL thinking hanzo and genji are bad right now… yeah this is why… Literally, if either of these heroes was any stronger, masters would be unplayable. Balancing around plats makes no sense - most of plats don’t even know how to soak XP properly
I am readying socialist comments here in 2019? Blaming capitalism for HGC disappearing, is a little bit of a stretch.
Time for you to have common sense, and realize if you aren’t getting a return on your investment, then it might be time to pack it up and make a change. I didn’t like how they did it, but the fact you expect the company to operate at a loss because it has savings, you are nuts.