Heroes who need rework

Time to list them :thinking:

1 : Chen, he is the one who need Rework and fast, so much time he was left in his state, he need help.

2 : Tassadar, this hero is the ghost in the machine, he is not a support, not a healer, not an assassin, he is Nothing, and he ruin game because of the matchmaking, he need a big Rework, make him a great healer or an assassin, time to do Something.

3 : Malthael, he need Something Added to his kit, the dot is not powerfull enough, and one of his ultimate is now not good at all, because that was used to spread the dot, but he Don’t need it anymore…

4 : DVA, do Something about her, i love playing her, but the robot give XP to the other team, she need more damage aswell, give her micromissile, and maybe the ultimate need a big help too.

if i have forget some heroes, add them please, but its time to balance all the heroes to Something good, before add new one.


I think Micro-Missiles should take the spot of Self-Destruct, and the latter put on the trait.


Lucio and Junkrat need a talent tree rework.


Totally agree that chen needs the most attention.

Alarak needs tweaks on his discord strike build. Surge lighting is boring and is the only way to play him right now.

Zeratul needs some work too. He’s mostly all about being a late-game cleave-poke monter with little else going for him right now.

I think she needs Rush-down baseline, her Pilot DPS reduced by 50% (with an appropriate increase in her Meka DPS to balance it), Kills on her Meka dropped to 0 XP (with Pilot kills raised to Full XP), and make it so both level 10 choices include a Meka and Pilot heroic (so for instance “Choice A” would be Micro-Missiles and Big Shot (DPS Choice), and “Choice B” would be Bunny Hop and “Stun Shot” (or some other appropriately themed Pilot option) (so choice B is the “CC Choice”))

My reasons for this:

  1. She is slow. Too slow. Being unable to mount out of combat makes it hard to get places.
  2. Pilot Form is supposed to be the punishment for getting knocked out of your Meka. Stop making it the preferred form to be it. Pilot DPS should NEVER ber better than Meka DPS.
  3. D.Va is a Bruiser. One of the defining characteristics of Bruisers is their high self sustain. But D.Va’s only Self Sustain is losing her Meka and then calling down a new Meka… Which gives the opposing team XP. NO other Bruiser gives their opponent XP just to use their self sustain.
  4. There needs to be 2 Meka Heroic choices… But people will cry if D.Va loses her heroics while in Pilot form, so my solution gives you heroics in both forms, but makes it so you are no longer choosing between Pilot or Meka, but are instead choosing between DPS or CC.

Deep Breath*

  1. Abathur: Rework
  2. Ana: Talent Update - Eye of Horus needs the same treatment as Healing Dart.
  3. Anu’barak: Talent Rework - Bugs do more than Cocoon.
  4. Arthas: Talent Update
  5. Auriel: Talent Rework?
  6. Azmo: Tune down, maybe?
  7. Blaze: Talent Update
  8. Cassia: Talent Update/Rework
  9. Chen: Rework
  10. D.Va: Rework
  11. Diablo: Rework Fire Stomp to something that isn’t counter-intuitive to his design.
  12. ETC: Talent Update
  13. Fenix: Tune down – easy sustain is too easy.
  14. Garrosh: Rework with upcoming Armor changes.
  15. Gazlowe: Talent Update
  16. Genji: Rework so he isn’t completely oppressive to play against as a non-mobile squishy. Give him a clear weakness that isn’t “CC-chain-to-death.”
  17. Greymane: Talent Update
  18. Hanzo: Tune down?
  19. Illidan: Rework the Chen of Assassins.
  20. Johanna: Unsure – is she boring to play for anyone else?
  21. Junkrat: Rework? – Tone down how disruptive he is – being unable to destroy his mine makes it too good of a zoning tool.
  22. Kerrigan: Continual Tuning Required
  23. Kharazim: Talent Update?
  24. Li Ming: IMO Rework – Change her trait into something less snowbally so she can be buffed in more interesting ways.
  25. Medic: Talent Update
  26. Lucio: Talent Update – Give him more periods of vulnerability, something similar to Genji.
  27. Maiev: Talent Update?
  28. Mal’ganis: Keep tuning down. Force him to rely more on the Armor from Necrotic Embrace. STOP MAKING HEROES THAT ARE SPECIFICALLY ANNOYING TO OTHER MELEES. /end rage
  29. Malthael: Talent Update
  30. Mephisto: Talent Update – Can we remove the slow yet from Consume Souls?
  31. Murky: Unsure – Talent Update?
  32. Nazeebo: Rework – Change Infinite Stacking to have a cap, similar to Alarak. You can still gain stacks after the cap, but if you die, it resets back to the cap. All Infinite Stacking should be changed to this, so there is counter-play to it.
  33. Nova: Talent Update…again?
  34. Orphea: Talent Update - What even is Ravenous Hunger? Dominance on steroids.
  35. Probius: Rework – give us Cannon Rush!
  36. Ragnaros: Talent Rework?
  37. Raynor: Probably still needs tuning down.
  38. Rehgar: Rework – we must have Lightning Bond again! (Even if it’s Lesser Lightning Bond)
  39. Rexxar: Rework – what are these controls?
  40. Samuro: Talent Update?
  41. Stukov: Talent Update…again? He never felt smooth to me, always clunky.
  42. Tassadar: Rework – Let’s see the High Templar gone Rogue.
  43. Butcher: Rework - See Nazeebo on Infinite Stacking.
  44. The Lost Viking: Rework – give them some Basic Abilities? Lol
  45. Tracer: I would say Rework – but she’s been nerfed to the point that Genji has taken her job for now…
  46. Tychus: Rework – I’ve always hated his Q – it doesn’t combo with his kit at all.
  47. Uther: Waiting to see how Armor changes affect him.
  48. Valla: Tune Up/Down – slightly more HP, but reduce DPS a tad?
  49. Varian:Rework – what’s in store for the role changes?
  50. Xul: Talent Update?
  51. Yrel: Rework – I’d love if her Q only took 1 second to charge up.
  52. Zarya: Talent Update?
  53. Zeratul: Talent Update – make his early game not suck?
  54. Zul’jin: Rework – See Nazeebo for infinite stacking. Update so he gains stacks from laning as well.

