Hgc needs to come back

it was the best part of this game. it needs to come back. Even if it is a money sink so what, blizzard is not going to go bankrupt anytime soon. It needs to come back if blizzard cares at all about this game.

I miss the old casters, the teams, twitch chat, being able to discuss pro play, root for a team.

All of that is gone now.


Blizzard could go bankrupt though? What games are making them money right now?Not many new releases recently.

I agree they should bring it back, but find a way to be more financially responsible with it. It also shouldn’t be the only form of advertisement.

There are tournaments going on. Maybe Blizzard could sponsor some of it. You can also watch Khaldor’s casting.


could go and support the organizations that are trying to hold and grow the scene via remnants of hgc like former players and casters


The Division S matches feature a number of the former HGC pros. Khaldor does a great job casting those.


HGC was a significant part of the reason a whole host of poor balance calls were made. Several heroes who did not need a rework received one because of HGC, and Tassadar and Chen have been left at the bottom of the barrel in non-pro play for over a year in large part to their disproportionately high performance in HGC.

Decentralized and more natural tournaments like the ones we’re seeing pop up now are the best way to build an Esports ring, because it will have a stronger base and it won’t encourage those poor balance calls.


I think HGC was the best part of the game too. Unfortunately, Blizzard’s design decisions were in direct conflict with forming a competitive league for the game.

The game has long been over-casualized with too much Quickmatch catering and the like. The wrong part of the playerbase focused on. The conflicting design decisions were a big part, imo, that this game never really took off.

Showing MMR and having official in-depth stats should have been the very least they offered. We should never have needed something like hotslogs to fill that unnecessary void.

In the end, it’s fine for this game to be over-casualized, but don’t expect to succeed in turning it into a big esport with that mindset.


I’m also into Khaldor’s tourneys that he streams/casts now. Some of the old pros are there, in addition to new talent. The amateur leagues are fun to watch, too, and sometimes highlight what not to do in an entertaining way. Tbh I don’t miss HGC that much, but I understand if others do and it motivated them to play the game more.

Ultimately I think a pro scene should naturally arise out of an extant self-sustaining community, like with the FGC. Otherwise I feel it’s putting the cart before the Yrel and can become a money pit, like HGC.


Yea. Bring HGC back so we can have another round of support blanket nerfs following by horrible maps/gameplay rework with 0 comeback mechanics.

Shimada brother meta to the grave.



I have to say. Hanzo Genji Championships was an accurate running joke of the HGC series.


And thats the reason why you’ll never run a big company. No Company want to burn their money for nothing.
Yes, they probably wont go bankrupt soon but they dont earn a lot either. They have currently no big releases except D:I

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E-sport should naturally evolve from the game, not vice-versa.

Blizz pushing and forcing HGC did more damage to the game than it helped.
Sure, maybe one day, HotS will go through a miracle and will be big enough for Blizz to invest into it once again and HGC will come naturally.

But well, I will keep dreaming.


e-sport, yes I would like more e-sport and be promoted outside the blizzard environment.
However, I am against the HGC because of the hermetic nature of this league.

Gold league is the last pro league of the game and the plays are super good.
It is a shame hgc is no more when you see that level of play again.

HGC had two major blunders.

  1. HotS wasn’t ready. HotS had a tiny roster compared to other MOBAs, so the meta was quickly established with every patch and there were few opportunities for variety. Most roles had an absolute “best in class” for several years, leading to repetitive compositions and strategies.
  2. Blizzard tried to run everything instead of sponsoring. Competitive circuits need to arise naturally out of the community’s passion for the game, not be forced (and enforced) by the developer out of the box. Things like Western Clash were great in theory, but they could have (and should have) been community-driven and supported by Blizzard instead of official Blizzard events.

When HotS hits 100 Heroes on the roster, 1 won’t be an issue anymore. 2 is slowly but surely being addressed by the community at large.

The new problem is that everyone remembers the failure of HGC and Blizzard is going to have to do some real work to make up for that.


Because turning the biggest possible profit is the only thing that matters to the corporate machine. This is exactly what is wrong with capitalism. This is why we are getting garbage like Diablo immortal instead of a quality product.

Trash mobile games full of micro transactions are where the money is. Activision genuinely doesn’t care about making a quality product. They would rather make a product that gets them as much cash as possible

Part of why the f2p model needs to be illegal. Hots is not predatory, but the vast majority of f2p games are


I don’t want some heroes to be unplayable on simple HotS community, because they are popular on HGC. After HGC is gone, we got a chance to get really balanced changes to some dead heroes. I don’t to lose this chance. And not only me.


HGC has nothing to do with Tass’ current state.
He’d get a rework even with HGC.

Balance can only be maintained with the highest reachable potential in mind, because there’ll be players at most ranks, who can reach it. Because even Gold players can master micro plays (so master their chosen main Hero).
So the game won’t be balanced just because we have a less obvious pro scene.

What most ppl think balance is on the forums is actually just comfort and easy success they seek. Not balance.


I don’t understand the claim that “chen was successful in hgc” because he was a fringe pick at most.

A good game makes a good esport not the other way around.

Still Tassadar was picked so often in HGC that the nerfed him several times. It could be the case that he wouldn’t got nerfed so hard without HGC.