i feel like valla dont perform like she used to do



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all i want is more talents coz this game has no items and they also deleting talents each rework so i can build play 2 builds max and its boring

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That is what her Q is for among other things. But i agree that the permanent 15% slow is a bit silly given her low damage.

Pilot form is the compensation for relatively low HP on the mecha. Pilot DPS should always have significantly more DPS than her Mecha.

D.Va is more a tank with her disruptive Q and her damage reduction on W than she could ever be a bruiser while in her mecha; strict role thinking is not really helpful in any matter.

If they add maybe a mini stun or slow to her missiles and give her pilot form some baseline abilities, she might be able to play a tank/bruiser hybrid and assassin combo playstyle. She really does not fit well into either the current or upcoming role system.


D.va rework is confirmed for next year :grinning:

I personally don’t like the fix hero at all. My favourite game was Spellforce: Order of dawn. I think this game was made in 2004. Graphics equal with a paint made by a 8 kiddo, but they did something very specifics stuff.

You had a main hero what at lvl 1 had fix stat. 25 from everything, and an own talent diversity. You could be healer and tank at once, but if you wanted to do this, then you couldn’t max out the healing and tanking either, so at the end you had to choose mostly one talentlane (if you wanted a balanced strong main character).

In this game at the begining you had to choose one ability opption, and inside the ability opptions one talent. For example Elemental magic as ability and Ice magic as talent. So you had lvl from both. If you wanted increase the lvl of this, then you needed: lvl requipment, more talent points (you got 2 at every lvl 2) and stat requipment.
As a said you begun with 25 at every stat, but you could choose the stat what you wanted make stronger by every lvl. So you could increase the stamina and intelect, or the strenght stamina and intelect too.
You could be a weak fire mage and not overpowered warrior at the same time, or an overpowered warrior (free-choiche).

So why did i told this.// What do i want:

Talent diversity and Stat made by me and not the almost impossible follow, because a lot of them not even shared on the patch little reworks.
Of course this could go always… but after a while… pls stopppppp

I must to say an example.
Kael thas:
Talent diversity: The lvl 1 flame strike talent not cool to me, but i need the extra dmg. I’m sure about i will die, so i can’t use it. How could i use this dmg buff? For example this talent would do the same thing except the death part, but the talent lvl not lvl 1 it’s lvl 13 talent. With this opption i could take care of my favourite heroes (illidan and illidan and illidan too).
Stats made by me: Every hero would have a maximal and minimal stat. I would begin at 1500 hp and i can give +50 by every stat points or i can decide i go after the dmg and i can choose between the +spell dmg (skill dmg) or skill cooldown reduction (so i can cast moooooore) or my basic dmg.

That’s all what i wanted say, sorry for the long reply.

It’s hilarious how no one mentions Anub’arak’s talent tree. His talents are so outdated that he still has Burning Rage. His Beetle build is non-existent and Locust Swarm is a joke compared to the utility Cocoon brings to the table.

I’m not asking for a full-on rework to a relatively balanced Hero, I’m just asking for a talent refresh so that some talents are actually pickable.

I wish Voodoo Ritual counted Hero deaths towards his quest, maybe 5 stacks if Nazeebo participates in a Takedown.


Gall needs to have a way of supporting Cho with talents not just being some damage.

Probius needs base range on his W to at least match the q that triggers it. Also his entire 13 and 16 talent tiers could go and not be too missed.

Lost Vikings and Aba could use a look with the upcoming exp changes.

I got ya bro - sorry I don’t play Anub very often.

I’m cool with this as well. :slight_smile:

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Lost vikings talent rework: some of their talents go against the way they are supposed to be played (invisible guy without moving or the pirate ult, using 3 in a lane is pure masochism with the amount of burst in the game xD) or are completely useless.

Well, that was just my opinion, but they are fun and quite good against certain comps.


Whether it’s boring talents, low talent diversity, or boring or broken kit that needs changed, all of those are handy candidates. Others too like Li-Ming could use an update for modernity’s sake. Although her tree is incredibly functional. Malthael could use some talent shifting too, Chromie’s talent tree doesn’t make the most sense after her recent toning down, etc.

That being said, we are quickly approaching a point where most heroes have received significant reworks, and the more recent reworks are becoming all the more impressive. Stitches and Sylvanas look amazing, for instance. Diablo’s was top-notch as well.

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In this order imo the most a lot of people don’t even remember Rexxar exists. Though I know with how they’ve been doing them they will add in other heroes alongside these instead that really only need some work on their talent trees such as how they did with Stitches this round.


I see Hanzo from a couple people and I gotta ask why? He’s relatively balanced right now especially after the hit to his PvE and has multiple build paths that work in the situations you would pick them. The one thing they should do there is make LULstrike actually compete with Arrow.

Some heroes are simply late game heroes, why try to change that about Zeratul? His power spikes are 7 and 16.

Yrel might not feel great for you but the charge time hasn’t really impacted her from being one of the best solo laners you can draft in the game. Idk why we would change that right now?

Idk I could go down the entire list some of them I can agree with and understand but some of them I simply don’t understand. Why change Varian when the role rework is literally already in play for QM purposes/just a label change lol, he’s a bruiser to them.

Tracer and Raynor are fine right now. Disruption is part of Junkrat’s identity and they changed mine to show the location before it’s even in place, Li Ming trait is also part of her identity and she’s actually in a pretty balanced state all things considered. Johanna being “boring” isn’t grounds for anything, she does her job just fine and is fun for some people myself included. I find LiLi boring but I don’t think thats grounds to change her.

I don’t think Lightning Bond was that essential but I know I’m in the minority on that one so whatever for that.

I don’t get what you mean about Lucio, he’s already a really vulnerable support that doesn’t really become a great healer until 16. Comparing him towards Genji is kinda bonkers in my mind.

The rest I agree with mostly I suppose with slight things that aren’t really needed to say, Stukov I felt played smooth before that last change. That’s actually one of the changes I consider to be a bad one by Blizz with the other being the rushed Chromie changes based on “fun” factor rather than stats. I’m pretty sure Stukov was a victim of “fun” factor as well.

Obviously, this is all my opinion, I’m liable to be wrong on at least a few Heroes. In terms of Zeratul though, it’s really weird to me that a perma-stealth Hero is weak early game. He’s an Ambusher, usually roaming for ganks, not?

Yrel might not feel great for you but the charge time hasn’t really impacted her from being one of the best solo laners you can draft in the game. Idk why we would change that right now?

Everything about Yrel feels great, except for her Q. I feel her Q takes too long to charge up. I think it’s because it interrupts her AA flow, for me. I can understand the charge up for W and E, but just standing around waiting for Q feels horrid.

Why change Varian when the role rework is literally already in play for QM purposes/just a label change lol, he’s a bruiser to them.

That’s why I have the question - I’m not sure what Blizzard has in store for Varian. I thought they were planning to make changes to him for the role changes, but I could be wrong.

Tracer and Raynor are fine right now.

I’m not sure I agree here. Raynor is up there with Fenix and Hanzo still. I think they just outshine him atm. They all require tuning down. Tracer is whatever atm.

Disruption is part of Junkrat’s identity and they changed mine to show the location before it’s even in place.

Yes, but keeping the mine on the ground is an amazing zoning tool. It’s too good with no counter-play. I’m fine with traps staying invulnerable.

Li Ming trait is also part of her identity and she’s actually in a pretty balanced state all things considered.

I’ve never liked Li Ming’s trait, as it just promoted snowballing. I think Li Ming would be more fun to play with (D3-like) Tal’Rasha’s Elements as her trait. Cycling through different elemental damage/ability cast would make her infinitely more interesting to play.

Johanna being “boring” isn’t grounds for anything, she does her job just fine and is fun for some people myself included. I find LiLi boring but I don’t think thats grounds to change her.

That’s why I’m unsure, currently. I’m curious if anyone truly enjoys her play-style. Honestly, I think Jo is even more boring than Li Li.

I don’t think Lightning Bond was that essential but I know I’m in the minority on that one so whatever for that.

You probably enjoyed Rehgar as a Heal-bot then. That’s not a bad thing, I can respect that. As with any Hero, I think Rehgar should have different play-styles depending on talent picks. Lightning Bond was quite literally the Heart of my play-style. I love aggressive Healers. Unfortunately, they just took that all away with nothing to replace it. It really sucks, man. :frowning:

I don’t get what you mean about Lucio, he’s already a really vulnerable support that doesn’t really become a great healer until 16. Comparing him towards Genji is kinda bonkers in my mind.

Lucio is one of the most mobile Healers and he enables his team very well. He’s incredibly slippery when played well. Similar to my suggestion for Genji, it would be nice if Lucio had a clear weakness as well.

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